View Full Version : denial

13-06-10, 15:49
do you ever feel in denial about yr illness about the symptomes or the medicathion yr given dose it make you feeel worse being told that you have metal health issues and not a medical issue

its took me meny moons to overcome the fact that my problems are mental not phisical and its sucks i take 6 meds and i still feel the same half the time is like nothing works or it dose but only for a short time

6 yrs iv been on meds and 6 years iv been in and out of hospital and all my phyc says is this will work do that do this try that so i do in hope that i will have a positve out come but i never seem to its always one thing after another and its juts getting me down panic attckes meds anxiaty ( genrall social and health ) ocd deppresstion

is there a light at the end of the tummel or am i destined to suffer for ever


13-06-10, 16:55
Awww Georga great big hugs for you. You won't be like this forever. Sometimes it takes a while. But hey Just being here and talking about it is a great start.
LOve you loads babes, hope you feel better soon. Please try to keep your chin up. Let me know if you need anything.

Love Kez xx

14-06-10, 10:38
thanks kerry its nice someone replyd yr a star huggels hunny and thanks xxxxxxxxx

14-06-10, 11:11
hopers, I am really sorry that you feel this way and I sincerely hope that you feel better soon!

Of course there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even in the most difficult of circumstances. Sometimes you just have to squint really hard to see it, but it's there! Now, the journey towards the end of the tunnel might be difficult and it might take time but you can be assured that you'll get there...all you have to do is keep walking....even one tiny step at a time....it doesn't matter, just keep walking. I think that you'll find that the closer you get to the exit, the more things you'll find to get excited and be positive about. You'll get excited about the "light" as no one wants to live in the "dark".

Keep walking! :)

14-06-10, 18:08
Dear Georga it does not sound as if you are in denial about your diagnosis. If you were in denial you would be refusing to take your meds. It is difficult and I speak from personal experience if you are given a diagnosis and a 'label' then a course of medication that looks as if it spirals into the long term. I suggest that you take your meds and look into other therapies that might help you to get well. Discuss with your psychiatrist how he sees you doing in the long term? I made the mistake of believing that I didn't need meds but infact I need them long term as a diabetic might need insulin. I believe that you can get better. It will take time and you will find ways of coping that are unique to you. Don't forget to ask for help when you need it though.

14-06-10, 19:08
Hi Hopers,

If it helps then I have definitely ben in denial with the dx of anxiety and depression. I would far rather it was a proper medical diagnosis so there would be no stigma about it and misinformed idiots didn;t tell me to snap out of it, think happy etc.

Strangely I'm kinda OK telling most ppl I have a. d. but with my GP surgery I shy away from it and prefer it to be part of my thyroid condition. Perhaps because they don't have a treatment that works, have laughed at weird symptoms, I'm afraid if I knuckle down to the a.d diagnosis then a real medical condition might be missed. You know how it is?

So that's just me and I find it very hard too.


15-06-10, 09:56
nomore- thank you for yr reply it was so nice i will try to keep walking taking one step at a time i just hope that im not like this for ever i dont want to be 50 and still suffering just seems to be never evding and one thing after another

elizabeth - i often dont take my meds with the conclushion thre is nothing rong with me or i dont need them its offten a problem that lands me in hospital i dont want to be on meds any more and would wish that having a medical condishion would come forth to proove i dont have menatl health issues iv been labels all my life and penolised for it and iv had enuff i offten sit there and think it has to be a gentic disorder or an auto ammune disorder but my doctor isnt willing to test for anything thank you for yr reply and i will talk to my phyc about theripes if it will help

bubble - thank you for yr honest answer its help that im not the only one and is scread of addmitting it i see so meny people being able to admitt it and i think how can they be so strong and acceppting its scary to think that so meny menatal health people are over looked as to having a phycological rather than a hidden medical condithion, i recetly brok my toe and i no it sounds stupid but i loved being at the hospital for medical attethion rather then pycaloigical you get treated so diffrent nicer and more ceard about am i just being over parinoid ?

thanks for yr replys it means alot xxxxxxx

18-06-10, 17:23
Hi again,

Sorry I missed this reply before. I SO know what you mean, and you saying the same has helped me too. From what I have read it's not uncommon for people to believe theres some underlying medical condition. I just wish it were true. I can't deny the fact that my father has suffered depression numerous times and still struggles and now my son has OCD/anxiety. I can see it for myself.

The weird thing is that I work in mental health and I KNOW in my heart of hearts it isn't the person fault at all. I think it's made it hearder for me cuzmy parent's didn't understsnd or say the right things and it made me confused. Same as some other people. They think you should just snap out of it when you just can't.

Both depresion and anxiety can cause many physical symptoms so no wonder we think it had a physical cause.

How are you doing?

Bubble :flowers:

18-06-10, 18:46
im not so good feel really bad to day have for afew dont no what to do or who to turn to but hay never mind thansk for reply i hop eyr well