View Full Version : New Member -I WILL get there with your guidance

13-06-10, 02:10
Hello guys I came across this site through randomly looking at the side effects of citalopram and have been comforted by many stories which I have read so I thought I would share mine.

My name is James and I am currently 21 years old.

My story begins on April 11th 2006 when out in the garden,with my dad, the phone rang... after what seemed like the longest time he put the phone down, looked me in the eyes and said 'we are alone son'.
it was at this moment that my life which was perfectly normal and happy changed to what it has now become. The person on the other end of the phone was my mum and she was calling to say that she was not coming home again and that she had met someone else. This person was my Dad's best friend, the same man who had come on holiday along with his family grouped with mine for the last 10 years. Anger was obviously my main emotion.My mum had left my dad who was 67 at the time alone with me and my 14 year old sister who had just asked to leave private boarding school due to missing her family. I did not speak to mum for two straight years as on that morning of April 11th my dad was right, we were alone.

I Believe that it was around this time that I started having councilling to deal with the loss of mum from the family and I tried to understand how best to support my dad and my sister

The time without mum was hard but I stood by dad with whatever he wanted me to do and we were coping just fine. Until on April 1st 2007 my Half Brother died by way of Adult cot death syndrome.

The grieving process was short for in June of that year my family was hit with another bomb shell. My Dad had Bowel Cancer which required me to step out of my 18 year old mind once more and take responsibility of my fathers care and my sister. Luckily I had just finished my A levels so I was able to drive my sister to school and dad to his appointments were daily.

June 4th 2008 is when my father lost his battle with cancer and since that day I have been lost. Since April 2006 there has been 7 family members who have died through illness or old age.

My current situation is this...

I am at university after returning in September 2009 to study business management and enterprise. My intention is to set up a business in the future using the funds which my sister and I are set to inherit after my half sister decides to get down from her high horse regarding how much dad left for her in the will.My sister is coping very well and has never been on medication. In regards to my mother, I had to reconcile with her after dad's death due to having no road to turn down.
Mentally I would like to get off the citalopram which is currently at 40mg and has been for around 9 months now after problems with anxiety etc. I have put on lots of weight which I just cant move because I lack the physical motivation to actually make myself get to the gym.
I do not want to lower my dosage because I want to rid myself of all bad things in my life which in my eyes is the weight and the mental attitude which I have developed whilst being on the medication.

Basically I have a mental picture of how I want to be and probably should be. Whilst being on citalopram I do not feel this vision is achieveable. i am proud of my sister and myself for how far we have come but as I say, personally I am not where I want to be.

If you have managed to stay with me reading this far I would like to congratulate you :yesyes: aswell as thank you in advanced for providing me with constructive views on how to meet my goal through personal experience or other.

13-06-10, 02:14
Hi hitmanhickson

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
13-06-10, 11:29
:welcome:James. :bighug1::bighug1:You have been hammered with negative life events and have managed to steer a path through for you and your sister. You have intelligence and compassion and you will get through this. You will need to wean yourself off the drug slowly as it leaves the body very quickly...I am in the process of doing this myself at the moment although I am on a much lower dose than you. Do this with the help of your GP. I am glad that you have found us James. You will find comfort, good information and support here.


13-06-10, 17:24
Hi James,

What a story!!! You have found the right place here, there are lots of people here who will help and support you.

I think you are a very brave person and should be very proud of what you have acheived.

With regards to the citalopram, I have taken this myself on and off in the past and the best way as Veronica says is to come off really slowly, you will then avoid (hopefully) alot of the withdrawal effects it can cause.

I wish you well...keep posting here and you will be supported.

Take care.

Vanilla Sky
13-06-10, 19:38
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x