View Full Version : Every morning blood in mouth!! anyone else?

12-06-10, 18:40

I hope someone can say yes i get this? I have had for the last few weeks now the taste of blood when I wake up. I then like a typical HA sufferer examine my spit in detail (sorry!!) It usually has a tinge to it like there is a small quantity of blood in it as slightly browny/red. After I brush my teeth I have nothing else all day!!

I do have constant post nasal drip and catarrh in my throat. I have just been to the GP about my panic attacks and forgot to mention this and I am now stressing???????????

Anyone else get this?


12-06-10, 18:48
I had a spell if this a while ago, it turned out it was my nose bleeding but instead of coming down my nose it was running down the back if my throat, I could taste it when I woke up but I also had throughout the day too.

12-06-10, 18:52
Hi Stacy
It could be coming from your gums..Might be worth just visiting your dentist/hygenist and having them checked..I suffer from post nasal drip and catarrh and have experienced the taste of blood in the morning but i know its been due to brushing my teeth before i go to bed and my gums have bled a little in the night...I am sure its nothing to worry about..

12-06-10, 18:53
this may be bleeding gums. you need to brush your teeth better perhaps as it is often a sign of week gums. it happens to everyone at some point.

try to keep calm its not serious at all

12-06-10, 18:54
thanks for your reply. I have a constantly stuffy nose and thought perhaps it bled in the night as I always wake up with a dry throat etc. (probably snore like a pig...:)) just being the over anxious type i think lung cancer or some other nasty! Got in the GPs today and cried etc about panic attacks and then forgot to mention this as well?! idiot.

I figure though it can't be my lungs as I'd cough it up in the day etc.

thanks again it is reassuring to know others have had it too.

12-06-10, 18:55
thanks everyone. I never thought about my gums bleeding after I have brushed them at night. I will get a check up with the dentist, good thinking! :)

12-06-10, 22:09
Try using Corsodyl mouthwash. Floss and brush (not too hard) and the problem will disappear if it is your gums.