View Full Version : Really bad headache woke me up, should I be worried?

14-06-10, 12:01
I went to bed last night with a little bit of a headache but at about 4 in the morning was woken up when it was really painful, like a proper splitting headache. Took some ibuprofen and this morning it feels fine so far, but do you think it's anything to worry about or just a one off headache. In the past I have suffered from migraines but not had one for a while and the headache last night did not feel like a migraine ( no sickness feeling just head pain and neck tightening).

14-06-10, 12:09
Hi Jebdog,
Headaches can occur for so many reason, dehydration, stuffy air, poor eyesight, tight neck muslces. It is very rare a headache is a sign of something serious. See how it goes, but I dont think yo have anything to worry about


14-06-10, 17:22
Thanks Kitty, So far it hasn't returned.

I hate thinking about it really, just one of those things when you have anxiety. Inside you know it could just be a headache, but then you start thinking about 'WHY' am I having this painful headache, it must be serious if it woke me, etc. When really you should just say, yeah that was a headache they happen. Just take ibuprofen if you need it and you'll feel better in a short while.