View Full Version : being bummed out over weight loss!!

11-02-06, 12:36
Well i seen a friend today i havnt seen in six months and he said man you lost alot of weight i got very upset and sad because iam not tryring to loose weight and iam worry alot about it i have lost 25 pounds since may and havnt been able to put it back on!!Iam 6ft and weigh 165 and iam trying to get back up to 185 pounds now for say if i had somthing bad wouldnt you most likly keep loosing weight?Because i havnt lost anymore i just stay right at 160 to 165 and does axiety make you loose weight real fast then stay stable?i lost mine real fast at first

11-02-06, 12:54
Hi, oh god anxiety made me loose loads of weight, at the beginning of last year i dropped to 8stone 8lbs, horrid. I have put weight on now and am now a respectful 10stone 4lbs[:I].

11-02-06, 13:18
yeah my food just runs right threw me!!!I know its not my colon are stomach doing it because i have had the test to rule that out...

11-02-06, 20:01
Hi Forest

Try to eat small amount often, so maybe smaller meals 6 times a day, rather than the usual 3.

Have you tried something like complan too to help keep your weight up?

It is common to lose a fair bit of weight when anxiety is acute.


"Only yesterday when I was sad and I was lonely
You showed me the way to leave the past and all its tears behind me
Tomorrow may be even brighter than today
Since I threw my sadness away, only yesterday."

12-02-06, 19:22
I dropped from 7stone to 6stone 1lbs when my anxiety was at it's worst. I still struggle to get above 6stone 11lbs these days. I'm hoping once I'm sorted I'll be able to get to a more ideal weight.

(I'm a 5ft 8 bloke so 6st 1 was scary!)

12-02-06, 22:38
Keep focussing on getting better and remember that you need to keep your strength up. Eat little and often and that will probably be the best way forward.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

12-02-06, 23:00
I'm sorry you are having so much trouble keeping weight on.

I have lost 20 pounds since my first panic attack November 2, 2005. I guess for me it's a good thing for me though I was about 30 pounds over weight.

13-02-06, 06:53
I lost a lot of weight too, about 10 kilograms /I don't know how many pounds that is/. I hate it when people make comments on how thin I am and say that I look anorexic. And they tend to do it a lot.

13-02-06, 13:30
loss of appetite (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2585)
weight loss (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5876)
does anybody feel sick or cant eat for days (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4842)
Sorry to bother you again..... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6524)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-02-06, 15:20
I lost weight too right at the begining and it didn't suit me either.

Try to just eat well and healthily and time will sort this problem out for you. It all comes back on as you level out emotionally - believe me!!!!!!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

Ma Larkin
13-02-06, 15:44
I lost tons of weight too Forrest. Took me quite a while to put it back on yet it dropped off in a matter of weeks. I must admit I wasn't really looking after myself, drank too much & skipped meals. I was just so stressed with anxiety & the answer wasn't in alcohol. I'm near enough my regular weight now, still have anxiety but am in more of a routine & spending time trying to look after myself rather than suffering in silence. Hope you can get your head round it. Its quite a shock when we haven't seen someone for a while & we've lost so much weight, everyone automatically assumes its some life threatening disease. Anxiety is to us & people should be more compassionate & stop & think instead of thinking the worst all the time & making us worry even more than we already are.

Take care, Les

14-02-06, 12:48
yeah my weight loss was very fast!!!!with in one month 20 pounds..Then just stopped i have been stable for over six months now i bounch from 161-170 now..Iam not sure if its my ibs being the cause of it but my docs have told me its the acute worry that has done it they tell me to stop weighing my self all the time as well..My mother who has had axiety since i was a little boy she too has lost alot weight again do to stress and worry she would bounce around like a ball with her weight..She tells me she was at her worse at the age iam now of 35 and as well i have other family memebers as well who suffer from axiety as well..I can rember when i was young always in and out of hospitals with my mother all the time..She tells me my son you need to stop your not going to die your very healthy i know because i was once like you at your age and look iam not dead iam still here its all in your head you need to fight this demond head on and when you do it will all come out in the the end but she also told me it will show it self from time to time and trust me you will know what to do then...