View Full Version : hi guys new to the site and need help

13-06-10, 07:01
This all started a few months back when my father was diagnosed with cancer thankfully he is fine now. But my symptoms are spiraling out of control.I have had headaches stomachachs chest pain numbness blurred vision backpain . And the worst is memory loss. In the last three months I have had a stress test 4 ekg's a cat scan and a eye exam. And everything was perfect but I am still scared beyond belief I just don't know what to do anymore. I was put on buspar last week and I have not noticed a difference. In addition to the test I have seen 4 er docs my old and new pcp and they can't find anything wrong. Is tbis anxiety or am I dying:weep:

P.s. first I thought it was my heart then I thought it was a brain tumor then a disease that no one has ever seen. Now I bounce between all three

13-06-10, 08:09
Hi Matt

I really feel for you, you're in the mist of anxiety and probably can't see the wood from the trees. I think this is anxiety, and the diagnosis of you father has obviously had an effect on you. You have to trust your dr's - they have given you quite a thorough going over and the bottom line is if you don't trust them you are going to get really ill through all this worry you are putting yourself through.

I have been through a similar thing when my mum was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer - and I found that cognitive behavioural therapy helped a great deal and also working through a book called " an introduction to coping with Health anxiety" by Charles Young and Brenda Hogan - I have checked and you can get it on Amazon.com and its only $4.25 and I have to say it really is worth a go, its not a long book either and it makes you look at other explanations for symptons so give it a go you really can't feel any worse than you do now. One more thing - don't google symptons - this for me (and alot of people on here say this too) is the worse thing you can do - it doesn't make you feel better just makes you worry more - if you need to get medical advice that is what the doctors are for

good luck and let me know how you're getting on


13-06-10, 09:28
Well you've been given a lot of tests, they really should help ease your mind about any serious health issues. Stress and anxiety can give you all sorts of physical symptoms and sometimes it's just subconcious self-sabotage - you read about the symptoms of brain tumours and suddenly you start getting them.

I'd recommend three things

1. See your doctor and tell them about the stress and anxiety, if it's stopping you from living your life then maybe antidepressants for 6 months might help you manage your symptoms while you work through it
2. Maybe some counselling or CBT or other psychotherapy - get everything off your chest and learn how to deal with it all.
3. If there's anything in your life you can change then look to making a start at altering it.

Your doctors should be able to give you all the advice and help you need - a lot of people suffer through depression and anxiety related problems so they'll be used to dealing with it.

13-06-10, 10:27
Hey there guys,
I only found this site last week, I too have encountered increasing anxiety since my parents had cancer, 2 each with melanoma, breast and bowel all within the last 6 years. I just feel absolutely worn down with worry and the last 3 years or so can experience days of anxiety at a time if I have any sort of pain etc worrying myself stupid it'll be me next and my 2 young boys will have no mummy.
Went to the GP in a bit of a state 3 weeks ago and last Weds finally plucked up the courage to start the citalopram prescribed. Hope the side affects wear off soon...
It really helps reading other peoples stories similar to my own, so thought I'd share mine to!