View Full Version : back again and really panicking

14-06-10, 13:17
hi guys im back again but this time with a different health worry, it all started a few months ago when a few weeks before my period i would get a brown discharge(sorry tmi) then this month i got it and it gradually turned to blood then my period which the bleeded lasted about 3 weeks, when the doctor did an examination he said i had erosion(cant spell lol) of the cervix which he said was nothing to worry about as i hd my smear in march. But he said that my uterous felt soft on the back and he suspected it to be polips. He has sent me for a scan both ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound, i am going out of my mind with worry as the appointment came through today and i feel sick at the thought, i know they are going to find something i cannot eat or think about anything else(, he obviously felt something or why would he send me, im 30 years old and feel about 50 at the moment, i have got no interest in playing with my kids as all i can think about is how im going to take the news when i go, i also know that they can give you the results there and then and if they dont it probably means they have found something,
sorry to ramble but im so worried
thanks for reading.

14-06-10, 13:39
I can relate to that as i am having hip pain and pain down by my left ovary,diarrhea and fatigue, my periods have gone really light.I went down to my local surgery and the nurse felt my pelvis and and gave me an internal exam and said everything felt normal and she said she would have felt something if i had ovarian cancer.My smears are up to date but i am waiting for a pelvic ultrasound on th 29th.I have scared myself because i googled and it said digestive problems can be ovarian cancer but my doc tried to reassure me she would have felt something and my bloods are ok.

14-06-10, 15:27

Try not to worry too much (easier said than done! I should practice what I preach!) A few years back I was bleeding in between periods and went straight to the doctors, he sent me to the Gynecologist - who did an internal, smear test and gave me a scan of the womb. Turns out I have fibroids (small clusters - look like a bunch of grapes) but not enough to cause concern or to be treated. I had yearly smears. All ok. Im only 26 and had my first smear at about 19-20? You usually don't have them until you're 25. My last one, last year was fine. I do get the brown discharge before and after my period. I have taken myself off of the pill and will never go on it again. I just think it's an unatural thing to do to our bodies that are built to function that way? I was on it for about 8years non stop.

I came off end of Feb this year. Are you on the pill? As missing them a few times can cause this brown discharge? My sister was called back 3 times with abnormal cells; however all is well and she was fine. That region is one thing tjat doesn't seem to worry me. I have been plagued by womens problems down there for so long, for some reason it doesn't bother me. Mine is this lump in my throat; however another story! We won't go there. Have you ever thought about having a full MOT, sexual health check? Not saying you should but they test you for everything and it's a walk in centre. They check from thrush to HIV, you have an internal, smear all sorts. It's a really good thing to do. I don't have different sexual partners - my hubby is enough! You don't need to feel like you're going to be treated like a tart. It's a genuine thing and if you're worried about that area - they are fully trained in helping anxious, worried people. Maybe look into it as well as your GP's? I hope all is well and I wish you luck. God bless

Nina xx