View Full Version : C'mon England!!!!

12-06-10, 21:08
I am getting seriously depressed watching the England V USA match. :weep:
I love football.
How can they get paid so much and not do so well :lac:

Going home
12-06-10, 21:12
I'm watching through my fingers. I did read somewhere that when they're plying for their own teams these players are brilliant, but put them together in the England team and it just all goes badly wrong, regardless of how many managers and coaches they have....what a shame, but its not over yet...got 15mins left. Come on Ing-er-land! :yesyes:

Going home
12-06-10, 21:29
Well that was painful. I also read that some games were being 'fixed' and if I didn't know any better i would say this was one of them...they just weren't interested really were they? Hope they pick up their game in the next one :lac:

12-06-10, 21:50
:weep::weep::weep: I want a refund for me flags and bunting that I bought :weep::weep::weep: If we cannot beat the USA what chance have we got against the better teams. Depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going Home - Do you really think it was fixed???
gOING BED NOW - feel a bit sick :(

Going home
12-06-10, 22:57
No I doubt very much thats going on really, but I did read something about the Russian team being caught up in some sort of speculation about bribes. Don't throw your bunting away just yet though, lets see how they do on friday :D

12-06-10, 23:11
I was wearing my England shirt and everything.
I was 1 year old in 1966 too young to remember.
Now I feel like I am running out of time.
Come on England for Friday. No fumble fingers.

12-06-10, 23:12
I am so glad to read this post ! I can completely relate to being depressed about your team.

I am a Canadian so I am a hockey person -during this past Olympics (on Canadian soil) the Canadian Olympic Mens' team had qualified for the gold medal game to be played against the USA team.

Many schools across Canada had grief counsellors on call ready to work IF Canada lost the gold medal.

But...............YAHOOOOO WE WON THE GOLD MEDAL !!!!

So I totally understand your "pain" in cheering for your World Cup team.

I'm with you- GO ENGLAND !

12-06-10, 23:43
Howdy,Just wanted to say

12-06-10, 23:52
Not happy :curse:

13-06-10, 00:04
Ok, will hang onto my bunting, but if we don't win on Friday then I am burning it!
Melancholia - My thoughts exactly!
If somone paid me all the money those football players get I would have played for my life! Passion is what is missing with the England team I think.
I feel really miserable...sad really isn't it? lol
Maybe David Beckham would have scored if he had played?
My family live in the USA but they wanted England to win. My brother out there was really hyped up for the game and I feel sorry for him.
Friday seems ages away....had too much Merlot...not a good combination with Citaopram.
Going sleep now. :weep: Night xx

Going home
13-06-10, 00:13
Haha, yes we'll be rooting for good old oz tomorrow Ronny :yesyes: and Poppy, if England lose the next game i think they have to come home anyway..at least i think thats how it works :shrug:

jude uk
13-06-10, 00:55
England drew and being scottish I may not hurt as much as the English but I have to admitI was wanting them to win. I dont understand why some want them to lose but there are so many here in scotland that are wishing them well

13-06-10, 11:16
Awww Judeswan thats a really nice post to read. :)

Do England really come home then if they lose the next game??? :scared15:
What time is the Australia game on? I shall watch that & hope they do well.:yesyes:

If England do have to come home, then that must be the only time they will have had such a short time in the world cup?
I feel so hungover from last night. Drinking with citalopram is not recommended! Never again! I woke in the night with my heart racing really really fast and thought I would need an ambulance, but didn't get one thankfully - dont think the hospital would have been too impressed with me.
Going shopping too soon - not looking forward to it :lac:- I just want to stay in bed and suffer and watch more football. :yesyes:

19-06-10, 03:46
After tonights performance I think we are all being made to just want to stay in bed and suffer and watch more football....but not for much longer if they can't figure out where our team's gone!:busted::buttkick:

19-06-10, 03:55
Howdy All,the soccer here is on at some ridiculous time in the early hours of the morning....I really need my beauty sleep:weep:C"MOM AUSSIE C"MON:DRhonda x

23-06-10, 20:19

25-06-10, 01:03
Are there no England fans here or what???? :shrug:

C'mon guys ... we need all the support we can get facing Germany :scared15:

jude uk
25-06-10, 03:37
England will win 2-0 against Germany

25-06-10, 04:40
Is that the penalty shootout score?:scared15: Make a change wouldn't it for them to miss and not us! Must find some diazepam!:scared15:

England drew and being scottish I may not hurt as much as the English but I have to admitI was wanting them to win. I dont understand why some want them to lose but there are so many here in scotland that are wishing them well

And there are those in England too who wish a certain Scotsman would win Wimbledon because he's terrific to watch when he plays his best!:winks:

26-06-10, 14:37
As in the words of Winston Churchill.
"we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,"

England need all our hope, belief and support for Sunday..
What will be will be..


26-06-10, 14:42
Chins up guys we're still in there!!!!!!

All the best for England on sunday, i love watching it but it does nothing whatsoever for my blood pressure lol.

Fingers, eyes, legs all crossed.......... here's hoping:D

26-06-10, 18:02
If the Real England turn up It'll be a"walk in the park" but I fear they're not playing in this World Cup!!!
Come on England

26-06-10, 20:56
Im hoping its all over within the 90 minutes.
I cant even mention the P word. :)
Come on England get it done.

26-06-10, 21:58
yes c'mon england! we can do it!!!

looks like ghana r going through too, i'm pleased at least it's one of the african nations!

27-06-10, 18:14
Pfffffft :curse:

27-06-10, 18:44
Oh well, at least the England cricketers beat the Aussies, footballers give me a break, how much do they get paid!!!!!!

27-06-10, 19:23
Im hoping its all over within the 90 minutes.


Well you got your wish :noangel: In fact you could say it was over long before that :whistles:

27-06-10, 19:25

That's it..next time around I'm not watching it, it stresses me out too much. !!
Pffft part 2

27-06-10, 19:33

27-06-10, 19:42
Unfortunately Real England only appeared for twenty minutes

27-06-10, 19:47
Unfortunately Real England only appeared for twenty minutes

...if that....

http://digilander.libero.it/faccinewub/w/11/uffa.gif Pffft part 3 http://digilander.libero.it/faccinewub/w/11/uffa.gif

27-06-10, 20:06
Well i really enjoyed the match! :shades::noangel::roflmao:

27-06-10, 20:19
Now, young BB... Mel will have you over his knee and give your bootius major a spanking... :buttkick:

On second thoughts, can I borrow your whip :wacko:


27-06-10, 20:54
Hell yeah!! Pmsl i will post it tomorrow! :noangel: :noangel: :noangel:

28-06-10, 04:42
Be positive!:winks: They made sure we didn't have to endure penalities and that we weren't thrashed in the next round!

C'mon A.M. at wimbledon!!!:yesyes:

29-06-10, 18:25
Oh well... Down with the flag :frown:

29-06-10, 20:36
Get down to Sainsbury's and get your England gear for the next time at 10%-20% of last week's prices!!!

04-07-10, 00:37
Andy Murray pffffft

Mel has now sent all of these so-called "sports" people to Outer Mongolia to shovel Yak's poop for the rest of their days on £1 per week subsistence.