View Full Version : feeling cold

14-06-10, 09:33
Hey, does anyone else here suffering from anxiety always have cold hands and feet? or do I just have really bad circulation? This has only started happening since I have had a relapse of my anxiety symptoms too, so must be related? (Ive also stopped exercising so that could also be a contributor?)

Its weird that when its warm I am too hot and when its cold I am freezing, I cant seem to temperature regulate! and over the winter when I should have been keeping warm I had to keep cool otherwise I would have a panic attack. I now have chillblains on my toes - it summer! so Im worrying about that a bit, but Im thinking it could just be the result of being hot one minute and cold the next? :shrug:

14-06-10, 15:15
my hands and feet are always cold,even on hot days people comment on how cold my hands are,im on tablets to lower my bp i thought it was that but now im not sure,tense muscles could be the cause also,iwear gloves when i go out for walks,but my feet warm up pretty quickly,so it could be anxiety related.

14-06-10, 15:20
I wouldn't worry about this. I have had this for years. I get cold and hot at silly times, there seems to be no middle ground and everyone always jokes that my internal thermostat is broken. I had this before I was anxious and during. I have very low blood pressure so I've been told it's related to that and poor circulation - I rarely exercise due to low weight. The exercise could be a factor.

My hands and feet are nearly always cold.

17-06-10, 11:43
oh thats good that its not only me then, I can stop worrying now! thanks guys x