View Full Version : Just got up.. already panicking! On my own for week... please help!

14-06-10, 10:26
Hi everyone,

To cut along story short.. iv been on my own since last Wednesday when my mum and dad went away.

Iv been anxious/panicking every day since they left, not slept great and just feeling generally crap an like im slowly loosing it...

My main symptom at the moment is feeling utterly drained! Iv only just got up and had shower, done hair etc and im already knackered!! My legs and arms hurt, my head feels weird.. i just feel completely drained!

Has anyone else felt this way??

I know logically, that itl just be anxiety because iv been anxious every moment since they left 6 days ago.... but my panic brain tells me il ill, im going insane, going to pass out (huge vomit and fainting phobia)

Please help, looking for reassurance, cos at the moment i really dont think i can last till Weds, i think il end up loosing it by then!! xxx

14-06-10, 10:32

You are absolutly fine. As you say, if you think about it logically it is just anxiety! When do your parents get back? Perhaps you could focus on that?

14-06-10, 11:44
They get back Wednesday night... hate being on my own, thats why iv felt so ill since they left! One big panic week blur :blush:

Keep getting these weird head rushes.. so horrible! Cant see an end out of this, but i know there is one.. just gota be strong I guess x

14-06-10, 12:23
It's just the anxiety. I do not like being by myself and my boyfriend will sleep over once in awhile, but my therapist said that in order for me to get better that I have to learn to depend upon myself with my anxiety. I am 56 years old, so before the panic disorder came back I didn't have trouble being by myself. But, with the panic disorder, I feel much more relaxed when there is someone around. I know I have to get over this. I know how hard it is.

Electric Blue
14-06-10, 12:29
Hey Clairy,

Try to do something that you enjoy...I know you're feeling tired so maybe keep it simple....perhaps watch your favourite movie...or try doing some art...or whateva you're into.

It may keep your mind off your anxiety...worst thing about anxiety is sitting there and focusing on it...(and I tend to do that a lot!)
Maybe have a friend come around and stay with you?

I love being on my own...its a chance for me to do what I want without thinking about what others may want to do.

I lived on my own in a 3 bedroom house with my dog for 3 months...then my fiancée moved in and I forgot how much I enjoy being on my own at times.
My sister moved in recently....plus we got another dog so the house is buzzing with life now =P

Only thing I didn't like about being on my own was going to sleep at night...I heard every little sound which would frighten the hell outta me =p

Try thinking of the benefits of being on your own is...you can do/ watch/ eat whateva you want when you want! Without having to get approval off anyone else. =)