View Full Version : Headache/Dizziness/stiff neck

11-02-06, 06:24
Now this is the first time since I joined this board I have felt this bad. I've been woken up by a headache, shaking all over, stiff neck (slightly swollen glands (i think) at the top of my neck/back of my head).

I know I've had this before but I don't know whether it's a tension/anxiet thing or whether it's muscular or whether it's an infection or what....

I had it loads a couple of years ago, it usually went as the day went on, which makes it seem muscular. But it's like my head is full of water sp I think it could be an inner ear infection. Not longago my gp said I had fluid in the ear. But it really scares me.

I am also thinking it is because I am eating gluten again in order to be tested for Coeliac's The trouble is all the things that existed when I had it before, exist now - same level of tension, I've been doing a bit of exercise/stretching (which I was doing every day when it happened before), same dizziness which was diagnosed as labrynthitis/vertigo -and back on gluten. 4 separate possibilities. Or a combination even!

All I know is I hate it and I can't sleep and I don't know what to do....

This is when I feel so lonely and scared...

Well at least I had somewhere to come and offload this time:(:(
It seems to have calmed me down to write this..... a bit anyway!


11-02-06, 11:25
Me again...

The site was timing me out in the night - not that anyone was around much anyway!!

I took a sleeping tablet and got two more hours sleep and the headache is gone but I feel so dizzy and exhausted (well, I suppose I would). I've been trying so hard to be positive but feel completely overwhelmed again and I'm frightened I'm never going to get better. There's always something different with me, it's not just one thing... I think I'm learning to cope with one thing and it turns into something else...

Don't know how I'm going to get through the day, don't feel well enough to do anything but doing nothing makes me more anxious and depressed.

I guess I'll just have to sit it out :(


11-02-06, 11:28
Well good Fee that you've kept the possibilities realistic and not gone off searching for some new lurgy so be pleased with yourself for that.

Maybe try treating yourself as kindly as possible so you may help the headache with panadol and a cool or hot pack and some vit C in case it is a cold brewing, keep going with the stretching for muscular stuff, use a relaxation CD for anxiety etc

Hope you're feeling better soon from this.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-02-06, 11:36
Thanks Meg!

Yes i suppose i can be pleased i haven't been googling for other causes! that's a positive!

You know you're right maybe i have got a cold coming [:I]

With everything that's going on I tend to blame anxiety for everything most of the time (except when I have short bursts of googlitis!).

I'll just tell myself it's a cold today!

thanks for answering Meg! xx


11-02-06, 11:37
Do ensure you're drinking enough water too.

11-02-06, 13:02
Aww Fee, big hug for dealing with that in the night.
I know it's horrible when you have a symptom and many things can cause it. I get fluid in my ears too, have it right now and they keep popping, in my case it's from allergies though.
I also know the feeling of never getting better but we can and we WILL.
We have done it before and can again.
You may have a cold brewing don't forget ME can make us feel virusey too or stress. I take vitamin C every day especially through the winter.
I used to take 1gram but only have 500mg tablets at the moment but even that is good enough. It doesn't ever prevent a cold but does help.
I keep forgetting my multivitamin pill though but I want to have my B12 test done before I start them again really. Drinking water is a good tip too, one I often forget this time of year although I have alot of herbal teas.
Anyway thinking of you, hope you feel better.

Lisa x

11-02-06, 15:07
Another big hug hun - there is soooo much going around lately and I only got the youngest back to school on Weds after her bout.

When you feel low physically it does affect you emotionally so look after yourself extra specially. Lots of 'allys' in that sentance weren't there!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-02-06, 20:16
Aww Fee

Sorry you were feeling so low last night. It can be very lonely when no one is around. I did see you had posted and had been awake all night myself but the forum was timing out, so I couldn't post.

I think I may have a cold coming too so am taking lots of Vitamin C and Zinc which I think helps me. Plus drinking loads of water too.

Hope you are feeling better this evening.

Well done for not googling!!! :D

Karen xx

11-02-06, 22:20
Well I have made it through today somehow... I went round and got Chris and we went to Homebase and bought my loo roll holder and bathmat (Hoorah!) and spent a couple of hours at his and he made me pizza which was sweet of him!

But my neck has ached all day, tummy gurgling, throat really tight, ears feel odd, sinusy, headache lurking and worst of all it's been like being on a ship all day...I hate that..

I wish my nose would run then I could put it all down to a cold but I think it's mainly anxiety as bloomin usual.

I don't know whether to take a sleeping tablet tonight, I have been using them too often, and although I only take an eight or a quarter of 5mls they are nitrazapam which is not good. It took me years to get off them before (well I suppose I never have because I always keep them in the house although I had one pack of 12 tablets for 3 years!).... but over the last 4/5 weeks (since Sarah got sick) I have taken about 3/4 tablets in total.... I don't like it.

I just wish this vertigo would stop, I have learned to cope with most things but that is so hard to push through, it's like the ground is moving. And I want to give up the gluten again so badly I'm tempted to borrow the money to get the endoscopy done privately! Hate to think how much it would cost though:(

Thanks for all the hugs and support. I will write the positives in my journal before I go to bed... I did get the toilet roll holder after all!!!:D:D:D (but forgot the stickers!).

And I haven't panicked or googled[8D][8D][8D] (yet)


11-02-06, 22:31
Hi Fee,

Sorry you still don't feel great but well done for going out with all this going on, you did great. Chris sounds really sweet too.
Most of what you have could be anxiety but the vertigo isn't and that must be awful to deal with, so you really are doing great.
I can't really advise on the tablets as I've never taken anything like that.
I think privately the endoscopy would be about £1000, I may be wrong though but I think I saw that at my private hospital once which is mad as a MRI was only half that!
The journal sounds good and well done for not panicking or googling!

Lisa x

11-02-06, 22:40
Thanks lisa!

How did you manage to write that in the middle of your panic attack!! You're a star!

Lend us £1k lol!!!!!

Yeh, Chris is really sweet - sometimes I wish we could be more than mates but we tried that a couple of times AND he is 6 mths younger than Mark[:I][:I]

Mind you he has his stroppy moments too!!! (don't we all). But I'm really glad he's around at the moment - I hope he doesn't find a girlfriend just yet[}:)][Oops!]

Oh I hope we all feel better tomorrow!

No.... WE WILL!!!!:D:D:D


11-02-06, 22:44
Hi Fee

Well Donefor today. You've kept going and done so much even though you've not felt very well.

These could be symptoms of anxiety or of a cold coming. I can't quite work out whether I've got a cold or whether it is anxiety either at the moment.

How lovely of Chris to spend time with you and cook pizza.

Regarding the sleeping pills, I haven't used that particular one, but I am taking Zopiclone and have been for several months now. I know how addcitive these pills can be. I started on 3.75 mg 3 times a week and then until recently have been on 7.5mg every night. I don't sleep at all without them. However, now even this dose is not enough and at times I take double - which I did today because I wanted to be sure I had a long sleep.

My doctor isn't too happy with me relying on them regularly and halved my dose last time I saw her and I wasn't able to get a prescription because I missed my appointment yesterday. But I've been naughty and ordered some from the Internet.

If you use the sleep medication sparing and for a short time it is fine but be careful. I know you are sensible able this anyway but just wanted to warn you because I think I am hooked on them now.

You could look into the private op but it probably would be expensive.

Well done for doing so well and there are still plenty of positives to add to your book tonight!!

Karen xx

11-02-06, 22:53
Thanks Karen that was a lovely post! I am proud actually now I've come on here![:I]

Thank you so much - you guys make such a difference...



11-02-06, 22:59
Hi Fee,

You'll be suprised what I can manage even mid panic attack! Lol.

I tell you what if I keel over tonight I'll get my hubby to send you 1K from my life insurance for your op. In fact no I'd get him to send you 2K, 1K for the op and the other to treat yourself as you deserve it and for being such a good mate.
These ops can be so expensive, I'm so lucky I have private medical insurance.

It doesn't matter that Chris is younger than Mark, age is just a number, when I was 17 I went out with a chap nearly as old as my Dad [:O] [:I].
I'm glad you have Chris about though, he sounds like a good friend.

I hope tomorrow is better too, if it's the same or worse I don't know what I'll do.

I hope you sleep well tonight Fee.

Lisa x

12-02-06, 00:32
Hi Fee and Lisa

Lisa - talking about life insurance reminds me I didn't get a lottery ticket for tonight! [Duh!] It was a rollover too - not that I ever win. Anyway, had I bought a ticket, and a miracle happened and I won, I would give you the money to go private Fee. In fact, I could go private for my op then too lol!

Right pact for us now - tomorrow WILL be a better day :D[:P][8D]. In fact I will be likely to spend most of it sleeping![Oops!]

Hope you have a good night's rest.


Karen xx

12-02-06, 00:38
Thanks again you two gorgeous girlies!!!

Yes Karen it WILL!

I think we'd all better get lottery tickets this week lol!!!

Maybe tonight will be the night when we all sleep well!



12-02-06, 00:46
Definitely a yes to the lottery tickets. You never know eh?!? :D

I'm not expecting to sleep as I slept all day and only woke at 6pm[:I]. Oh well, at least the day will pass quickly tomorrow.

Sleep well Fee. Remember we are with you!

Karen xx

12-02-06, 08:33
Morning Fee,

I hope you're doing alot better today?

I was hoping to add to yours and Karen's positive thoughts about today being better but sadly it's worse for me :(

It's a really wet grey day here too which doesn't lift the spirits, I hope one of you has the sun instead. I hope you slept well and are having a good day, you deserve it.

Lisa x

12-02-06, 09:29
Morning Fee.

Just to add to Lisa's post really. I'm off to sleep now hopefully, so I hope you have a better day.

It's grey and miserable here too Lisa.

Karen xx

12-02-06, 09:51
Morning to you laydeeez.... (Piglet we're missing you - hope the pc is fixed?)

I slept really well (unaided hoorah!) and so far, touch wood, don't feel too bad. Neck is much better... no in fact it's fine!!

I had the finger on the throat thing just before I went to sleep but managed to let it go quite quickly.... Then this morning, for about 5 mins I started to panic about my cheek swelling thing which I had really anxiety about 2/3 weeks ago, and then [:I][:I] I realised it was muscle because my osteo had told me to do facial exercises to aid my ears and sinuses [:I][:I] I stopped for a while, no cheek problems, then yesterday cos neck ear sinuses bad again I remembered to do them and bingo! cheek swelling!!! Tee hee, blooming ME - the slightest thing affects muscles you don't even know you've got:D

I'm supposed to be going out for lunch with old friends I haven't seen for a while. I'm feeling nervous about it but hope I manage to do it....

But this really is a duvet kind of day, how dismal is the weather?!!

So I'm going to try and be positive today and not be on here too much...



12-02-06, 12:15
Hi Fee,

I'm glad you're having a better day, one of us had to at least. You're doing well to rationalise everything.

You're right to keep off here and away from moany cows like me that probably bring you down. Lol.

I hope you have a good lunch and enjoy seeing your friends.

Lisa x

12-02-06, 12:29
Nooo lisa - I don't want to stay away from you and enuff of the moany old cow mularkey!!!

Hope you are ok, just popped on before I go out for lunch, am very dizzy and nervous - wish me luck!



12-02-06, 12:58
Good luck Fee!! :D:D

I hope you enjoy your lunch. Glad you are feeling better today.

Karen xx

12-02-06, 13:48
Hi Fee,

It's probably too late now but good luck for lunch. I hope you have/are having a lovely time.

Lisa x

12-02-06, 14:49
Hope you are having a nice lunch.

I am hoping the computer is sorted now - think it may have been a trojan horse :D:D:D isn't that a wooden horse??? Time for the rasp to come out again:D:D

Talking to mum yesterday she was telling me how dizzy she is at the mo and that the doctor told her it is menieres disease (that's not at all the spelling but it's not a bad guess) which apparantly comes in spates.

Just thought I would throw another into the pot.

Big squeeze.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-02-06, 16:42
Hello you lot - I did it! But it was very hard work.... I get anxious going different places anyway but it was a whole group of people that I haaven't seen for ages all saying "Fee how are you" and it was very hard to think of anything good to say....

But I'm glad I went, even though I have a splitting headache now (ONE glass of wine doh!) and I shall have to sleep and hope it settles... They are a whole bunch of people I've known for years but are all 10 years younger, late 30s early 40s professionals, hedonists, drinkers, 'e' generation still living large (lol) and I used to feel like a peer, now I feel like their mother!!! There's definitely a big age gap between 40 and 50! Anyway Chris came along and he always makes me feel 'safe' if you know what I mean...

What a dreadful grey day, I'm so glad I went out!

Glad to see you back Piglet![8D] Yes, Menieres is basically the same thing, and may be what mine is - the only difference is that mine was helped by an Epley which means it's got a slightly different cause. It's very common but very very unpleasant. I know a couple of other people with it too... the good thing is it usually goes away again!

Hope you guys are ok - will have a nose around before I nap... but head is pretty bad...



12-02-06, 17:14
Oh I did spell it correctly [Wow!]

Do you think mum would be helped by the epley manouvre??? Think she's a bit upset by it and is feeling like she doesn't want to go out incase she falls over and breaks something.

Piglet xxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-02-06, 17:26
Piglet it is possible - for some people the cause is little granules in the inner ear and these can be moved about with the epley (totally non scary procedure!). Labyrnthitis, bppv and menieres (not sure of spelling!) are often confused. She should have been referred to ENT and this should be checked out but typically it often doesn't happen. Sometimes it can be a short term virus, sometimes Menieres which is for life but comes and goes... I think I had the granules but now might have Menieres cos it keeps coming back... I will be hoping to find out more soon!

But if it hasn't been checked it's worth a try - the first time I had it done it really really worked.

Your poor mum - it can be really awful - has she had it long?

Here's a (safe!) link which explains bppv which is the type of vertigo that responds to the Epley:


Hope that helps - give her my love!



12-02-06, 17:54
Hi Fee,

I'm glad you managed to get out to lunch. I hope you have a nice nap and get rid of that headache.

Lisa x

12-02-06, 19:27
hi lisa

I'm awake now and the headache is not so bad, but still a bit there.... I feel exhausted, so glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow. But I have to continue chasing the endoscopy/biopsy which is a pain. Obviously I'm nervous about it but I really want it out of the way.

Ugh, Sunday evening![|)]


12-02-06, 19:59
Hi Fee,

I'm glad the head is a bit better. I bet you are exhausted, you're still doing alot in some ways.
Good luck chasing up the endoscopy tomorrow.
How is Sarah getting on at home? Are you likely to see them anytime soon?
Anyway must go now, catch you later maybe.

Lisa x

12-02-06, 21:57
Thanks lisa

Sarah is having a lovely normal weekend! They went to the cinema today and to Nandos!

There is a chance they will come down during the week, it's half term so mark is not teaching, but she has the rest of her results tomorrow and will probably have some blood... and Tues is Valentine's day (so I won't expect them then!). We're playing it by ear.

My dizziness has been easier today thank goodness and I don't feel too bad, I'm hoping one more night's sleep and I might even have a teeny bit of energy tomorrow...

Fingers crossed! [8D]


12-02-06, 22:04
Hi Fee,

That's so nice that Sarah had a normal weekend with Mark. I hope her results are good tomorrow, fingers crossed. It would be so nice if you could see them both this week.

I'm so pleased you're not feeling too bad and hope you sleep well again.

Love Lisa x

12-02-06, 22:16
Hi Fee

Well done for coping so well with today. Getting out for lunch and meeting different people for a while probably helped provide a distraction.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">But I have to continue chasing the endoscopy/biopsy which is a pain. Obviously I'm nervous about it but I really want it out of the way.
<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 12 February 2006 : 19:27:08</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Yeah I know what you mean. I've been thinking today about finding out how much it would cost for me to have my op privately. I just want it out of the way, and partcularly while my weight is ok for the GA at present.

I hope the headache is better by tomorrow. I've had a migraine today and it doesn't help when you're not feeling great anyway.

It's brilliant that Sarah is spending some time at home. I hope her tests go well and that you have the opportunity to see her and Mark this week.

Sleep well Fee.



"I love you in a place where there's no space or time
I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you."

12-02-06, 22:20
Thank you my naughty nieces lol!!

Aunty Fee is going to bathe and head for bed now.... but that's not to say I definitely won't pop in again lol



12-02-06, 22:24
Night Aunty Fee,

Enjoy your bath. Karen and I won't be naughty while you're not looking honest ;).

Sleep well and thanks again for all your support.

Love and a big hug.

Lisa x

13-02-06, 09:22

I slept well, but don't feel that good still. Still dizzy, eyes feel a bit infected, sinusy and post nasal drip and my tummy is totally out of sorts. I really hope that when I come off gluten again a lot of this will improve.

I am aiming to take my mum to Matalan, she wants to get something, if I can get myself together... I have a list of things I need to do as well.

Sarah gets her biopsy results today so we should have an idea of when the chemo will start again.

I feel very unsettled and disappointed that I don't feel any better.

Hope you are all okxxxxxxx


13-02-06, 11:56
Hi Fee,

I'm glad you slept well but sorry you still don't feel so good. I hope you improve as the day goes on.

I hope Sarah's results are good, fingers crossed.

I know exactly how horrid the sinus/post nasal drip stuff is, I've had that every day for years now.

Any luck with getting your endoscopy appt yet?

I hope Matalan goes well with your Mum.

I know it's disappointing when we don't feel any better but you will in time, especially when you cut gluten out again hopefully. You've had a stressful time lately and are still doing quite alot so just give yourself time to feel better - it WILL happen.

Thinking of you, hope you have a good day,


Lisa x

13-02-06, 12:07
Thanks for that Fee - I think she went to see a consultant because she is going deaf in both ears too. My auntie (her sister) is almost totally deaf and also has this menieres thing.

I will chat to her again - she lives 300 miles away from me so its not like I can even go out with her either.

Thanks hun xxxx

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-02-06, 18:07
Hi Fee

How are you this evening? Did you take your Mum to Matalan? I hope the day got better for you.

Did Sarah get her results?

Thinking of you.

Karen xx

13-02-06, 18:52
Hi Piglet - it must be hard for you knowing your mum is so far away... I hope she gets some help from the consultant. One of the two other people I know have also gone deaf near enough. I really hope that's not the way it will go for me, I live for music, it keeps me sane (used to be in the business and sing and stuff). How old is she? The friend I know is already in her 70s. They are doing amazing things for hearing impaired people now though aren't they.... How are you anyway? PC still playing up? Been out for any walks? Big hug to you xxxxx

Hi Lisa and Karen - thanks for the messages... My head is still really hurting and all the associated rubbish but I did go to Matalan with Mum and her her duvet cover and took her for lunch in Ditchling. It was lovely apart from the headache...

Sarah's results were really good - she is technically in remission! It's great but doesn't mean all that much really in the sense that she still has to have another round of chemo and find a donor... but it's as good as it possibly could be!

I hope you are all ok - will go have a look now....


13-02-06, 19:17
Well done to you too Fee. Sounds like you coped brilliantly today.

Great news too about Sarah's results. I realise she still needs the transplant but at least she is stable at present.

Karen xx

13-02-06, 21:25
I am so so pleased about Sarahs results that is very good news indeed.

I am going to tell mum to ask about the epley manouvre thing (she's 75).

My efforts with the agoraphobia are coming along still but slowly. I am still gettin out and about regularly with my youngest (do still feel panicky much of the time but not really hideous) and I am going out at night (sound like a bat don't I) on my own. I have been doing this a few nights a week and managing to get further away from home each time and slightly more comfortable each time.

It's coming but very slowly.

Just done it tonight actually as I am home alone too, the youngest is at dads and the others with boyfriends. Something wrong somewhere I think[Sigh...]:D:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-02-06, 21:25
Thanks karen

I don't actually feel that good, the dizziness and headache still worry me and so do my cheeks which look really swollen tonight. I'm so tired for no good reason....

Oh honestly when I read what I write I just think how stupid I am... I just wish I felt better...

Roll on the spring!



13-02-06, 21:29
oh well done piglet[8D][8D][8D]

It's lovely when you are making progress, especially if it can be physically measured!!

When my life settles down again I will be doing all that - going for longer drives and stuff...

I have to satisfy myself with not getting worse at the moment!

I hope your mum can have the epley and it helps.... it was magic the first time I had it...

Hope you're enjoying some peace and quiet ;)


13-02-06, 21:31
It's been nice to eat kedgeree without everyone moaning about the smell of haddock :D:D:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-02-06, 21:32
Fee: I understand you don't actually feel that good but you continue doing things in spite of feeling ill.

STOP calling yourself stupid! You would not say that if these symptoms were not due to anxiety would you? On top of that you have added stress and ME too. I think I am stupid for my anxieties and obsessions.

Actually I am in no hurry to get to spring or summer this year because K is likely to be moving in the summer. It is going to be a bad time for me.

Piglet: Well done for continuing to get out and about. I am still feeling panicky in supermarkets but we have to challenge ourselves to do these things don't we? You will get there.


Karen xx

13-02-06, 21:33
lol piglet - I could never have any fish in the house, my ex and my son both hate it!

I eat it all the time now!:D:D:D


13-02-06, 21:35
lol Karen

OK neither of us is stupid! I just get sick of hearing myself saying the same things over and over.... but that's all part of it i guess..

Hope you are ok hon xxxxx


13-02-06, 21:45
Lol Karen - assertive again, some good is coming from this course you know its a joy to watch :D:D:D:D:D

Lisa has just texted me and is missing us all as we are her and I was wondering do either of you want me to pass a message or give her your mob numbers (by PM) ???

Piglet xx

13-02-06, 21:46
yes will pm you piglet


13-02-06, 21:55
Lovely have passed it on :D:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-02-06, 21:59
Yes Piglet. You have my mobile number. Please do pass it on to Lisa and tell her we're missing her.

Seems I am being assertive without realising I'm doing it lol!!

Karen xx

13-02-06, 22:01
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I just get sick of hearing myself saying the same things over and over.... but that's all part of it i guess..
<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 13 February 2006 : 21:35:43</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Yep, I also repeat myself a LOT! In fact over 9000 posts worth lol! :D

I'm okish tonight. I am getting jittering because I've not heard from K and she hasn't been online all day either.

How are you feeling now?

Karen xx

13-02-06, 22:11
Hi kare

Funnily enough I feel jittery too, but no idea why... Got nothing in particular this evening to set me off... With me it just seems so disassociated, just descends on me, not necessarily when anything is going on.... Sometimes i can do almost anything, other times i can do nothing... It always feels like just another physical symptom to me which I can't control :(

But I am used to it most of the time, I just sit up all night sometimes shaking and palpitating - or take a sleeper... It doesn't happen the night before something scary which would make sense, just when it feels like it, it trips me up.

Still, I can always blame the menopause, gluten, ME blah blah blah!!!



13-02-06, 22:20
Karen have just passed it on mate :)


"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-02-06, 22:20
Hi Fee

I've got palpitations among other anxiety symptoms at the moment too, so I do understand how horrible it is. The only difference I suppose is that I attribute mine to external reasons, ie that I've not heard from K, therefore she might not want to write to me, or she could have been hurt. Or it is related to my anorexia etc.

I understand having health anxiety makes it difficult to rationalise the symptoms.

Hope you sleep tonight. I'm hooked on sleeping pills and don't sleep without them. I'm just giving K another 40 minutes and then I'm going to take a pill and hopefully sleep.

Karen xx

13-02-06, 22:26
Hi karen

Actually it's really interesting isn't it... why don't I relate it to anything... hmm I must think about this - I feel so flummoxed by the way my body just manifests things... like lisa says, I think I'm calm and yet obviously I'm not....

Too tired to work it out tonight that's for sure!!!

I hope you hear from K but if not have a good sleep and feel proud of yourself for your achievements today!



13-02-06, 22:35
You should really be able to relate this to stress fee if you look whats being going on in your life recently with Sarah and Mark and the different health concerns you have had.

I think the body can take a good while to level back out and it's usually after the crisis, not during it that we suffer the most.

Need a wee and to put some washing on the radiator, be back in a mo (that was very professionally put there Piglet, I can quite see why you are an administrator)!!!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-02-06, 22:41
lol piglet! I can see why too - you're like a fluffy pink comforter!!!

Don't ask me why but that made me really grin:D:D:D

I'm off for my bath and hope I feel more relaxed afterwards, but like you guys when I'm jittery it doesn't always help.... anyway, best I go through the rituals lol!!!

I have new bedlinen :D:D:D

AND my mum said tonight she would treat me to a new duvet after we went and bought her one today! The one I have she bought me for a wedding present &*& years ago! YUK!



13-02-06, 22:41
Fee - I agree with Piglet, there is a lot of stress in your life at the moment so it is not surprising you are experiencing these anxiety symptoms.

The only difference for me is that I don't worry about my health and therefore don't get scared by the symptoms themselves. I still find it difficult to deal with though.

Piglet (Admin!) - Very eloquently put ;).

Karen xx

13-02-06, 22:43
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">

The only difference for me is that I don't worry about my health and therefore don't get scared by the symptoms themselves.

<div align="right">Originally posted by Karen - 13 February 2006 : 22:41:14</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Lol Karen that's a foreign language to me!!!!


13-02-06, 22:47
:D Lol Fee !!

Karen xx

13-02-06, 23:04
:D:D:D:D:D:D did you like that - feel a lot better now, I was getting all wriggly.

It's most odd being in the house on my own - I may stay up very late and eat chocolate in my bed and not clean my teeth [:O]

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-02-06, 23:10
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I may stay up very late and eat chocolate in my bed and not clean my teeth [:O]
<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 13 February 2006 : 23:04:24</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Now steady on Piglet - no need to go mad! :D[:P][8D]

Karen xx

13-02-06, 23:15
I know and I have even spotted a bottle of Baileys left over from Xmas, so may treat myself to a nightcap but will put on a paisley dressing gown and cravat first to get in to the mood.

Piglet xx

13-02-06, 23:15

I'm horrified!

Obviously, you should be using the time to scrub the kitchen floor lol;)



13-02-06, 23:21
There isn't enough fire in hell to make me scrub my kitchen floor without a mammothly good reason - naaaa, haven't found one in the last 17 years so we'll let that go and go back to the Baileys idea:D

13-02-06, 23:22
And here's me in my pink fluffy negligee trying to stay awake long enough to read all the valentine's e-mails that will start arriving any time now.... [:I]

They have laid on extra posties too[8D][8D][8D]


13-02-06, 23:31
Ooh that's just the same for me hun - it turns into such a chore all this card opening. I just lie there in my frilly pink negligee and mules just tossing them all in a heap (makes a change from my paisly number and cravat anyway).

Cor I must go to bed now - my heads just droppin all over the computer, you know when you're nodding off and you bang your head on the window or your mouth falls open - well I am doing both of those and I am miles from the window so thats quite a feat.:D:D

Nightie night honies

Piglet xx

13-02-06, 23:34
me too - sleep tight, you'll need your energy for lfting the post up in the morning!



13-02-06, 23:38
Night Fee. Night Piglet. Night John Boy... Oops I really have lost it now!

Sleep tight.

Karen xx

14-02-06, 09:03
Morning Fee, Morning Piglet

Hope you are both well today. Thinking of you.

Karen xx

14-02-06, 09:05

I feel ropey today, had a very restless night and feel a virusy, sticky eyes, gluey ear, catarrh etc all on one side (again)...

But obviously I am immensely cheered by the pile of cards and flowers rofl rofl!!!!



14-02-06, 15:06
I had to shovel my way through the hall today cos of all the cards:D:D:D:D

Piglet xx

14-02-06, 15:08
hi piglet...
I'm still digging lol:D:D:D

How are you today?

I'm just off for a walk....


14-02-06, 15:14
I had an apalling nights sleep after getting too cosy watching the QVC channel until 2am about makeup.

I fell asleep there and felt all hot and all the water I had been drinking meant I needed the loo a millions times too. I was really glad when it was morning, will definately not go to sleep on the settee again.

Lisa just text to say the bt guy is there so hopefully she will be on soon.

See ya later xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

14-02-06, 16:21
Boo! I'm back ladies!

You guys have been chatty in my absence, 4 pages to catch up on! good to see the chatting continue :D

How are you feeling now Fee? I know exactly how you feel mate, I could have written many parts of your recent posts myself but we will both get there in time, we have to believe that. I have been thinking of you.
I am so pleased Sarah's results are as good as they could be, fantastic news.

Piglet - You've done so well with your outings recently, well done. I hope you enjoyed your evening alone in the end and didn't overdose on chocs Lol. I have fallen asleep watching QVC many times ....
Enjoy the cinema tonight if you go.

I've off to Karen's place now then another rest, just being on here for the last 20 mins has tightened my poor back again - I'm like a 90 year old some days!

Love Lisa x

14-02-06, 18:05
Hi Fee

Have you managed to dig your way through all the cards yet?!? :D How are you this evening.

Sounds like we all had a restless night last night. Hope you're feeling better now too Piglet. Sorry about the panicky texts at lunchtime.

Good to see you back Lisa.

Karen xx

14-02-06, 18:13

Glad to have you back Lisa!!!!

I have missed you.....

Piglet sorry to hear you had a rotten night last night - sounds like you were better off without us Lisa!!! I think it was humid last night - this is one of my other obsessions - I think humidiy makes me feel ill and people think it has to be hot to be humid (duh - it's 90% today)... And it was windy too. I reckon that accounts for a bad night for me quite often.

I did nothing today really.. well housework I suppose, but dragged myself out for a walk, came back and fell asleep again. I have the headache back - these headaches seem to get stuck once I get them. Bought some nicorette chewing gum while I was out.... nice idea [:I]

Oh and did my nails, put on a mudd pack (good impression of a mudslide lol) and a colour on my hair. God knows why, it's like trying to hold back the sea!

oh got interrupted by a long phone call! Will have a nose round and see how you all are xxxxxxxxxxx


14-02-06, 18:40
Hi Fee,

You're right it was humid last night, and I found it harder to breathe last night too. I hate high humidity, that's why I hate the summer as it's nearly always humid.

Sounds like you've done quite alot really this afternoon, well done.

I hope you get rid of the headache soon too.

Wow we really have got you into this beauty lark, I won't ask what products you used! Lol. Your hair looks lovely - that purple rinse suits you [:o)] Sorry I am joking honest - Lisa runs and ducks for cover [B)]
Ooh my humour is still here!

Are you going to use the nicorette gum then? and not in addition to cigarettes Lol. My hubby said it tastes horrible so he coped with mostly the patches and occasionally the little nicorette pills you can get. I have never smoked but can imagine how hard it must be to stop.

Have a good evening - thanks for the warm welcome back guys - I feel another group (((hug))) coming on.

Lisa x

14-02-06, 19:01
Hi Fee

I agree with Lisa, it sounds like you did get a lot done today. I keep putting off the housework but really need to at least vacuum tomorrow. I'm too tired tonight.

Well done for going for a walk too. It turned out to be a nice day here although it is still windy.

It makes a change for me but it was boiling at the clinic today. They had the heating turned up on full which is not good with several staff members there with this flu bug that's going around.

Did you enjoy your pampering session?

Karen xx

14-02-06, 21:57

My friend rang and said come out to eat and I DID! We went down to 7 dials (near where I live, sort of villagey bit of Brighton) to a cafe bar and had lasagne and a couple of beers and I felt really fine!!!

How odd! No anxiety, no dizziness, not tooooo tired.... really lovely!

But I missed a group hug!

Piglet - you posted somewhere to someone else about how sometimes the piggiest mornings turn out to be really good days - well I had one of those!!

Lol Lisa - don't ask about the products;) i'm embarrassed [:I] not sound or sensible but in the cupboard!!! AND lol chewing the gum and smoking - you've been watching me!

[Sigh...]if only I could feel this normal more often...

I am exhausted, and am extremely itchy but it has cheered me up no end!!!

Off to see how you guys are xxxxxx


14-02-06, 22:04
Hi Fee,

What a fantastic post, well done you've done so well today. I'm so pleased you went out and had a good time, go you!

You will feel this normal more often, I just know it.

Here's another (((hug))) as you missed the group hug.

I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.

Piglet - haven't seen you about, did you go to the cinema?

Love Lisa x

14-02-06, 22:15
Thanks lisa hun!

It's so surprising how things go up and down with me.... I hope you can have a 'day off' soon - that's what tonight felt like!

Gotta take me slap off and get in the bath....

More please[8D][8D]


14-02-06, 22:25
Hi Fee,

You're welcome. It was lovely to read your post, I was so pleased for you and you deserve to feel ok. These periods of feeling normal really help don't they.

Enjoy your bath, I hope you sleep well tonight.


Lisa x

14-02-06, 23:00
What great news Fee! :D I am so glad you had such a lovely evening. I think it often happens like that when these invitations come out of the blue and there is no time for anticipatory anxiety to set in.

I'm sure you will have more times like this and it is great to note and recognise how a day that starts badly can be turned around and end on a high note.

Don't think it is a good idea to chew the gum AND smoke [Oops!] ;).

I'm joining in the group (((Hug))) too.

Hope you have a good night's sleep.

Karen xx

15-02-06, 09:57

Well I don't feel too bad considering I had 2 beers! But the itching is dreadful - I had pasta and white bread, it's seem increasingly likely it's gluten-related. It woke me up in the night (it was humid again too!).

I have my doc's appt today to discuss how much more time to take off and stuff, I feel a bit nervous about it.

But on the whole I feel a smidgen better than I have been.

Must get up!!


15-02-06, 12:45
Hi Fee

How are you this afternoon? Have you had your doctor's appointment yet?

Glad you were feeling OK this morning. It does seem very likely that it is gluten causing these symptoms.

Karen x

15-02-06, 13:40
Hi Fee,

Glad you're not feeling too bad. It's another lovely sunny day here again today.

Good luck at the docs, hope it goes ok, let us know how you get on. I thought you were having six weeks off work, did I imagine that somewhere?

Thinking of you.

Lisa x

15-02-06, 16:03
Hi all

I went to the Doc's - waited an hour to see her and she was very harrassed.

She asked me to come back, having signed me off for 2 weeks and said she would sign me off for 6 weeks. Basically, she had decided that was the course of action and we had very little discussion - did the cert and arranged for me to see the counsellor at the practice on Monday.

I felt very rushed and didn't say anything much to her - but she said to make another appt for 2 weeks again. I was already feeling pretty miserable after hearing that a friend that M&S have made through the illness, an RnB singer who has been waiting for a donor for 9mths died yesterday. Mark was very upset - just before I went to Doc.

So after Doc I just burst into tears. I went to my friend's and she fed me and then we went into brighton and I spent a fortune on clothes. I feel so fat and old and ugly and decrepit... I hope it makes me feel better.

I'm very weepy again so I might just try and sleep. Rash is AWFUL!

Hope you are all okxxxxxxxxxxx


15-02-06, 17:29
Hi Fee,

Sorry the docs didn't go as well as you hoped, I can understand why that all upset you. I hope the retail therapy helped.

Sorry to hear about S & M's friend, I can understand why that has upset them and you so much. Big hugs (((Fee))).

I hope you've had a nap and feel better by the time you read this.

Thinking of you. Seems we're both having a bad day, I hope Karen and Piglet are doing better.

Lisa x

15-02-06, 18:39
thanks lisa

I feel a bit better now for sleeping, but the rash is dreadful - really think its gluten - had white bread again at my friend's!

crikey life's a struggle though!

hope you are all ok xxxxx


15-02-06, 18:56
Hi Fee,

I'm glad you feel better for sleeping. It does sound like your rash is releated to what you eat doesn't it. Have you had any luck in getting the endoscopy appt yet?

By the way what's the counselling for, just a general thing?

Catch you later, must go as my tea is ready now.

Love Lisa x

15-02-06, 19:13
Hi lisa

No news on the endsocopy yet - only that it will be within 4 weeks (they say).

Yes just general counselling, my eyes were leaking a bit today lol.... Can't get any CBT on NHS for probably 18mths and privately they want £65 an hour! I guess someone to splurge to (as well as you lot!) is a good thing!

Have a nice tea! xxxx


15-02-06, 19:46
Hi Fee

Sorry you've had such an awful day and it is not surprising that you are feeling low. It is sad news about Mark and Sarah's friend and understanderable why this has upset you all so much. Everyone's circumstances are different though so try to keep hope.

It sounds like your doctor was feeling harassed but it is not good when you feel rushed. General counselling is better than nothing but CBT would be more helpful. It is very frustrating that the wait for NHS treatment is so long.

Hope the retail therapy helped cheer you up a little.

Hugs Fee.

Karen x

15-02-06, 21:33
Hi Fee,

I hope you get the endoscopy appt through soon then, I suppose four weeks isn't long but it is when you have anxiety and want to stop eating gluten too.

I've not had general counselling but if it's offered go for it. As Karen said CBT is best. I was turned down for NHS CBT twice at my worst for not being bad enough. Even if I'd been accepted the wait was for ages. I had it privately but it cost me £94 a session and that was the cheapest round here at the time. I am on a 2 year waiting list for CBT for the ME, only about another six weeks until I reach the top of the list I think now.
My private therapist also did CBT for ME but I may as well have the NHS ones too as I'm nearly at the top of the list.

I hope your evening has been ok and that you're feeling better now.
I nearly leaked (tears not a loose pelvic floor) at the doctors too but that was due to my hormones and periods. I've only cried once at the docs, normally I go in there feeling awful and then when I'm called in I go all upbeat and jokey, no wonder they don't realise how bad I feel sometimes.

Thinking of you.

Lisa x

15-02-06, 21:59
Hi feeflower (that's all one word). Fi fum sort of seems to follow there.[:I]

Yes I would take the counselling - every little helps.

I had the general counselling too which was rather nice as I could just talk about myself for hours. Unfortunately he wouldn't let me after a couple of sessions of doing dramtic arm movements around the office he took control and talked. It then became boring and we agreed we were both ok now and we would part with no hard feelings.

I would love to have the CBT as really need to learn coping methods which just didn't seem to be his thing.

I have also had lots of news of people being very poorly around me and feel so helpless in these situations.

It does sound more and more like your rash is food realated - it will be good to sort this one out wont it.

Fee I had to smile at you feeling old, fat and ugly - I keep having those day at the moment too. I leap about on the trampolene and cry cos it hasn't worked I don't have Madonnas figure and just seem to pushing my thighs into jeans to have it all come squelching over the top. Oh my god did I catch sight of my face looking down into a mirror and shriek with horror at the vision that met me [:O][:O][:O][:O][:O]

I put on all the lotions and potions that I own on all at the same time and then kept waking up cos my face kept sliding off the pillow.

Enough enough I have told myself - I have now decided to love myself for the mysterious wonderful creature that I am (plus the young lad at the petrol station fancies me rotten - the old Mrs Robinson syndrome)!!!!

It does not help having teenage daughters with their tiny jeans and flawless skins but hey the petrol guy doesnt pass them their milkyways with quite the same twinkle and stutter that I am getting[:I]:D:D

Piglet xxxxxxxxxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-02-06, 22:16
Hi lisa

Lol - I usually do that at the GP too - part of what I am trying at the moment is to take myself more seriously - I seem to have made an art form out of getting people to laugh at my ailments!!! In a lot of ways it helps me cope but then I can't understand why no-one is sympathetic or helps...[Duh!]

I've been refused CBT twice alread too. I'm not sure if I was on a list or not - it all got very confused. I guess I'll just have to wait. Wait. and wait some more. Not my forte!!

Hi piggylette!

Lol your counselling creased me up!!! I won't have to listen to him/her will I? For goodness sake....

Re: the ageing process. Don't panic until you look in the mirror upside down and freak... and then realise it's the right way up AND YOU HAVE TO GO OUT LIKE THAT! LOL (that's exactly how I feel:D)

Where's your petrol station. They're all 12 years old in mine;)

How are you doing hun? Sorry to hear about all the poorly people - it does seem like that everywhere at the moment HUGS for you xxxx

I have been ok this evening, trying to integrate the spoils of my retail therapy[:I] heavens I lost the plot today!

My rash is raging, really bad tonight. Gosh I hope and pray it is wheat or gluten... otherwise I don't know what I'll do.

Off to check up on my nieces! xxxxxxxxxxxxx


15-02-06, 22:48
Hi all,

Lol you crack me up Piglet :D I laughed at the counselling, then the putting all lotions and potions on at once and I can really identify with the jeans thing!
I can envisage regular walks to the petrol station too ;)

Fee - I know the feeling re the docs and making jokes from my ailments. I remember once I had a barium enema and the nurse kept trying to get me to watch the test on the screen, I really didn't want to but eventually looked and saw a small dark area on the picture and I declared loudly - oh look you've found my brain thank you so much! [:I]

I'm glad you feel ok tonight, I hope the rash settles down soon. I bet the retail therapy did you good, that's one positive for my ME, I don't have the energy to go on huge shopping sprees anymore like I used to.

I hope you sleep well tonight all.

Lisa x

15-02-06, 23:06
lol lisa with the barium!!!! They didn't manage to save it then!

I'm laughing at the moment because my rash is outrageous, was starting to pace up and down and get all wound up (will my tongue swell and choke me etc.) when Desperate Housewives came on E4 and the character came out in hives and virtually mimicked me!!!

I wish I knew what was causing it so I could chuck it out (it was a man in her case lol!!!)

Still stressing but (ahem) I suspect I'll feel better when I've 'passed' all the white bread i've been eating!! Well I hope so anyway!

Don't think I'm in for a very good night :(

Hope you all feel ok xxxxxxxxxxxx


15-02-06, 23:27
Hi Fee,

Lol no they didn't manage to save it - obviously Lol. I think it's now in my big toe.

Aww sorry about your rash, these anxieties are awful aren't they. It doesn't help when we put the tv on for light relief and see our symptoms either.

I'm just imagining you trying to see if you've passed white bread or something else - oh dear I need help! I am laughing hysterically now, don't think I'm going to stop [:O] I haven't laughed like this for years, am I finally breaking down and cracking up or maybe suffering from mania. See it even feels weird to laugh that much these days. I actually am now feeling like I will burst into laughter at any minute, what a thing to worry about!

I hope your night isn't bad and that you sleep well.

love Lisa x

15-02-06, 23:41
Well there are some very um nice images being painted here tonight - not !!:D

Fee, I don't ever show my emotions either and feel the need to protect myself by squashing down emotion, let alone crying. I think that's why I had such a melt down the last time I saw Jill (my therapist).

I hope you can get some CBT because it would be likely to help. I wish you could all get the help you need to start feeling better. I am really lucky with the opportunity I've got with the clinic, even if I don't always sound like I appreciate it.

Although I realise no one believes it, I do feel experience the same feelings of being overweight and not feeling good about the way I look in my clothes. Time to start using the exercise bike I think!

Hope you manage to have a reasonable night Fee.

Karen xx

15-02-06, 23:55
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Well there are some very um nice images being painted here tonight - not !!:D
<div align="right">Originally posted by Karen - 15 February 2006 : 23:41:09</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

[Oops!] sorry, that will be me lowering the tone and having a mad moment! Lol

Lisa x

16-02-06, 00:12
Lol Lisa!! :D

I'm just not brave enough to discuss these things in public!

Karen xx

16-02-06, 11:44
.....whereas I will discuss my periods and anything else, even with the postman (he doesn't like it but like I say "postie you have no choice I am sat on you and you will listen").

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

16-02-06, 12:06
lol me too piglet - it's probably having kids that does it!

I can't get it together today, slept badly, itching and agitated!!

Hope you are all ok xxxx


16-02-06, 13:20
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">.....whereas I will discuss my periods and anything else, even with the postman (he doesn't like it but like I say "postie you have no choice I am sat on you and you will listen").
<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 16 February 2006 : 11:44:28</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Lol Piglet! I'm not that bad. if I met you all in person I wouldn't talk about these things but on here I feel I can say anything, not sure that's good or bad though. I haven't had kids though and I'm still not embarrased by these things - you should hear some of the questions I have asked doctors over the years though [:I]

Hi Fee,

I hope you're doing ok and feeling less itchy and agitated. I must get my brain to process the itching word differently as now I'm sat here itching all over again especially my head, face and arms! My gp wanted to do some blood tests if I still itch when I next see her but I'm fairly sure it's somatic now! Lol.

How are you feeling now? What are you up to today?

Thinking of you.

Lisa x

16-02-06, 16:45
lol lisa - i'm really sorry you keep catching it!!! As usual my doc wouldn't suggest anything - i only have a referral because the gastro man said it could be DH... Mentioned it again on Weds and she just 'oh yes'!!!

I feel better than I did - had loads of phone calls to make this morning and took my certificates in to work which was weird. Then did my food shopping with mum and friend and had a coffee... not too bad. I'm tired and headachey again now... it's no less tiring than being at work really!!! No - that's not true, I really need this time...

I went to the body shop (as the only place I know for that kind of thing) and got shea cocoa butter cream, shower cream and a naturalish shampoo to try and see if it helps... well even if it doesn't it sure all smells nice!!!

Ready for my siesta now!



16-02-06, 17:03
Hi Fee,

Yes I'm still itching [}:)] Lol. Do you have an appt to see the dermatologist yet? We have one that comes to our doctors surgery once a month.

I'm glad you managed to get out and go shopping, sounds like you've had a busy day. When you don't work it does make you wonder how you ever found time to work doesn't it? Lol.

Have a nice nap and I hope you enjoy your products.

Lisa x

16-02-06, 18:19
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">.....whereas I will discuss my periods and anything else, even with the postman (he doesn't like it but like I say "postie you have no choice I am sat on you and you will listen").
<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 16 February 2006 : 11:44:28</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Lol Piglet :D. I've got the funniest image in my head now!!

Karen xx

16-02-06, 18:22
Hi Fee

How are you this evening. I could do with a siesta now after my busy day at the clinic!

It is good that you managed to get out and went for a coffee while out with your Mum and friend.

Karen xx

16-02-06, 21:41
Hi Aunty Fee,

How are you this evening?

I hope your rash and itching have got better. My neck/chest have gone all blotchy tonight, I think my jumper is irritating my skin but who knows or maybe I touched my skin after touching the dog. Lol.

I hope you had a nice nap and a relaxing evening. Have you done any pampering yet?

Lisa x

16-02-06, 21:49
Hi Lisa

I'm sitting here trying to write a short piece for the news section of the big issue! (only the classies publications want to know lol!). It's a bit stressful - has to be 90 words!

And the website is not up yet which is frustrating me...

I just keep going dizzy trying to do it too..... Can't concentrate for any length of time...

will pop in and see how you are later - hope you are ok!!!



16-02-06, 21:53
Hi Fee

It is challenging but good to do things like writing the article. It's funny that it is so easy to write 90 words except when you are consciously trying to write a set amount - if you see what I mean [^].

The dizziness sounds horrid.

Any idea when the website will be up and running? What is holding it up?

Karen xx

16-02-06, 22:02
Hi Fee,

Good luck with the article, you'll get there. I know it must be hard to concentrate and especially when you're dizzy.

Is the website nearly ready to go?

Thinking of you.

Lisa x

16-02-06, 22:09
Crikey it was hard.. here it is so far! (exclusive hot before the press lol!!) We're not sure when they want it by so we have half a hope we can put the like2like web address in. It was so hard trying to get some facts in and make it interesting.... Mark and I did it together:

The acute shortage of registered bone marrow donors from ethnic minority groups means lives are at risk.

Sarah, 32, a newly-wed teacher from South London who has Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, is mixed race. She survived intensive chemotherapy, and was in remission for 13 months until the cancer returned just before Christmas.

A bone marrow transplant is urgently needed to give her a fighting chance. Her donor will be from a similar ethnic background (white mum, black dad).

A simple blood test could make you a lifesaver.

Contact the ACLT today 02086671122 info@aclt.org


16-02-06, 22:14
Sounds good Fee :D
I really hope this campaign helps Sarah.

Lisa x

16-02-06, 22:24
I too think it sounds good Fee.

Hopefully the article and website will generate support and a donor will come forward. You're coping so well with all of this.

Karen xx

16-02-06, 22:34
Thanks girlies!!!!

It was surprisingly hard for some reason, so much you want to say, all the details.... but in 90 words there's no chance..

I'm glad I've done it, it's the first thing I've managed to do on the whole thing for 2 weeks.... Maybe this will 'unblock' me!

I'm shattered - trust me it started off about 250 words!!!

Think I'd better wash up and stuff or I'll be up all night...

I'll be back xxxxxxxxxxx


16-02-06, 22:46
I can believe the 250 words lol ;). I wrote an email to Jill - my therapist - tonight and have realised it is virtually impossible for me to do 'succinct' in writing. It is hard to believe I don't speak much from what I write!

Hope you are not up all night - although my strange turnaround started following positive thoughts that suddenly struck me in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep. Maybe all the hypnosis downloads etc I've been listening too are finally paying off [Yeah!].

Karen xx

16-02-06, 22:58
Hi Fee,

I'm glad you got the article finished. I used to have to write lots of scientific reports of only so many words long and it's not easy as there's always more you want to say. I just keep my fingers crossed that this campaign heps Sarah and maybe even others too.

Ooh you just reminded me I haven't washed up either. I have a dishwasher but not everything can go in there.

Lisa x

16-02-06, 23:03
Hi lisa

I did a bit of journalism in the past, mainly music stuff (although I did some aerospace stuff too.. don't ask me how it came about!!), but this was so much harder... trying to think about the subject without getting emotional and remembering that Sarah isn't the most important person in the world at the moment to everyone else.... I do feel a bit unblocked now! I have still got the web pages to write - maybe I'll start being able to do it.

What a lovely note of optimism... I'm off for my bath (I may be back tho!!!)

If not - sleep well both of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


16-02-06, 23:05
That was quick!

Hope you have a relaxing bath and manage to get to sleep at a reasonable time tonight.

Karen xx

16-02-06, 23:08
Hi Fee,

Have a good pamper and sleep well if we don't chat again. I'm off to wash up but may be back as this online party we're having has got me all hyper! Lol.

Night Fee, Hugs,

Lisa x

16-02-06, 23:20
Gosh everyone is washing up. Maybe I should do mine too!

Night Aunty Fee and little sis in case you don't come back. I'll have to carry on partying alone!

Karen x

17-02-06, 09:34
Morning all!

Well wish i could be as positive in the mornings but unfortunately yet again I have woken with a headache, stiff neck, dizzy, pnd, and a very bad tummy. It's so miserable - it takes ages to get myself feeling vagely human.

I have an appt for an epley today, have to try and get myself to the hospital which feels exhausting.

But it was a fab night last night - really cheered me up!!

Piglet you missed a party!!! Hope you were doing something nice xxx

Hope you are all ok xxxxx


17-02-06, 11:30
Hi Fee,

I know the morning feeling, I still have it at nearly lunchtime! I hope you feel better later and I hope the epley helps. Thinking of you.

I enjoyed last night too, thanks for the party Karen, it was your positive post and mood that rubbed off on me last night :D

Piglet - Hope you're ok - you missed a brill party.

Lisa x

17-02-06, 12:14
Hi Lisa

Yes I'm not shaking mine very well today...

Plus Mark rang having an anxiety attack about driving down, which as you can imagine if found heartbreaking. I can't bear the thought of him ending up like me.... My anxiety started about his age with all the trauma I went through. Still at least he and I know more about how to deal with it now...

Mum is not well, is going back to Doc - having trouble breathing again, bless her.

I cancelled my epley - i don't think there is any point today, my stomach is in such a mess - i'll save it until after the biopsy (plus chris was being very moody last night and i don't think he wanted to take me).

My friend's teenage daughter had her appendix out last Friday and doesn't seem to be recovering - she phoned me for reassurance, so worried but afraid to take her to A&E because she is prone to being over-anxious (i.e. a mother lol!). I told her to go, it's awful that we feel like that.

I phoned the endoscopy dept and my notes are "on her desk on the top of the pile waiting for a slot" which is what they said on Monday. Grrrrr
I'm exhausted, not even up and dressed yet!

So, so far today has been pretty pants...

I must get up and take mum to doc soon.... let's hope it all improves later!

Hope you are ok - will pop over and see!!!

hugs all round? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


17-02-06, 13:23
Aww (((Fee)))

Pretty pants all round for us isn't it, I definitely think hugs all round are in order.

I'm sorry you had to cancel the epley and chance to get rid of the dizzy feeling, I hope you don't have to wait too long to get another appt.

I really hope your Mum gets on ok at the docs too. Let us know how she goes.

Aww poor Mark, it must be hard for you if Mark has anxiety but it's not your fault if he has, he didn't get it from you. Anyone going through all he has/is could develop it and understandably so. Is he coming to see you? You mentioned him driving down?

I hope your friends daughter is ok. Fee you are coping well mate, you are dealing with all your own problems and still being everything to everyone else too.

I hope they get that endoscopy appt sorted out soon, how hard can it be to make you an appt. I've been so lucky here with all my appts and docs.

Thinking of you, hope you feel better later.

Lisa x

17-02-06, 14:25
Hi ya hun,

I hope the day is gettin a bit better and I just wanted to say the article for the big issue was great. When might it go in do you think.

Hugs Piglet xxxxx

17-02-06, 15:00
Hi Fee

Sorry you are not feeling great this morning. We'll have to party again tonight to help to cheer you up lol :D.

It is understandable that you worry about Mark but, as you say, you do both know much more than when your anxiety started and I think the earlier you start to tackle it the better really. For those of us who've had it for years before even understanding what was happening, let alone knowing what to do about it, it is very hard to break the patterns which was become entrenched. We are getting there - one step at a time and one day at a time.

Hope your Mum is ok.

It's very frustrating waiting for hospital appointments and all you can do is keep ringing them and hassling them. It seems you get action if you are assertive about getting these things sorted. I have always tried to be patient and just waited in the past and sometimes I think people who are pushing get dealt with first. Perhaps we need to take a leaf out of their book!

Hope you are having a better afternoon.

GROUP HUG coming up :D.

Karen xx

17-02-06, 15:46
Thanks lisa - lovely hug... and the day is improving!

Thanks piglet - I'm not sure when it is going in yet.

Thanks Karen Hubs are lovely too lol!!! Another party is definitely in order, although i may be out with M&S tonight!:D:D:D

I took advantage of a bit of sunshine and decided after taking mum to doc to do something positive and drove up to Devil's Dyke (local beauty spot). Only a 10 min drive but never done it alone. I got out and had a good look round and started to think maybe I should go for a walk, properly, like I used to with Annie but for once in my life realised I didn't have to keep pushing until i did get anxious, I should stop and go back and be proud of myself for going - so I did... Karen I swear you have infected me with your positivity! Thanks hon!!!

I feel so pleased to have done it, even with a stiff neck and dizziness and dodgy tum! It was lovely just to see the sky and fields and not be too tense, about 5.5 I'd say!

So I have also made an appt for hygienist (couldn't quite get to the dentist yet..) for next Tuesday. These are the things I need time off to be doing, facing my anxieties and stuff (well, when there's nothing else going on!).

So although I still feel physically pants - I feel much happier! Thanks so much for being here all of you!!!!! Gosh if I didn't have ME (and/or Coeliac's) I reckons with you lot behind me I'd be really sorting myself out!!

I want to try and drive somewhere alone every day or two, but it's hard to think where, what, why!!!

hope you are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


17-02-06, 15:55
Yep totally agree with the last sentance - sometimes it can make you feel abit aimless if you are just doing it with no clear goal or reason in sight.

I guess just do it because you can is the answer.

Have a lovely time tonight lovie and see you later.

piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-02-06, 16:01
Hi Fee,

Well done you, what a great day you've ended up having, you've done so well.

I hope you have a lovely time with S & M later.

I'm glad you're all doing so well today now, well except for me who is still letting the side down. I don't feel negative just down with all this pain.

Lisa x

17-02-06, 18:42
<center>Well Done Fee:D:)</center>

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">but for once in my life realised I didn't have to keep pushing until i did get anxious, I should stop and go back and be proud of myself for going - so I did... Karen I swear you have infected me with your positivity! Thanks hon!!!<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 17 February 2006 : 15:46:53</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
So many positives today and I am so very happy if my recent positivity has inspired you. It makes my efforts doubly worth it [Yeah!].

It can be a challenge to find new places to try out although there much be quite a few places within easy reach of Brighton. I don't know the area that well, as the only places I tend to go there are the town centre when I go to see Jill or help in the office, and to Hove when I go to the workshops.

I hope you have a lovely time with Mark and Sarah tonight.

You've brought a smile to my face tonight Fee with all this wonderful progress. I think it's great.

Karen xx

17-02-06, 22:39
Hi Fee,

Hope you've had a great evening with Mark and Sarah.

Thinking of you.


Lisa x

18-02-06, 08:14
Morning Fee.

I hope you are well today and that you had a good time last night.

Karen xx

18-02-06, 10:58
Morning Karen and everyone

I had the BEST evening!!! The three of us went out for a meal early on (2 glasses of wine - woohoo!!) then just came back here and chilled, Sarah fell asleep on my bed and Mark and I messed around downloading music and chatting and we both completely relaxed! And we both knew it was the first time we had felt relaxed for absolutely ages. My rash has even almost gone. Just goes to show....

Still woke up feeling a bit grotty. I so wish I had somewhere for them to stay with me. But they found a decent B&B (they could have stayed at mum's but sarah couldn't see mum cos she has a chest infection). They're staying tonight as well so I'll get to see them again! I wish I lived nearer or had the confidence to drive up to London on my own at the drop of a hat...

I missed you guys last night but decided to stay off - they didn't leave till gone 12 anyway so I made myself go straight to bed. I hope you are all ok - just going over to look...



18-02-06, 11:34
Hi Fee,

I'm so pleased you all had a lovely evening and that you and Mark relaxed. Great about the rash too.
Have a good day and another nice evening with Mark and Sarah.
Sorry this is short but trying not to type much today.

Lisa x

18-02-06, 11:50
Hi Lisa

Thanks hun - you do as much or as little as you feel comfortable with - will be thinking about you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


18-02-06, 11:54
Have another lovely day with Mark and Sarah mate and see you later.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-02-06, 21:43
Hi Fee

I am sooo pleased you had such a lovely evening with Mark and Sarah last night. It does go to show how doing enjoyable things like this and how having some company really can help.

Hope you have another great evening tonight Fee.

You will be able to make that drive to London one day. Is the the outskirts of London or right in the centre? My brother and his family live in outer London and I could do that drive alone but I wouldn't drive in to the centre of London.

I think you're doing great Fee!!

Karen xx

18-02-06, 21:48
Hope you're all having a lovely time Fee.

Thinking of you.

Lisa x

19-02-06, 08:55
Hi everyone - thanks for your messages..

I have had a lovely weekend - went into town with my friend yesterday (walked in - that was a first!) and M&S came round in the evening and we had a curry. It was all so normal and lovely and I slept so well last night. I didn't even have a headache when I woke up!

It's like I've had the weekend off from my total obsession with myself and my ailments. I've still been dizzy, my tummy still bad and yesterday the pains around my ear/jaw/neck/eye (which feels like some sort of infection somewhere) still played on my mind, with the thoughts of a tumour etc. I still felt itchy. Distraction didn't make them go away but.... well just distracted me from them!

I hope I can really build on the positivity I have felt this weekend. If I could get this blasted biopsy out of the way I might feel like I can move forward a bit. And if I could give up smoking... but I find it hard to imagine me finding a good time to take that on....

I hope you guys are ok too xxxxxxxxxxxxx


19-02-06, 10:14
Hi Fee,

I'm so pleased you are having a lovely weekend. I hope today is as good for you too, you deserve it.

Well done for coping and enjoying yourself even though you still have ailments.

THinking of you.

Lisa x

19-02-06, 11:54
Morning Fee

I am so glad you have had such an enjoyable weekend. Yesterday sounds another great day and the company seems to have done you a world of good. It just shows what a difference it can make to have family and friends around us.

I too hope you can have the biopsy as soon as possible.

What are you doing today? I hope today is as good for you.

Karen xx

19-02-06, 12:10
Glad you had a lovely time - you all deserve it.

Raining here and we are just contemplating a trip to Primark.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

19-02-06, 12:49
Thanks Lisa - hope your day is going ok!

Thanks karen - it does make such a difference to have at least a few people who really care - that's why this site is so wonderful isn't it[8D]

I feel pretty bereft - I don't know when I'll see Mark again and under what circumstances.. and we are not that good at talking on the phone or mailing...

But I am doing my best to stay positive - going for sunday lunch with my friend - mum is still not well enough to go out but seems to be improving. I'm going to walk the long way round (not very far mind you) just to do one thing I wouldn't normally do to keep pushing....

Mind you Matalan sounds good to me Piglet!!! Don't spend too much, you won't be able to carry it lol!!!

have a lovely day xxxx


19-02-06, 14:29
Hi Fee

It must be tough not knowing when you'll see Mark and Sarah again. I am sure they will visit when they can. Is there any way of getting up to see them?

Well done for continuing to push yourself for walking the long way to meet your friend for lunch. Is it raining there? It's a miserable day here.

I like Matalan too but my nearest one is closed for 3 months [V]. Maybe I'll have to check out the one in Brighton when I'm there on Wednesday!

Hope you have a good afternoon Aunty Fee!

Karen xx

19-02-06, 16:21
Thanks karen!! I think i bit off a wee bit too much today - the route i took was further than i thought (20 min walk), the weather was colder and wetter than I thought and the last bit of the walk was uphill. I started to panic half way (shall i go back or forward) and felt really weak and shaky so i phoned a friend and she talked me the rest of the way to the pub (unlike most brightonians who panic when they have to leave lol!!!). Phew... but I'm glad i did it - i think i must do things where i feel still in control at the moment, so i don't panic at all - so another walk tomorrow.... but without the pressure of meeing someone and having other options...

I'm exhausted now so I'll have a siesta - at least I deserve it today!!!!


Piglet - just realised i blurred primark and matalan into one place lol!!!!


19-02-06, 16:33
Well done for coping with all of that Fee. Even if you had some anxiety and panic, you thought rationally, asked for some support and kept on going. That's brilliant.

I agree maybe a more manageable walk tomorrow without the pressure of going anywhere in particular would be better.

Hope you have a good rest.

Piglet: I hope you didn't buy the entire contents of Primark ;)[:P]. Lol!!

Karen xx

19-02-06, 19:01
Hi Fee,

:D:D Primark and Matalan are pretty much the same thing hun so that's ok.

Youngest got a pretty pinky spotty groovy sort of slip nightie and I got some more beads a la hippy style that I love.

Tell what I was thinking have you got an msn address as I have added the other two and sometimes we could have chinwag on there too. PM me.


Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

19-02-06, 19:07
Sounds like you were very restrained there Piglet!!!

I've been playing with crinkly scissors, coloured paper and stickers lol!

Karen xx

19-02-06, 20:09
Thanks karen - this weather does not make pushing myself to walk places alone very appealing!

Hi piglet - I knew you were a hippy chick... or is that chic hippy lol!!! I like me beads n stuff too!!! Good idea - I will PM you.

What with Karen going all arty-farty, we're going to end up living on a commune somewhere eating brown rice lol!!! I'll have to be the earth mother though as the oldest[:I] if you knew me you'd know how funny that is lol[8D][8D]

I had a lovely nap and feel quite physically exhausted still - I really did push it a bit, but that's what I need to be doing... everything else is pretty ok atm though[8D]

Hope you are all okxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


19-02-06, 21:18
Hi Fee

I agree about the weather. It is dire here tonight [:O].

I've never really enjoyed arty things before but I am quite into this now. Not sure about the brown rice though [xx(] [Ugh].

Glad you are feeling ok tonight and I hope you get a good night's sleep. I am aiming to get to bed before midnight tonight!! [:P]

Karen xx

19-02-06, 21:25
Hi Karen

I'm hoping to go to bed early too, but the rash is pretty bad tonight.. I really don't know why.... I don't feel stressed or anxious at all. Weird.

Oh well, got to be something!

I have counselling tomorrow which I'm quite looking forward to actually.

Hope Lisa is ok



19-02-06, 22:04
Hi Fee,

Well done for today, you did well to cope with the walk.

Hope you're ok and that the rash settles again soon. I hope you get a good sleep tonight.

Good luck with the counsellor tomorrow.

Love Lisa x

P.S Just off to pack for the commune but realised I can't as I have no beads!

19-02-06, 22:14
Thanks lisa

The rash is completely out of hand tonight I feel really hot and like I'm being eaten alive... it's awful:(

I hope it settles overnight, I'm going to have my bath in a minute, that usually helps.

Feel pretty fed up with it....

Hope you sleep well xxxxxx


19-02-06, 22:19
Hi Fee,

Aww big hugs mate (((Fee))). I know what it's like to get fed up with symptoms, that rash sounds a right nuisance. Being eaten alive sounds nasty too [}:)] unless it's by some hunk [:O][:I]. I really hope you feel better soon. Thinking of you.

Have a nice bath and I hope you sleep well.


Lisa x

19-02-06, 22:23

The rash sounds horrible. There is always something isn't there? I have stomach ache tonight just when I wanted to get an early night. I hope the bath helps.

Good luck for your session with the counsellor tomorrow. I will look forward to hearing how it went when I get home tomorrow night.

Sleep well.

Karen xx

19-02-06, 22:43
Thanks you two!!

I just hope I sleep ok - not got into the bath yet.... must do it!

Nite nite xxxxxxxxx


19-02-06, 22:50
Nighty night

Karen xx

20-02-06, 09:17
Thanks for the Pm fee will go and add you in a mo - we can all talk together on there soon.

Crinkly scissors - I love crinkly scissors!!!!!!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

20-02-06, 13:24
Just saying hi here too Fee :).

Thinking of you today.

Lisa x

20-02-06, 16:55
Hi Fee

How are you today?

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Crinkly scissors - I love crinkly scissors!!!!!!
<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 20 February 2006 : 09:17:03</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Yeah it doesn't matter if you don't cut straight with em!!!

Karen xx

20-02-06, 17:15
Lovely to talk to you earlier on msn and I hope the counselling went well.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

20-02-06, 17:18
Crinkley scissors - well when I was four years old I had really long blonder than blonde hair but I decided to cut about 4 inches of hair off one side only using crinkly scissors! I carefully hid the hair I'd cut off behind the sofa and didn't think anyone would notice [Duh!] Lol

20-02-06, 18:03
Lol Lisa!!

Karen xx

20-02-06, 18:25
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Lol Lisa!!

Karen xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Karen - 20 February 2006 : 18:03:30</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Yes I was a trendsetter even aged 4! Lol