View Full Version : Head pains. Please reply!

Natalie x
13-06-10, 21:59
Hi. I've had a headache for a few hours now and im going out of my mind with worry. Its like a sort of sharp pain at the right side and also above my eye and temple. A minute ago my head got reali tight and felt pressure on it. It also feels heavy. Has anyone else ever had this? Should i be worried?

13-06-10, 22:47
Hi Natalie
Sounds like a tension headache, have you taken anything for it? If its any consolation to you, I have had a pain on the right side of my head on and off for a few years now. My Dr puts it down to sinuses and the fact that most of my work, I am a secretary, is audio typing and the pain is behind and above my right ear. I just take painkillers when its bad and after 6 years it is still there but I try not to worry too much about it. Maybe you should take some painkillers and just try to relax, the more you worry about it, especially if it is a tension headache, the worse it seems to get.
I hope you feel better soon.
Jannie x x

13-06-10, 23:00
When you move your eyes up does it hurt your sockets?

I have this atm

It is extremely sore

14-06-10, 00:09
Classic anxiety. I had this really badly, all over my head and face. sharp stabbing pains everywhere. burning scalp, pressure on forehead and top of head, crawling sensation under skin on head, u name it i had it!! I had a CT brain scan and it was ALL CLEAR. Then all the symptoms completely disappeared. THAT is how powerful anxiety is. That made me realise how much the mind controls the body. Anxiety trips alot of ppl up coz they dont believe ita anxiety because they dont FEEL anxious. But the fact is, you ARE anxious, but u just dont know it as its all subconcious. Dont worry sweetheart, ul be fine, u havent got anything wrong with u, its just anxiety and i wish u all the best in getting better and believing u can beat this. Coz u can, and u WILL. xxx

Going home
14-06-10, 00:27
To be so scared of this headache, is this the first time you've had it?

Anna xx

14-06-10, 00:34
Did you try a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory kind. Here in the USA it is Advil or Motrin.

14-06-10, 00:55
I've had a bad headach on and off for the last two weeks....... but then I do tend to be prone to headaches :(
but thats all it is, is a headach!
the heaviness and pressure can be quite intense and it is always a bit scary but it is never the less very normal.
your perfectly fine it's just your anxiety that is unnerving you.
hope the pain goes soon :)

Electric Blue
14-06-10, 08:37
I've had headaches/ pressure/ tightness in my head for weeks now.

I too am absolutely terrified...

If anyone could give some advice that would be great.

I haven't had a headache today, although I've felt pressure/ tightness around my temples and back of my head...so everything I feel is basically painless...but I just feel random tightness and pressure which really worries me =(

I also tend to feel a bit groggy in the head, like nothing is real and its all a dream.

I had a headache yesterday which did eventually go away on it's own...(no pain killers taken)

I seem to have myself convinced I have a brain tumor...I've been to the doctors 3 times all up, plus I had an eye test... optometrist did say he checked my optic nerve and if there's anything abnormal growth in my head it can be seen through the optic nerve and he said it looked all fine.

I feel so unmotivated...and tend to have trouble travelling in a car at the moment...although if I am driving myself it's not so bad...but being a passenger makes me feel dizzy and set the tightness/ pressure off even more...

Wondering if anyone has ever felt like this due to anxiety? I just want to feel motivated again and want my regular life back =(

Thanks all

14-06-10, 10:35
I suffer with bad headaches and also migraines, I take Co Codamol.
Have you had your eyes tested recently?
Do you take any medications for your problems? I take Lamictal and this can cause headaches, it does in me from time to time.

Natalie x
14-06-10, 10:56
Hi. Yes, I wear glasses and had my eyes checked around 3 or 4 weeks ago. They said the headaches were down to me nto wearing them as often as I should. But yesterday mornign I was carrying on with my boyfriend and we banged heads - like just at the right hand side of my eye. I'm now convinced that I have internal bleeding as my head is now sore around the back. Do you think that I have this? I am really scared! I need some reassurance!

14-06-10, 11:28
Had exactly the same as crazyhayz, headaches and pains, sometimes sharp that come and go and make me feel sick and some dull aches that can least for days. Had all these for about 4 years on and off I thought I had a brain tumour till I saw a neurologist and was told there was nothing wrong but anxiety.I felt fine for a while but then it came back and started to have doubts again. Im currently on Amiltriptlyne which helped at first but dont seem to be at the moment.

The last 3 days i have had pains & aches in my head really bad along with the crawling sensation under skin on my head. The worse thing is I keep feeling spaced out and cant think straight which really freaks me out and makes me worried im going mental or mad or something. Part of me tells me that it is anxiety but the other part of me says there must be something seriously wrong as I just feel so bad.

Natalie x
14-06-10, 11:32
Hi. Thank you for your replies. I'm just really worried. I started to feel a bti dizzy a few minutes ago and I am still convinced that this is internal bleeding se to me banging my head at the right hand side. I really hope it's not. My head hurts up the top now. Should I be worried? Please reply!

14-06-10, 12:28
No u dont need to worry natalie, honestly. This is just anxiety and nothing more. You obviously have an anxiety disorder, like i did, and u need to get the right help. Speak to ur doctor asap and ask for a referral for CBT if u havent already done so. Counselling also helps alot. If u had internal bleeding, u wouldnt be sat at ur computer typing, ud most proibably be on concious. Internal bleeding doesnt just leave u feeling a bit dizzy, ud seriously know about it, u wouldnt even be able to sit at ur computer, u would know u had something seriously wrong. Trust me hun, u are fine, the sooner u start believing this the quicker ul get better. U need to enjoy ur life and not worry about whether u have this or that, it will ruin ur life, it did mine! I finally decided i wasnt going to wreck my life and i want to enjoy it, and if ive got sumink wroing wiuth me, then theres nothing i can do anyway, so why waste ur life away worrying it? uve got to enjoy it as much as u possibly can :) and be happy :) Take care xxxx