View Full Version : tiny lump under skin

12-06-10, 19:08
I don't know if I'm imagining it but I think I felt a tiny lump under the skin along my upper arm. I'm comtinually checking it and sometimes its there and then others I can't feel it but I don't trust myself to discount it so I'm worrying and thinking it could be cancer and I need to get to the dr's asap to get reasurrance.

Has anyone got any reasurrance as I've got 1 and half days of thinking about this until I can try and get a dr app and I know from previous cancer worries I won't rest until I see a dr.

12-06-10, 19:12

I have small lumps in many places that I have flashed at doctors in the past(poor them). Best to show them but be reassured that all my lumps are "nothing to worry about". I have come to the conclusion that like my dog I am getting more and more lumps as I get older!!:D

Go just to be sure but you'll be fine I am sure!!

12-06-10, 19:51
I know saying relax is not easy, so just know we are here, and let us know what your dr. says.

12-06-10, 20:07
I have quite a few of these, they are called lipomas. Just fatty tissue under the skin. Harmless and common. Stop worrying about it.

13-06-10, 07:58
thank you for your posts I'm going to try and avoid touching the area in question and see how I feel tomorrow when the gp surgery opens.
