View Full Version : I'm new also!

10-02-06, 18:49

I'm Kelly. I had my first attack November 2, 2006 and like many others, was rushed to the emergency room. They said I was fine and so did my doctor after blood work, and may heart tests.

I am on a low dose of xanax a day and a beta blocker. They help some but not much. My heart still races and I feel like I loosing control most days.

I have gave up ALL sugar, caffeine, drinking, and smoking. This has helped also I think. I try to eat many small Healthy meals a day to keep my sugar level.

I really do not know what else to do. They want me to go off xanax .. I am not ready for that! They also want me to go on Paxil, which I do not want to do. I have seen people on SSRI's and they didn't care about anything in their lives (no offense to those they work for). I am going to a new doctor since the one I go to now is not working with me. I also have an appointment with a therapist March 2nd. I am going to run out of xanax before I see my new doctor but I will make it. I am also quitting birth control pills to see if that might be one thing setting off my panic. I am will be off of them starting next week.

I have a great job, a loving husband, and a wonderful family. I should not be like this. I am worried about it my sister she has breast cancer that has spread. But I have faith she will get through it.

Well that's my story. I hope to meet some friends on here, that understand how I feel. I feel alone most of the time.

Thank you!

10-02-06, 18:55
Hi Kelly and welcome.

You will meet lots of people here who understand and will hopefully not feel so alone.

I don't really know much about meds so I can't help you there but you are doing all the right things as far as food and drink go. All those things definately affect our anxiety.

It is great that you have the support of your family, sorry to hear about your sister.

Do you know the cause of them?

Tammy x

10-02-06, 19:06
Hi Tammy,

Thanks for your response..

I am unclear about your question..Do you know the cause of them?


10-02-06, 19:22
Hi Kelly,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

I think Tammy was asking if you knew what sets off your panic attacks.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

10-02-06, 19:37
Hi Kelly

A warm welcome aboard.

Start off with the website and have a look on there for tips on what helps - www.nomorepanic.co.uk

Hope you get some great support on here.


10-02-06, 19:54
Hi Kelly and welcome to the forum!:D

Take Care



10-02-06, 19:57
Hello and welcome to the forums.

I hope you find it as helpful and supportive as I have.

Annie x

10-02-06, 20:02
Hi Kelly

Welcome to the forum.

You'll find some good help and support here.


Nothing tastes as good as thin feels

10-02-06, 20:09

Well done for all your changes that you've made.

There are a few more things you can do yet for yourself, the main one being tracking yoru thought processes and seeing how they affect your anxiety.

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=healthanxiety)

If you do decide to go on an SSRI, Paxil is not the only one out there so have an open discussion before agreeing to anything.

Sorry to hear about your sister- hope she is ok


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-02-06, 20:24
Sorry Kelly! Having read it back, you are right it is unclear!

Trac is right also, I did mean do you know the cause of your panics?

Tammy x

10-02-06, 20:45
you will meet new friends that help here, welcome aboard, hope your sis is ok


10-02-06, 22:35
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

10-02-06, 22:49

wow thanks for all the comments.

I honestly do not know what sets my panic off.

I do worry often, but have been working on overriding my bad thoughts with good ones.

It's hard though.


11-02-06, 11:40
Welcome Kelly!

This is a great place to come for help, advice and support - hope things settle down for you soon...

Good luck! x


11-02-06, 11:47
hi ya gald you posted and you will find alout of help and support in here this web site has help me out so much alredy. hope you find as good

it is a good idear to give up caffeine i did thank god for canffenie free tea bags, i dont the hart thing but i get wired tingles thro my head and depersanliation scars the hell out of me

amanda x

11-02-06, 17:36
Hi Kelly and welcome.

You have certainly been talking the right steps by cutting out sugar, caffeine, smoking and drinking. But the odd glass of wine won't matter!

And I think going to see a therapist is positive too. It will help to understand the causes. Is it more than just your concern for your sister?

Take Care, you will overcome this,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-02-06, 20:40
Hi Kelly




11-02-06, 22:13
Thanks again for the very nice comments.

Well I really do not feel worried about much other then my anxiety and it makes me feel like I am dieing a lot of the time.

My sister does worry me.. she raised me so she is more like my mother. I do not want to imagine life without her. She also has a troubled son. He is 18 and is bipolar and she can not control him. He is very mean to her, and tells her things like he is glad she has cancer. I guess that upsets me some. I want to go over there and kill him, but I mind my own business. He won't get help, and she honestly is afraid he will kill her one night in her sleep.

Work worries me some, I mean I have to do things a certain way and if I mess up I loose my position.

My mother has heart problems and they are not sure if they can help her anymore.

Wow I start off by saying I do not have much to worry about, but just look at the few things I typed out and I just begun.


I feel like I am driving my husband crazy, he is the only one I talk to about my problems. I use to go to my sister but now.. with chemo and he son... I do not want her to hear my problems and worry about me.