View Full Version : Globus or not Globus??

14-06-10, 08:46
Hi guys,

I really need help! I'm stressing myself out bigtime here. I have this horrid feeling in my throat. It started off 3 months ago (there abouts) just as a little niggle, nothing really to worry about, I kind of forgot about it until a couple of days later it returned. Now it's the bain of my life and that ain't no lie. I have been back to my GP so many times; however on the last appointment I couldn't see my usual doc and ended up with this **** that called me neurotic! I mean nice huh! He can read all my notes and see I have been referred for CBT but he still calls me that! I think a letter of complaint is on it's way to the practice.

Anyway I had to typical, clssic signs and symptoms of Globus sensation which too me to the quacks the first time, second time I wanted a referral to ENT which I got (appointment is 9th July) and was checked for Thyroid and a FBC taken. I'm so worried as the 'classic' symptoms have vanished and I have this feeling/lump/debris/foreign object only on the right side of my throat and it feels like it goes down into my chest. I had a panic attack over this yesterday and the day before I called NHS direct and said I feel like I'm choking. They made an appoinment with the local on call doctor at my hospital and guess what....... nothing was found. I wanted an x-ray but they refused :-( I am wondering whether to go to A&E this morning or not?

It feels huge, feels like something is growing there, it's worrying me so much. I don't start my new job until the 21st June so I have another week of 'thinking' and 'googling' time. I'm a Dental Nurse and will be starting in the Maxilofacial unit. So being a Dental Nurse should know better! AAfter all I have been doing it for 10 years, have seen oral cancer; however it doesn't stop me from thinking WTF is going on in my throat/chest. It feels so heavy today - like I'm really struggling to breathe? I can't bare it anymore. I just want it to go. I feel sick. Anybody suffer with this? Globus on one side? Please help!!

Neen x

14-06-10, 09:07
Sounds very like by situation Neen only my lump is on the left only - feels like I have a pill or a bit of food stuck there when I swallow. This started at Christmas. I saw the ENT in Feb who stuck camera down throat - found nothing and lump feeling went away. It has been and gone a few times since then accompanied by a very sore neck only on left - think it could be globus/stress? I hope this helps. My "lump" has worried me sick but I try to ignore it now. xx

Electric Blue
14-06-10, 09:13
Wow...I had the exact same thing...I ended up at the ENT and he to stuck a tube down my throat and found nothing.
The lump feeling was on the right side of my throat...and I could not stop swallowing to check if the lump was still there or had gone!

I found when I ate...the feeling would go away...which is a classic sign of Globus!

Anyways, once I went to the ENT and he checked me out I was fine...all the feelings went away...I have been anxious recently and I do feel the lump come back...but I know I've had it checked so I don't worry about it anymore.

If you are having trouble eating or your voice is changing then that would be a sign that something may be wrong.

Otherwise, I'm pretty damn sure its Globus

14-06-10, 10:19
Thanks guys! That has helped. I do get a really stiff neck, like today. It's so sore and the muscles on both sides today feel as though I've done a round with Mike Tyson. I do try and forget about it; however the feeling is always there and I suppose I'm always checking (swallowing) to see if it's there or not there! Catch 22 huh. No horseness, or cough, or pain when swallowing. I'm very 'aware' of swallowing today and that hasn't happened before. It could be down to my weekend though? Also yesterday I felt an attack coming on in the car! Then when I was sitting in the pub eating with in-laws! It's a nighmare. I've put on weight as I keep nibbling to ease the lump feeling. I do exercise and at one point I didn't feel it for a day and half!!! However.....it came back with a vengence this weekend. I'm too scared to keep going back to GP as I know they think I'm nuts. I really wish the ENT appointment was nearer. Anyway I start CBT tomorrow so hopefully, fingers crossed that will help? Thanks again


Electric Blue
14-06-10, 10:44
No horseness, cough or pain when swallowing...definitely nothing wrong my friend.

I know some people put on weight when you're suffering anxiety...I do the completely opposite...I lose weight...and I lose it quickly...and I'm a pretty slim person as it is and I can't really afford to lose weight...otherwise I will become underweight =(

Pain and stiffness in the neck is most likely tension...otherwise you've slept the wrong way or you need a better pillow =P

14-06-10, 10:54
Sounds like something I have. I have a lump on the left side of my neck but it's not there all the time. I can move my head funny or lie down with my head funny and then I will suddenly feel something dislodge in the side of my neck. The pain when swallowing when I have this is so bad that I try not to swallow, I have to cough like a maniac to get the lump (think it's a gland) to pop back in. Then it leave my throat sore for a while. Been happening for 18 years and is terrifying but never told my Dr as I don't want surgery etc.

08-04-11, 20:41
Yes,and don,t panic just had the tests done myself and it was caused by acid reflux,the hospital as prescribed Lansoprazole 30g. for a month.
It is true it feels awfuls and it,s early days but I was so relieved to have the test done.And find it was nothing worse.GOOD LUCK.!!