View Full Version : Cancer / Weight Gain

14-06-10, 10:36
If someone had cancer, say lung or kidney, would it be possible for them to gain weight if they are taking Citalopram?

14-06-10, 10:48
I would say if you were really ill with cancer you would lose weight no matter what you were taking.I have lost weight which is worrying me.But it says on the symptoms part you can gain or lose weight with anxiety.

Kerry B
14-06-10, 11:07
I would say you would loose weight, Why do you thinks you have Cancer, what symptoms are you experiencing?

14-06-10, 11:44
I try and keep this brief as I can. Not been right since Xmas, started with always wanting to pee and only doing small amounts, constant fullness feeling in bladder and terrible back pains. After constant nagging from my mrs I went to the nurse and it was found that I had blood in my urine - you couldnt tell by looking at it. She said that I probably had a urine infection and gave me antibiotics. Took those for a week, did not feel any better but the blood had gone. Someone said to me that I should not rule out kidney or bladder cancer. I mentioned this to the dr who lauged and said i was too young, im 39. I then started to feel terrible bloating, my right side of the stomach, liver region, was very swollen. Despite going to the Dr with this nagging swollen stomach, continued stomach pain, diahorrea, sweats and lose of appetite I was getting no where,though I had bloods, thyroid, FBC, kidney & liver, all clear. I paid privately to see a specialist who wanted to look at my gallbladder and pancreas. Had an EUS endscopogy and all was well though he put on my notes bilary colic, bile in dudeom. I was told to see him in a weeks time, but he had gone on hols for 2 weeks. When I saw him, he said that there was nothing wrong and he tried denying what he had written on my notes. At this piont I had lost 3.5kgs in a week and could go 24hrs or longer not eating. I was waking at 2 - 4 in the morning to run to the loo with bloody runs. I asked him for a colonoscopogy which he refused saying that I was too young to have any bowel problems. I mentioned that a colleagues daughter had been told the same thing and that she had died a week after having similar symptoms and a 2.5kg tumour removed from her bowel. She was 29. He became quite vexed and at this point I got up and walked out. Spoke to specialist who deals with colon issues and I was booked in within 5 days to have the colonoscopy. All was clear apart from a few small diverticulitus and my colon was in spasm. I carried on but still kept getting the pains and fullness feeling. Went to my GP who prescribed Citalopram and referred me to a counsellor, saying that I was suffering from extreme anxiety, depression and anger, which apart from the anxiety was untrue. Saw the counsellor and was discharged the same day saying there was nothing mentally wrong with me and that my concerns were for the dr to answer and not her. I decided that I could not trust the Dr any longer. When I mentioned that I was begining to get joint pain nd stiffness he laughed and said I will get a chest pain next and think Im having heart attack. so paid to see a professor of urology explain everything to him, said that noone is tooyoung to get cancer and that my urine should had been sent to a lab for testing. had kidney & bladder ultrasound all okay though my bladder was in spasm and again I had bood in the urine. He mentioned IBS to me. The urine was sent to a lab - all clear, andI had a bladder tumour test which was clear.

Since then I returned to the nurse complaining that I still feel rough. Had more bloods done and my CRP was raised. Been told to go back and have it tested again which I have yet to do. The professor had written a report to the dr and mentioned that he totally understood why I was anxious and that I should be taken off the citalopram as in his mind I dont need them. The nurse also read the letters from the other private dr and actually said that the way I had been treated was appalling and that if I wanted to see my records I would have to write in. This F*cker for sure is why I was put on citalopram. I am constantly getting back pain lower and upper between the shoulders, joint pain and shoulder pain, and I have read that this can be a sign of lung cancer. though I have put on 4.5kgs and cannot stop eating whilst on these cits, I feel that I have lost weight around my chest and upper body. My arms are quite weak too and ache if I hold up a paper for too long. I am also getting very tired all the time. I also get a bit breathless when walking up stairs though that could be done to excess weight.

15-06-10, 09:46
Reading various sites I dont think I would put weight on.