View Full Version : For those worrying about Lymph Nodes

14-06-10, 12:07
Hi - I am new here but thought I would post what my Dr has just told me incase it helps anyone else.

I have had a small hard Lymph Node on the bottom left of my neck for a few months now, it has worried me for all of this time.

I have spoken with my Dr and she says that it could be there forever and if it was something to worry about it would have 1. shown in my bloods (I had a FBC & a check for inflammation markers) and 2. would have continued growing.

This has put my mind at ease so I promise to stop touching it all of the time and will check it every few months just to check the size.


14-06-10, 12:14
I have had a raised lymph node behind my ear for a few months as well as other symptoms.I had my bloods done a few weeks ago and they were fine and the doctor said if anything was amiss my blood would show something.I am still not well and not reassured by bloods being ok.

14-06-10, 14:51
I have swollen lymph nodes in my neck, groin, chin, back of head, inside of my ear.
My doctor told me he cannot rule it out through blood tests but doesn't think their is anything wrong with me because iv had some of them for 5 years and some of them for as little as 8 months.
But its still very worrying for me because most people can only feel them in one area where as I can feel them all over me :(

14-06-10, 17:11
Lymph nodes can be terrible for causing anxiety. I've never been able to feel any of mine, so I went hysterical when three swelled up on my neck. I'd had an insect bite nearby but never put two and two together because it was such an unusual experience for me, but it was just because of the bite. Then it happened with just one of them on my neck...no bites this time and I freaked out again. It felt huge and I was convinced it was a tumour because there were no others. It ended up getting really sensitive and sore too (thanks to me repeatedly poking it), which only made me panic even more. In the end it went down after a couple of months, so it must have been an infection but I've been able to feel that node ever since.

14-06-10, 18:06
Im not a doctor, but all the stresses we put our bodies through with this constant anxiety will probably lead to lymph nodes becoming larger than they would normally.

15-06-10, 16:04
My three year old son has 2 1 each side of his neck.

we seen the gp today who explained they are ok as they are small (pea-sized) and moveable, he told me to go back every 6weeks to check them and if they get bigger or become stuck and not able to move thats when you should worry, otherwise they are perfectly normal and a response to an infection. hes told me it is possible they will never go and he will have them forever or they could just go - we have to see!!