View Full Version : woke up in middle of night and had a panic

14-06-10, 12:18
Wonder if this happens to other people. I woke up around 4 AM - all I did was sit up in bed some and my pulse started pounding. Got really scared (as my fast pulse is a major part of my panic attack). I did get myself calmed down, but it was really scary. I was kind of having a stressful dream, so not sure if that woke me up or not. I had tapered back on my Ativan yesterday. I was taking .5mg in the morning and .5mg at noon. That is all I take. I cut back the noon one to .25mg. My psychiatrist and a pharmacist had told me I could cut the Ativan entirely if I wanted to because I was on a low dose. I decided to do it more slowly. So, I can't believe it was due to the lower Ativan, as I am still very anxious. I do start work full- time today. I have been working part-time the last couple of weeks so I know I am nervous about that. Also, my Mom's health is not good and I will be going to an appointment with her tomorrow afternoon regarding that which is very stressful. What do you think?

15-06-10, 22:31
You've obviously got alot on your mind at the moment and even though you may not be conciously thinking about it whilst you're asleep... your subconcious is!

I have had night time attacks quite alot and they scare the hell out of me! - id be asleep then suddenly wake up in a huge panic attack! Heart pounding, sweating, shaking, numb everywhere, dry mouth, tingly arms/legs/face, just utter terror! It makes it a whole lot worse when you've just been asleep because when you wake like that suddenly, its hard to know whats going on so its harder to tell yourself its just anxiety/panic!

Try not to worry and focus too much on it because thatl make it worse!

I reckon you've had alot on your mind and its just one of those things! Try and leave that attack in the past and move on - easier said than done i know!

Id continue with the advice your docs have given u regarding your medication - dont let this attack put u off lowering dose xx

15-06-10, 23:06
Thanks for your reply.