View Full Version : Strange feeling on rib

13-06-10, 20:34
Does anyone have this ? Noticed today that half way point on right ribs have a sensation as if theres an air bubble beneath. Tried massaging but its still there. Doesnt hurt and not aware of it unless I overstretch to the right?

13-06-10, 21:26
Hello Zee,

You have got me feeling now, and yes I can feel a small moveable lump, probably the size of 50p - it feels like one of those fatty lumps - lypoma (sp) ?

Please don't worry about it - I know easier said than done - it is strange isn't it how some things we can accept and other things really worry us. x

13-06-10, 21:34
It is probably the soft cartilidge part of the lower rib. They are designed to be pliable to move and twist so a rib doesn't break. Learned that from my chiropractor.

14-06-10, 08:00
I dont have anything physical I can feel in the rib area, its more a sensation. I wasnt aware of it through the night.I feel it when I lean towards the right, just sidewards? Could it be a pull maybe ?

14-06-10, 12:33
Ive had this under my rib where my left breast is, kinda underneath it. Its definitely anxiety. When i was busy i never felt it. Its only there coz ur aware and over-sensitive to the area now uve felt it. Take ur mind off it. If it is a pulled chest muscle, then it would worsen with movement, so yes it could be this. Which by the way is totally harmless. Or it could be what i used to grt alot with my anxiety, and thats chostochondritis, but pain is usually associated with this. Again, totally harmless, and its basically sore cartilidge in ur rib which can be treated with anti-inflammatory's. Ive had it loads, but i got alot of chest pain with it, so sounds like its deffo not this. The bubble sensation is deffo wot i used to get, its weird isnt it. Butm i honestly think its just anxiety, nothing more. Try keeping busy and see if it goes. Take care x

14-06-10, 14:38
Thank you for your replies.. I am trying to not think about it but you know how hard that can be sometimes.. Its just annoying because its there :ohmy:

14-06-10, 20:40
Just an update on this..Couple of times today ive had a feeling like mild shock waves in the same area..Kind of soreness/mild zap. ??
Ive had muscle aches for few months in neck/shoulder/thigh/ and occassional joint twinges in knee,calf,elbow..Doc said could be seasonal/air pressure as no markers for arthritic conditions in tests..and also said anxiety can cause muscular/joint aches.
Always worse though in damp or windy weather.