View Full Version : what is this

jaded jean
13-06-10, 13:11
I had a goood start to the day, been in the chatroom had a good giggle, drove a lot further than I have ever done , got the newspapers. get home put the dinner on water the plants .
now I am shaking like a leaf. literally what is this. Is the cit working against all I have done today or whjat . I have been on it for nearly nine weeks . this feels so bad.

13-06-10, 13:19
Hi Jean,
It might be that you've made yourself get over the anxious feelings but the adrenaline is still there in your system, that might make you feel shaky, a bit like a delayed reaction maybe. Do you feel particularly anxious right now or just a little shaken up?

I think if you take some time to relax and let it subside you should feel fine.


jaded jean
13-06-10, 13:22
I am shaking still Shaun. It feels like I am at the beginning again. My personality is like that tho, it used to be rapid fire all the time - an answer for everything. I have had a lay down for 20 mins but its not long enough as I have to do dinner,its aching round my shoulderblades now. So you would say its adrenaline rushing round??

13-06-10, 13:29
The aching around your shoulders sounds like what I was getting when I was full of anxiety and consequently adrenaline, it wears your body out when it's pumping around your system, which is why it's usually only a temporary measure to give us a boost in times when we need it, we aren't supposed to run on high levels of adrenaline so our bodies react. It's not good for the muscles in your body so they tend to ache with the stress the adrenaline puts them under, plus you feel agitated and shaky as this sort of thing should only happen when we need to react to extreme circumstances.

Very likely it's possibly just a result of you pushing yourself to do a few things that made you nervous over the past couple of days and that has made you have an adrenaline rush. You might get this now and then when you make yourself go into situations that you know are making you nervous but do it anyway.

You've made some achievements over the past day or two, so well done, this is only temporary so I wouldn't worry too much, do something to take your mind off it, making dinner may help and chances are you'll feel more relaxed by evening :)


13-06-10, 14:03
Hey Jean,

You are doing so well hun...dont let this set you back. We all have days when we feel like this, I agree with Raindog in that it is probably to do with the adrenaline...I know the achy shoulder thing so much...you dont realise it but when you are stressed and anxious you sort of hold your shoulders tense, I know I learnt all of this when I had councelling years ago. He made me so aware of my body....I always sit bold up right and at the edge of seats, I never sit back and relax...he made me aware of this and also my toes are always facing upward where I constantly tense them.

You will be fine hun...its just one of those days!!! Blooming pain!! I am having a pretty crap day myself again.....havent had a good one since Tuesday, seriously thinking the mirtazipine is just a waste of time and that when i did take the citalopram I'm sure I felt better.....just dont want to go through that change again as cannot afford to be off work and go through all that again!! I dont know, the dilemas we face eh??

Am back at work tommorow after a pretty awful week off (when you should be relaxing and enjoying it) and hopeing it gets rid of some of this crap that I am waking up to day in day out!! Sorry have ranted....you take care hun.


jaded jean
13-06-10, 14:17
Jo you never rant. between yourself and Raindog its all valuable support for me.
I took mirt 30mg for four months and it just stopped working -weird I was doing so well on it and was on the verge of going back to work a couple of months ago but then I crashed again.
I knew I would be on a bit of a high but this took the biscuit. I have Amitryp. at night too now as it was 4 hours sleep . I seem to be doing ok on those I think. its jus crapola week I reckon eh??
Ido hope your day gets better or is it the thought of going back to work after your week off. You have gone thru the mill with meds as well from what I have read and you are always first there for the newbies to give your support and advice you are invaluable. thank you.

13-06-10, 14:32
Hi Jean,

Thanks for that...this site really helps doesn't it?? Even just a distraction in helping others when you feel crap yourself..

Glad you are doing o.k the amitripyline helping you sleep is good....are you to take them long term or just temporary?

When are you set to go back to work? or are you not thinking about that yet?

You might be right about me and the work thing...as in the past this has often happened, so stupid though as I have been full-time now for a while and even though the anxiety has been hampering me I have managed to get through each day...and some days its a bonus cos it goes early on in the day and I have a good day!! So wierd it is...I feel like I dont want to go to sleep at night cos of how I wake up!!

Still I have 2 arms 2 legs and am walking and moving...alot better off than some others...its just hard to motivate myself at times and I feel like I just want to give up!!

On we plod....what choice do we have eh??? Better times ahead of us (hopefully).


jaded jean
13-06-10, 14:38
I think the amitryp is temp. I am waiting for the doc to read my back to work plan which he has had for a week now, and then I meet up with HR to discuss it, I think there is one minor detail that is haranging me and that is the fact that when my team leader spoke to me about the phased in bit and what was expected of me and at the end he said 'and then we can see if you can actually do the job' this did not help at all considering I was one of the bright new stars that got the diploma in housing and then its like they s£$t on you because you have the anx and depression etc. what do youhave to do to please them. I often think I would be better working in a soup kitchen because there is so much gratitude in that environment. and you make friends from all walks of life. God I do winge:mad:

13-06-10, 14:46
Fancy saying that to you "then we will see if you can do the job" no pressure then??? These people need lining up against a wall and shooting!! LOL!!! Let them have a dose of what we have and see how they feel!!

You will be fine when you go back and perfectly capable of doing your job!!! I have a pretty stressful job...a manager in retail...not easy at all, but no-one said that to me...they were just glad I went back...little do they know I still feel so crap some days and wonder how the hell I do what I do...but I know one day I will be back to "normal" and do enjoy my job so would be o.k. Its just getting through this crap until that day comes....its happened in the past so why shouldn't it happen again!!!

Can I just ask you when you changed from mirtazipine to citalopram how did you do it?? Did you have to come off the mirt first or did you taper the drugs?? I wish I had stuck with the citalopram..as the mirtazipine has helped me but I think I should of just hung out on the citalopram as I am feeling now like I did then so whats the difference???

I just hope the pregabalin that my GP has given me kicks in soon.


jaded jean
13-06-10, 14:54
Hi Jo.
believe it or not it was mirt in the morning- miss a day then start on the cit. quite mercenary. So how long does the pregabalin take to kick in then . I have never heard of that one. when I was on prozac I thought that was the be all and end all.
My team leader is actually in the process of handing over to his replacement as he has got hiself promoted - he calls it that but its maternity cover . this is at the mother company offices. He will be doing management production or somehting along those lines . he is only 24 - bloody kids hahaha. A lot of the 'girls have been off sick a few have left as things did not turn out as expected so its been a bit of a rough ride so..... Its going to be like starting a new job and in fact I will be treating it as such so I start all over again , and I dont mind that at all....

13-06-10, 14:59
Hi Jean,

The pregabalin apparantly can only take a week to kick in as it is not like srr's it is more like benzos but not addictive etc. It is a pretty new med...the key is though as it can cause dizziness you have to start on a low dose and work up, they say that any lesss than 150mg is no good for anxiety. I have only just gone up to 150mg 2 nights ago...so its a bit soon to comment I think....see how the week pans out for me!!!


jaded jean
13-06-10, 15:04
Please let us know how you get on . I have calmed down a bit more thank goodness. One last thing Jo , when you were on cit. did you have real thumping headaches at all. I did yesterday and thought thats it the blood pressure is thru thr roof!!

13-06-10, 15:08
Good to hear you've calmed down, sounds like your adrenaline is coming down again. I got the thumping stress headaches too Jean, it's all part of the anxiety. Probably from the elevated adrenaline levels as well, just have a paracetomol or something and you should be fine.

I'm off to throw bread at the ducks in the park, back later :)


jaded jean
13-06-10, 15:10
No Shaun you are supposed to feed them not bomb them ,yes I am not shaking now thank god . I have had dinner so that will have helped too.:ohmy:
speak laters . thanks again

13-06-10, 16:12
You might have just had low blood sugar, eating your lunch has given you a boost so you don't feel so bad now.

I gave the ducks their bread, had one cheeky one slip through the fence and onto the path next to me, avoiding the mad rush the others were making, so I gave her a few bits to herself since she showed such initiative.

At least you can relax for the evening now, just don't worry if it happens again, it didn't seem to last too long, so it won't if it happens again. I would say this is a good sign that the Cit is starting to work, it started getting your adrenaline levels back down to normal where before they might have stayed higher all day.


jaded jean
13-06-10, 16:22
That is very true.
I forget that the cit may have not fully started to work and blame it on something else. yes I remember the days of constant adrenaline... I stayed in bed all day every day for a month!! I see you have an allie in the duck world thats nice. at least she wont bomb you when she does a fly past :-)

13-06-10, 17:06
Hi Jean,

Yes had thumping headaches on cit...remember them well. As raindog says its proably a bit of low blood sugar too...I find that if I dont eat properly I get bad headaches!!

Glad its gone hun....take care.

jaded jean
13-06-10, 17:08
Cheers Jo. you too xx

14-06-10, 19:35
Hi Jean,

Do you know if its o.k to take propananol with mirtazipine and pregabalin?? I know you are good with interactions....my heartbeat was going really fast today and wasn't sure and didnt want to ask the pharm as dont want them knowing what I'm going through!! Thanks hun. Jo.xx

jaded jean
15-06-10, 07:40
Jo I couldnt find anything yet on interactions with the 3 meds as yet . I did a quick look on Drugs.com but nothing yet . will post later

15-06-10, 08:16
Hi Jean,

I found something last night and think it is o.k....hope so anyhow...am still alive!!! LOl!!!


jaded jean
20-06-10, 08:18
woo hoo . how is it going?? I have been pretty pre occupied with the work thing looming . I am waking up earlier again but I know its the anticipation of going back.
Hope you are doing ok
Jean xxx:bighug1:

20-06-10, 10:43
Hello Jean,

Well after having the day from hell on Wednesday and feeling so bad I thought I would have to come home and go sick again....from Thursday the days have got better, (hardly dare write it in case I tempt fate)...I have now been on the 150mg Pregabalin for a week and I think that they may be helping...yes I still wake up anxious but it goes pretty quickly now!!!

I will be thinking of you tommorow and I know you will be fine...just take it at your own pace and dont let them pressure you too much, dont let them forget you have been ill and it will take time for you to get back to how you were. I am still trying!!! LOl!! No honestly I have changed, I used to charge around like a bull in a china shop but I have had to slow down cos it was doing me no good....and am not getting any younger!!! LO!!

All I will say is keep strong and only do what you can.

Take care and make sure you keep posting on here!!! Not be the same without you around.

Love Jo.

jaded jean
20-06-10, 15:48
Hi Jo it will take wild horses to drag me away from here, I am not dwelling on it but I feel I will be posting on here for a good few years as this problem seems to run in the family and me and 2 of my sisters are on A/D'S mum and dad had it too!!
So, what I did want to ask when does this flippin eating thing stop?? I have put on 4 pounds in 10 days help!! I liked the anxious times re this as I had lost a fair bit- Oh well better fat and in control than skinny and a lost cause (thats me I am on about mind) Its good you are feeling a slight positve effect with the pregabalin and a I DO hope it works for you. speak soon
Jean xxxxx:bighug1:

21-06-10, 07:34
HI Jean,

Good luck for today!!!! Hope it goes well!!!

Take care

21-06-10, 08:31
Hi Jean,
Hope it goes well after the busy Sunday you told me about this morning, they do say that if things don't seem to be going right beforehand, they often go well when you get there so hoping you feel fine once you're at work.

Ted will give you support during your journey to work I'm sure :)
