View Full Version : Struggling to find help

little me
13-06-10, 21:34
I am a female in Kent with severe anxiety problems and am too scared to go to the doctors, but have seen several counsellors all of whom have said they are unable to help me as I'm too anxious. Have therefore decided that self help and talking to others is the way forward.

13-06-10, 21:36
Hi little me

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
13-06-10, 22:24
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

13-06-10, 22:42
Hi Little Me
Sorry you are struggling so with your anxiety. I too suffer with anxiety/panic but I am on meds and have been for 8 months now and feel so much better. Please don't be afraid to ask your Dr for help, it's like any other illness and if you need help you should go and see your Dr. I also think that you will get lots of help on this site, there are lots of people on here feeling just like you are and will always be there to give you advice and to listen to you. I too had some therapy and I found it very helpful. This site completely saved me when I started on my meds 8 months ago and have found it so useful. I hope you get the help you need and wish you all the very best.
Jannie x x

13-06-10, 22:50
I need help right now, I've probably wrongly stopped taken my pills cos I want to feel alive again, and I''m really having problems, please help

13-06-10, 22:55
I really dont think I can handle this for another day, I feel very strange and I just want to shut down at the moment, please help?

13-06-10, 22:57
Hi Little me,

Glad you have decided to join the site, there is lots of good info here that I think will help you. Sorry to hear that you haven't had any success with the counsellors you have seen so far, I dont know if you have seen a psychologist? but its something you could consider.

I also hate going to the doctors and find it very stressful but I have forced myself there on occasion as I know that they are there to help, and Im sure that if you could manage to go they could help you too. Thats not to say that your decision to help yourself wont work, Im sure if you are determined to beat this then you can. :)

There are also some good online CBT courses if you google it, I know some people on here use them. You might also consider anxiety management groups etc but you would probably have to go to the docs to find out about these, Im sure you could speak to a doctor over the phone if you cant get there in person?

good luck with everything, wishing you well :D

13-06-10, 23:10
@daydreamer, thanks mate, I will go else where for support, I've got nobody anyway.

13-06-10, 23:16
Why don't you stay here for support?

Going home
13-06-10, 23:24
Seasider, sorry you're feeling so bad right now about the meds, and I think people were just answering Little Me who started this thread as a new member and didn't realise you were also asking for help at the time. I don't think anyone was ignoring you intentionally. You could start a thread telling people about your fears and how you're feeling and then more people should respond.

Best regards
Anna xxx :flowers:

13-06-10, 23:25
I know I stopped my pills to early, and have taken 20mg tonight but I have been on 40mg for a long time and I feel very strange, I keep blacking out for a second or so and its frightening mate?

Going home
13-06-10, 23:26
I'm guessing you didn't stop with the help of your doc?

13-06-10, 23:27
I dont feel right at the moment and just grabbed at anyone who can help, I'm sorry

13-06-10, 23:29
No I didnt stop with help from my doctor, I know I should have, but today has been very very strange, I just dont feel right

13-06-10, 23:30
I dont understand how to start new threads I just need some help at the moment

Going home
13-06-10, 23:32
Thats ok don't worry about that, but with any pescription meds its never a good idea to just stop them. I know you want to feel normal again, without taking meds, but its always best to come off them gradually. You're probably feeling bad now because you've been withdrawing from 40mg, and now only taken 20mg. Try the other 20 and see if you feel better. Then go to the doctor and come off them in amore controlled way.

Anna xx

13-06-10, 23:33
I dont understand how to start new threads I just need some help at the moment

Try this...


Going home
13-06-10, 23:34
Also seasider, this is Little Me's thread and its probably not fair to take it over so if you want to send me a PM we can go on with the conversation or i can ask one of the admins to move it to a thread of your own and you can talk to oher memebrs about it too.

Anna xx

13-06-10, 23:36
I was silly I stopped 40mg to nothing in a week, I felt fine for a bit but today I have had like mini seizures and losing it for a second or so, I have done this so I can see my kids again, but I think I may have over done it, I've been on 40mg Citralopram and Ligactol for the last 12 months, I have never felt more alive since stopping but having some very wierd sides today ?

Going home
13-06-10, 23:40
Now we're all completely out of sinc' with the replies sorry nic..!

Anna xx

13-06-10, 23:42
Sorry i have started a new thread, sorry all

little me
14-06-10, 14:15
It's not simple. I don't want my parents to know and I feel that if I go to the doctors there is too much risk of them finding out either through my mum turning up at the doctors at the same time or them finding the medication or some other way. I've even been recommended by my college to apply by disabled students allowance to get a mentor for next year but I can't do that because my parents may find out as you are supposed to apply at the same time as you apply for student finance - which involves my parents filling in some things as it is means assessed.

14-06-10, 14:50
It's not simple. I don't want my parents to know and I feel that if I go to the doctors there is too much risk of them finding out either through my mum turning up at the doctors at the same time or them finding the medication or some other way. I've even been recommended by my college to apply by disabled students allowance to get a mentor for next year but I can't do that because my parents may find out as you are supposed to apply at the same time as you apply for student finance - which involves my parents filling in some things as it is means assessed.
Hiya Little Me

The worst feeling I have gone through with my Anxiety and depression is an overwhelming sense of isolation, contacting this site has helped me realise that I'm not odd and that I'm certainly not alone. Now here's the important bit...... I'm a strapping 6 footer who weighs approx 15 stone and have exceptionally broad shoulders and in any normal circumstances think I can take on the world.............. But not in the case of my anxiety and depression. The first positive thing I did was admit to myself that things were getting to much for me on my own, then I confided in my wife who was relieved that I'd woken up to myself the next step was going to my GP who convinced me that what I was going through was just a kind of illness that in time could be treated and that I would recover with support and treatment. What I'm trying to say is that you've obviously made the first step in realising that you're not feeling quite right so perhaps the next step could be confiding in your parents and/or your GP to move towards feeling better. The way I try to look at things is that I can't ever remember feeling ashamed about having a cold so why should i about having this particular illness.

hope this helps kiddo, you're not on your own

Anthony x