View Full Version : watery mouth

13-06-10, 20:50
Does anyone have trouble with a watery mouth? I have had this on and off for years - but it seems like since my panic disorder flared up again, I get it a little more often. I try to keep my mind off of it. It just seems like my mouth is more watery than usual. Unless it has something to do with my IBS. It makes me nervous and panicky.

13-06-10, 21:13
With my first HA flare up 10 years ago I had this.. It lasted a few weeks and it did send my anxiety up. It did go away though when I was reassured it was part of the HA.

13-06-10, 21:32
My mouth will switch from sometimes dry to sometimes more saliva.

13-06-10, 22:05
Did anything you do seem to help it? It really is bothering me.

13-06-10, 22:48
I just found myself swallowing more, crackers anything to help absorb it.
If I distract myself it gets better. Sometimes ice water helps.

13-06-10, 23:47
Thank you for your tips. I wonder what causes it -

14-06-10, 00:40
how crazy - i always get dry mouth with anxiety, i would actually love a bit of extra saliva! how do you mean its watery? does your mouth feel full?

14-06-10, 00:47
Not full - just like there's more saliva than usual. I know - wierd. I'd rather have a dry mouth.