View Full Version : Can't stop checking my pulse!

Natalie x
13-06-10, 12:40
Hi. Please help! I can't stop checking my pulse convinced that my heart is beating slow or that it's just going to stop. I have been worried about my heart for a couple of weeks now and I'm afaid that it will just stop. I have had 2 ECG's and both have came back fine, but somehow I still can't stop thinking that my heart is stopping! Has anyone ever felt like this before? Should I be worried and do you think that my heart will stop?

13-06-10, 13:11
hi again natalie it wont stop honestly xx

13-06-10, 13:42
I check my pulse all the time, cos i think its going to fast, try and get out the habit now, cos its a hard one to break,


13-06-10, 13:44
i used to be just like you i was convinced my heart was going to stopped and really freaked out when i couldn't feel my heart beating although rationally i knew it couldn't have stopped because if it had i wouldn't of been sitting worrying about it id have passed out or worse.
anyway my anxiety has moved on to other things now which is equally as horrible.
get your heart checked if you are worried it will put your mind at rest.
all the best i really hope you feel better soon

Natalie x
13-06-10, 14:00
Thank u for your replies. I have had two ECG's which have came back fine. I just can't seem to get it out ofmy head sometimes. I'll try and distract myself with something else x

14-06-10, 11:45
i was exactly the same id be checking my pulse constantly,i have a blood pressure monitor and always had the damn thing on my arm ,but if my pulse was up a little i was worried ,same as if it was alittle low,my pulse can be 62 bpm at times ,i was seeing cardiologist last week and he said to me that it was totally fine and 62 is good and what did i expect it to be lol,i must admit i do still stress a litle when i check it and its low 60s but i stress if its 85 lol,i never thought id get out the checking habit but it has and now i only check it once a day when i take my blood presure tablet,,,it will get better x

14-06-10, 12:13
A lot of my panic disorder centers around my tachycardia (fast pulse). I was in the ER a few times with one time it being up to 160. EKG's were normal, except fast pulse, due to they said a panic attack.
I am always checking my pulse, though the doctor told me not to do it. I also have a blood pressure machine and I was checking my blood pressure a lot, too. I was told to stop doing this. I am much better about it, but at times, if I feel my pulse going fast, I still will check it. It is true though, that I can calm myself better if I stop checking it.

14-06-10, 18:17
i used to be checking my pulse every 20 minutes and panicking it wasnt right, but i have managed to stop well i have the odd feel sometimes but then i give my hand a sharp slap and that stops me. Its hard to break the habbit try doing something else with your hands when you get the urge to check and then slowly you will break the habbit
good luck

15-06-10, 13:52
I too used to check my pulse all the time. Either it was too slow and I feared it would stop so had to panic myself to get it faster or it would be too fast and I would have to calm down to slow it. Never a happy medium! Ive now learned that its better for it to be slower, my hubbys resting rate is about 58...I would have kittens if mine was this slow!
I cant say I dont check it at all now but do it just occasionally, well I have to check Im still alive!!!
Take care,