View Full Version : woke up in middle of night with panic

14-06-10, 17:47
Wonder if this happens to other people. I woke up around 4 AM - all I did was sit up in bed some and my pulse started pounding. Got really scared (as my fast pulse is a major part of my panic attack). I did get myself calmed down, but it was really scary. I was kind of having a stressful dream, so not sure if that woke me up or not. I had tapered back on my Ativan yesterday. I was taking .5mg in the morning and .5mg at noon. That is all I take. I cut back the noon one to .25mg. My psychiatrist and a pharmacist had told me I could cut the Ativan entirely if I wanted to because I was on a low dose. I decided to do it more slowly. So, I can't believe it was due to the lower Ativan, as I am still very anxious. I do start work full- time today. I have been working part-time the last couple of weeks so I know I am nervous about that. Also, my Mom's health is not good and I will be going to an appointment with her tomorrow afternoon regarding that which is very stressful. What do you think?


14-06-10, 18:18
it happens to me all the time,i wake up breathless and tingly fast heart beat but no thoughts of terror you get with normal panic attacks,i get confused wondering where i am but normally just physical symptoms.i also have loads of bizarre dreams.i wouldnt let it worry you,you maybe have loads and not even realise.

14-06-10, 18:21
hi iv had this so many times it is very scary if iv had a stressful wk i have bad nightmares they seem so real i panic i go red hot cant breath etc etc then i cant stop thinking about them the next day like a ocd i keep going over the night before

15-06-10, 10:00
Ugh I get this some nights, about once a week. I just wake up feeling icky and at the start of a panic attack. So just yuck, and hard beating heart and just a funny head. It's usually when I've had a stressful day, sometimes after a bad dream, just subconcious I think. Or waking up and worrying about it happening so really making it happen myself, lol.

17-06-10, 19:38
I also get this regularly and have a bit of a phobia about bed time, i am scared to go to bed cause I know am gonna wake up in the night and have an episode. with me I waske up and feel tingly and far away and have a sort of visual fuzzy disturbance. I have managed to ward the feelings off by cupping my hands over my face and taking deep breaths for a couple of minutes. My therapist seems to think I hyperventilate in my sleep. Hope this helps, you are not alone x

18-06-10, 00:50