View Full Version : thank you

13-06-10, 02:52
i had no idea where to put this topic :shrug:

i just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to the people who started this site as its been a great help and its great to find somewhere that is helpful and where everyone helps each other and is full of information that is informative and easy to understand

the chatroom is a good idea as its a great place to pop in and chat to people and be able to help people and have people help you and also have fun chatting about lots of other things aswell

so THANK YOU :flowers: :grouphug:

13-06-10, 10:42
I use the chatroom every day, would be lost without it. So I want to add my thanks. Baggs.

13-06-10, 17:46
It has been a life saver to me...got me out of a very dark place. I will be forever grateful.


13-06-10, 18:18
I'm new and already quite grateful, it's lovely and nobody judges. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

13-06-10, 19:01
You are all very welcome and thanks for the lovely comments

expecto patronum
14-06-10, 12:53
:yesyes: I agree, it means the world to me just to know that I'm not alone. I can remember the years of not even questioning my unconscious belief that there was nothing I could do about the way I was, and that was because I assumed there was something uniquely wrong with me. There is quite a lot of public awareness about depression now, and there is awareness of stress, but I thought I was abnormal to feel stressed all the time, as this was something I hadn't heard of. None of the doctors or therapists I've seen diagnosed me as having GAD, but then I read your description and it fit so well, I asked my most recent CBT therapist and she said "yeah this is probably what you have, but we don't like to put labels on people" :shrug:
Anyway so this site has really helped me come to terms with the last 10 years. Plus it was through suggestions on here that I decided to buy Claire Weekes books.