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View Full Version : Still Tired

14-06-10, 14:10
Still tired today, as soon as i woke up i still feel exhausted and weak, my eyes still feel heavy and sore, im really starting to get worried about this now!!. :wacko:

14-06-10, 14:24

Sending big hugs to you :hugs: . Do you have a cold, or a bug. You are fighting to make you feel tired. How long have you felt tired for????

Cheers, xx.

14-06-10, 14:27
Just Over A Week, Now, And It Hasn't Given Me A Break.
Im so chonically Fatigued. Just heavyily tired. As soon
as i woke up today. Tireness. All the time.

14-06-10, 15:29
Tiredness can be a symptom of anxiety. Maybe you havent had that type of anxiety symptom before? I know I have. Grrrr.

Hope you improve soon.


14-06-10, 16:58
It's the anxiety. I have felt like this everyday for 3 years, no energy no matter how much sleep I get, feeling exhausted at the slightest thing, everything aches, the slightest trip out leaves me sleeping for days etc. My Dr says it's common anxiety and not to worry