View Full Version : Howdy from down under ?? on driving and smoking

14-06-10, 01:18
Howdy all :)

Just thought i would do a intro and ask a few quick questions .

I had or still have anxiety , still trying to work that out :huh:.

Brought on by stressfull life and then increased to nightmare stage from drugs i was placed on .

Anxiety is mostly under control , live pretty much normal these days after alot of research and work . Still have a few symptoms but nothing bad .

But i do have quick questions .

Anyone have trouble long distances . I am fine around town but find when longer i start remembering all the c&*p i have had to go though in last 18 months and this changes my mood and makes me upset .

Second Smoking . Are there any smokers that have quit smoking and it has helped with there anxiety . I am a very heavy smoker and believe this is playing a big part in my anxiety .

While i am on the go . Memory plays a huge part in anxiety i believe . Anyone have any tips on letting go on things ??

cheers kev :yesyes:

14-06-10, 02:10
Kev, It is understood that any stimulent can trigger or add to axiety. If you are not aonly a smoker but a heavy smoker as you described I would bet that it adds to your anxiety. If you are smoking pot as I used to it definately adds to your anxiety.

Digging up old crap in your head is a definate problem for all of us, which is an anxiety trigger. I have not mastered yet on how to change this. They say you need to let this shit go and move on. If you continue to rethink the past you can try to figure out specific pleasure thoughts and bring them on immediately when the bad ones come a long. Use these same pleasure thoughts over and over.

Good luck and welcome. You should hae lot's of support and ideas on this site.


14-06-10, 02:39
Thanks Ron

No dope but smoking has increased to 60 day over last 18 months . I am almost 99% sure that it is causing alot of my anxiety that is left now . If its not the smoking then the fact it pees me off i cant quit does it .

I think i know the next step just need to work out how to take it .

They say you need to let this shit go and move on

Yes but bloody harder than said hey. I think my problem is that the doctors and their treatment caused most of it and i still have to deal with them which sucks i tell you . I have a better doctor now but he is leaving soon .

cheers kev

14-06-10, 02:47
Howdy Kev.......I am a smoker,about 20 a day,sometimes more if I am stressed,I have tried to give them up,but to no avail.I"m55 and the damage was done years ago.I'm in Queensland and pleased to meet you,hope you find this helpfull:D

14-06-10, 03:05
Good day fellow aussie

Gees us aussies get around dont we. :D

I will get there , i just need to work out how to get around that little voice telling me if i stop it will stress me out .

I figure if i got past stopping panic attacks then i can do this .

cheers kev mid NSW and Cold :huh:

14-06-10, 03:28
Hi again Kev....I just got back from Coffs Harbour and Sydney and yes it was bloody cold I am not used to such cold weather,coming from Mackay.Do you see anyone for your panic attacks,and anxieties.I have a wonderfull Psychologist and Psych....they have helped me greatly,Try to do Cognative Therapy,it will help you too.There are quite a few Aussies on this site,and they are all nice people.:yesyes:

14-06-10, 03:54
Hi Rhonda

Yes we had one day last week i thought i would snap from being to cold .

I talk to a mental health worker about things but i think i tell her more than she tells me .

I dont have any panics now , havent had one for a long time , so they are gone :yesyes:. My anxiety is pretty good and almost normal most days . I have it build sometimes but stop it pretty fast now .

I am having trouble with driving long distances which sort of feeds the other because i need to drive for work . The driving doesnt worry me its the thinking about past things while i drive. As you would know how excieting some of our drives in oz can be . I think depression may be underlying this problem .

I got past the worst were i would freak just looking at a car but this is alot harder because its not something i do every day .

So what your story , How is your panics and anxiety ? How long you had them ?

I went to and worked with a site in Canada which taught me how to handle anxiety and how it all works. If it wasnt for that site i would still be in a bad way.

cheers kev :)

14-06-10, 04:21
Hi Kev......I had my first panic attack quite a few years ago now,and went undiagnosed for years.I finally found a doctor who told me what it was,after many trips to the hospital thinking I was dying or having a stroke,he put me on a tablet called Lexotan,which has stopped the panic and almost the anxiety.With the help of CBT and Visualisation and Breathing exercises I can manage it,but I still have days when I feel crap.I know what you mean about driving,where I live it is a fair distance to the nearest city which is Mackay.I notice my mind wonders while I drive to so I just blast the cd player and try to sing along.Have you heard of Bev Aisbett books on Living with IT,they are really good.She is a journo,who suffered from Panic and Anxiety.Also read Bill's posts on here they are very good.

14-06-10, 04:23
Kev .....go to Aussie Connection Post and you can also talk with Phill2
Rhonda x

Electric Blue
14-06-10, 12:39
Ohhh fellow Aussies...

I'm in Melbourne where it's bloody cold at the moment too.

My panic attacks started in my mid teens...and they have come and gone ever since.
Sometimes it manageable other times I cannot bare it and just want to crawl up in a ball and die. =(

14-06-10, 22:35
Howdy Electric Blue:flowers:Nice to meet you.Maybe you should move up to QLD,it is a bit warmer up here.Hope you enjoy the site.:D
Rhonda x

Electric Blue
15-06-10, 08:54
Thanks Ronny =)

I've been to QLD a number of times...I do enjoy the warm weather but I do get over it as well...we get plenty of hot days here in Melbourne in the summer time...remember black Saturday? That was a stinking hot 46! Plus I love curling up in bed when its cold..

Easy to get warm...hard to be cool...unless you have air conditioning though (which I do!)

I like a mix of both warm and cold whether which is exactly what Melbourne has =)

15-06-10, 21:56
Hi Kev and everyone else, Kev you mentioned something about a site in canada. Whould you be so kind to share as mY ANXIETY HAS BEEN OUT OF CONTOL! I have been on Citalopram for 10 weeks from 20 toi 30 to 40mg's and I am about to givve them up. So far I'm not convinced that the meds haven't increased the anxiety. Good to see you have some comrads from your native land.

About the smokes, if I can suggest maybe try weining, I managed to quit 9 years ago. This is how I did it.:
-First I weined down for a month, I gave myself a certain amount of smokes per day per week. Everyweek I decreased the intake.
- after the first week I started to not smoke at the obvious times. Morning coffee, post meal etc.
-While doing this drink as much Vitiman C, grapefruit juice concentrated. or cranberry juice. drink as much in a day as you can. But not after dinner as you will pee all f-ing night. This will wash the shit out of your system quicker.
- After each meal brush you teeth with Cinnamon tooth paste, rinse you mout with cinnamon mouth wash then chew cinimon gum, this should reduce the cravings.

If you can pack this stuff on your being so you can have it at all times.

Just an idea,



16-06-10, 12:42
hi kev


your post title made me smile - you know how aussies are often accused of speaking every sentance like its a question - you know by their voice going up at the end of the sentence? it made me smile that your ?? makes it look like your saying "howdy from down under??" When i read it first i thought that that was the question!!
this probably doesnt make any sense but i found it most amusing! :blush:

anyway I hope you start to feel better soon!

anna xx

16-06-10, 13:43
Just a few words about the smoking as I was thinking the same for myself. I have managed to switch to electronic cigarettes completely now. I was on 40 cigs a day - bad I know. If you want to try e cigs then send me a PM. I wasn't sure about posting a different site on here. Once you're on the e cigs you can cut down the nicotine as and when you feel its ok to do that, so eventually you'll be on none. I must say I feel a whole heap better about myself not smoking any more and havent had a smoke since Christmas day! :D


16-06-10, 22:12
Hi,Bubble may I pm you too,I need to give up,I've tried everything but nothing is working :weep:

16-06-10, 22:23
Sure thing Ronny, the more the merrier. Anyone else need a different approach to 'giving up' then send me a PM. Hope thats OK.


17-06-10, 16:21
Kev, got your PPM thanks so much I will check it out ASAP.

Cheers Ron

Did you get the cinnamon supplies/?? LOL