View Full Version : Heartbroken

12-06-10, 19:41
I just found out from a friend that the person I love is dating someone
I just hate that I had to find out from someone else and they couldn't just be honest with me straight up.
I'm so ****ing sad.

12-06-10, 19:53
Hi Annie, im sorry to hear about what happened. :hugs:

12-06-10, 21:30
aw :( some people can just be so selfish.

12-06-10, 22:02
I feel for you.

12-06-10, 23:05
i know its hard for you and it will be for sometime .. been in your shoes myself annie.. hope your find someone oneday whos honest and loyal.. all the best Tony :hugs:

jaded jean
13-06-10, 07:23
:hugs: for you annie. Jean

13-06-10, 09:50
:hugs:so sorry honey xxx sending lots of love, i was dumped on my 27th birthday out of the blue for the same reason so i feel for you greatly xx:hugs:

13-06-10, 10:18
So sorry that you found out this way. I guess either way it would be painful, but there is something about finding it out second hand that makes it hurt extra.


13-06-10, 10:20
I totally know how you feel :( It's awful, try keep strong


minnie h
13-06-10, 10:30
aww hun,sorry...i woz wiv my bf for 5yrs then 1 day he just disapeard n i neva heard frm him again,he neva told me we wer ova i litraly just neva heard frm him again then afta 3 mnths i heard he woz seeing sum1 new,it just broke my heart evan more,that man woz my world! And i stil dnt no to this day y he left n didnt evan tel me that we wer ova! That woz nearly a year ago n it stil hurts.but in time u wil move on! X x hugs x x

13-06-10, 19:43
Thanks guys. I wish there was just some way to shut off my feelings for this person.
Not being able to function normally makes it hard to go out there and meet new people to help in the healing process, so i just sit here wallowing, which is stupid I know, but I'm just hurt really badly.
I'm sorry for anyone else who had to deal with bullshit like this.

13-06-10, 21:22
Hi Annie,

I am so terribly sorry that you're having to deal with this. I went through the same for over 6 years, but now I have successfully moved on. What I want to try and tell you is that no matter how bad this feels right now, no matter how devestatingly dischanting this is right now, with time, you will move on also. I know it seems impossible, I also know that you may feel as if you never want to move on, but trust me, you will reach a point in your life where you think to yourself "I really don't need them anymore". "I can go on without them".

I really do hope you start feeling better soon, just keep holding on hunni.

Take care,

Chrissy xxxxx

18-06-10, 14:40
awww darling, i dont know exactly how you feel but i could imagine, big hugs to you, remember to keep your chin up and ur friends will be there for you! xxx

18-06-10, 15:02
:hugs::bighug1: for you xxxx