View Full Version : norethisterone and mirena coil

13-06-10, 12:36
hi as anyone took norethisterone to stop menstrual bleeding and it didnt work i had the mirena coil in 5 weeks ago and have been given norethisterone to stop the bleeding but it hasnt really worked im still spotting all day then bleeding bright red for a few hours each day so now im worried because it hasnt stopped the bleeding ive been on them a week now has anyone else had any experience with them please reply

13-06-10, 13:57
anyone ?

13-06-10, 14:04
Has the bleeding been because of the coil? it is normal to bleed soon afte rhaving it fitted.

The norethisterone should slow down or stop the bleeding, it is what is in my combined pill, low dose but works very well. What strength is it?

13-06-10, 14:39
hi i take 3 tablets aday they are 5mg

13-06-10, 14:51
Mine is only 1mg a day.

I would go back to the GP if you are still bleeding, there are other things they can try.

13-06-10, 15:09
My sister was on norethisterone 5mg 3 times a day last month as she was on a charity hike in Peru and didn't want her period arriving while camping (she has endometriosis and her periods are incredibly painful). They stopped her period arring until she stopped them about 10 days ago then she had her period, very very light, lasted a day but was excruitiating because of the endo.

My Mum had the mirena coil put in 6 or 7 years ago and she bled lightly for a few weeks then the bleeding stopped and she's not had a period since. If it hasn't settled down in a few more weeks I'd go back to your Dr as it may not be right for you.

Really hope you feel better soon