View Full Version : Can we really have the symptoms of anxiety even when we don't feel anxious?

Natalie x
14-06-10, 15:38
Hi. I just wondered how many of you have anxiety symptoms when you are calm? I have had a headache all day and hoping that it is down to anxiety, but I haven't really felt anxious. Just been worrying about it a tiny bit, but not sure if that will make it worse?

14-06-10, 15:41
Yes i still have symptoms every day even though i dont feel anxious.Headaches,diarrhea,fatigue etc. I still dont believe i have anxiety.

14-06-10, 16:07
every single day,even while meditation and breathing exercises.i guess it takes time to desensitize from anxiety states cos its been 6 months for me(high anxiety that is)

14-06-10, 16:11
Yes I also get symptoms most days even when I dont feel anxious, ive been told even though we dont feel anxious subconciously we actually are.

The last few days ive been suffering from bad headaches and head pains, I wasnt anxious when they started but 3 days later and im still feeling bad and getting confusion as well so now i am feeling anxious!!