View Full Version : Another blow this year..new job all going wrong..can't cope..

12-06-10, 20:31
I thought a few weeks ago when I got a new job everything would start looking up.

I really don't know how to cope. I came home tonight a nervous wreck again..the boss told me I'm no good on the till and can't ever go on it..even though I've worked in loads of shops. So he had me down full time next week I already mentioned 16 hours so I told him right away no more overtime.

What am I gonna do..I felt so weird going home in the car like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown again. Not had a date in six months..failed three driving tests this year..left a bad job at the end of last year, six months out of work..three weeks into another dead end job..

I'm lost...I'm just off diazepam and back on propranalol to calm me a little..feel my life is awful at the moment. Hated not working but no better in a job like this..will I never get on in life? Am I a failure? why can't I cope..is it my age I'm 21?

There's alot in my head it's all over the place..


12-06-10, 21:09
was he specified as to what you were doing wrong on till? so at least you could work on improving your skills ?

I think at the moment your just disheartened and a bit depressed and you've lost your confidence.
at the moment it's ridiculously hard for anyone to find a job, most people seem to be having finical problems... etc.
I think keep applying for other jobs that you might like better.
also you have anxiety and are working so both together are very stressful.
try and find some balance.

as for not dating 6 months isn't long! it'll do you good to learn how to be happy on your own plus relationships do come with a lot of stress too.

12-06-10, 21:16
was he specified as to what you were doing wrong on till? so at least you could work on improving your skills ?

I think at the moment your just disheartened and a bit depressed and you've lost your confidence.
at the moment it's ridiculously hard for anyone to find a job, most people seem to be having finical problems... etc.
I think keep applying for other jobs that you might like better.
also you have anxiety and are working so both together are very stressful.
try and find some balance.

as for not dating 6 months isn't long! it'll do you good to learn how to be happy on your own plus relationships do come with a lot of stress too.

Thanks. I duno they are just being fussy he said I can never ever work on the till even if people leave. :blush:7

Oh well I have to battle on look for another job on a bonus atleast it's just a weekend job now.

I had my heart set on a supervisor job here and passing my driving test feel I am also letting everybody down.

12-06-10, 21:45
you know sometimes people can sense when we lack confidence and are vulnerable and sometimes they do things on purpose just because they are mean.

aw who do you feel that your letting down?
I hate how we are in a world where it's seems all your are is based on what job you have :(

13-06-10, 00:13
Don't let it get to you Phil. Pick yourself up mate and remember that no one is better than anyone else ... even though they may like to think so.

13-06-10, 00:17
Hey Phil,
Sounds like your boss has invented his own little universe there and appointed himself as king.
He must have a right miserable life to get his sense of worth from lording it over others. If he was any good he would get the best out of you not undermine you.
A good employer would have systems to support staff if there was a short fall in skills. That sounded like a rude power trip.
When you become a supervisor you can chose to be a better one.

There have been times in my life that I couldn't put a foot right and times that I couldn't put a foot wrong.
Its been the same with my mates but we are never seem to be in sync with each other.

Hoping things pick up for you soon.