View Full Version : Trying to calm myself

13-06-10, 22:29
Hi guys thought Id post my present feelings to try and calm myself, basically Iv just gone really hot having shortness of breath and fidgety. I can feel myself getting worked up and panicy so Im hoping to get some reply's with some good advice :yesyes:.

I have tried the deep breathing but that never works, as strange as it sounds pacing the room seems to settle me(or so it seems) so I may have to try that.

Thanks in advance & I hope everyone else is ok.


Sorry if I have posted in wrong section

13-06-10, 22:44
Yes, pacing can help. It releases the energy we try to hold in to calm ourselves. I'm sitting here right now, bad wasted day of anxiety, shaking my legs to disperse the tension.

14-06-10, 00:48
Hi guys nasty isn't it I'm up to going hot and cold breathing hard to contol why do nights seems much worse thinking of u guys sorry not much help but were not alone xx

14-06-10, 00:52
aw I hate how when you panic it's just so hard to not to panic!
try splashing some cold water on your face,
hold your breath for ten seconds, not sure why this helps me "catch" my breath.
call a friend,
go into the chatroom so you don't feel so alone.

14-06-10, 01:15
Thanks for the tips , why is it all we learn about coping skills go out the window when were in a panic and once it gets a grip it don't like to let go x

14-06-10, 02:02
Although I hate the thought of others suffering its reassuring to know Im not alone, I truly thought I was the only one struggling so bad until I found this site, Thankyou all for your kindness

14-06-10, 16:00
Hi how u all feeling after such a pants night hope ur havin a good day feeling a tad sorry for myself and a bit wobbly went doc and he said it was the side effects of my new meds and should pass in a few weeks , here's hoping we all have a better night x