View Full Version : when to call it quits?

11-02-06, 13:29
Well i have been threw a slew of tests and they are not finding anything but my mind keeps thinking they need to do more and maby they are missing somthing...I just had my endoscopy and colonoscopy this wed and all came out will wich rules out any type of cancer in stomach are bowells but i keep telling my gi doctor that isnt my key worry its my liver but when i say that word to him my liver he just smerks at me and says time and time again how many time do i have to tell you there isnt nothing wrong with your liver..How can i get this out of my stupied thick skull of mind that my liver is fine see what keeps me thinking it is the pain i have on the right upper side and bowell problems and brusing easy and the weight loss makes me think the way i think that my liver is doing it and as well the heavy drinking i did in the past but havnt drank in a year...

16-02-06, 16:12
Could you go to a different doctor and just tell them about your pain and ask that they do blood tests? I think they would find something through that ... IF there is something wrong. Is it possible you feel guilt over drinking and now think you are going to "pay for it" so to speak? I can't tell you what is wrong, but I can say that I've had pain in that area and sometimes twitching etc... stress can really take a toll (not in a dangerous way) and affect your digestive system...
I'm sure this is another form of anxiety, but IF your mind could be put at ease by a blood test done by a doctor you trust, it's worth a try, but if it comes back normal, you might need therapy to accept that you are fine and put an end to your second guessing.
Hope this helps and you are doing better soon!

17-02-06, 11:06
Forrest .

Enough is right now

You have been through every test and you are fine. Do not go looking any further.

Maybe you are feeling guilt about your previous habits and feel inside that you should be having troubles but are not.

Upper quadrant pain is common. My partner has had it for 7 years with no damage or diagnosis.
He has some bad days and some better ones but in genreal it exists with him. If your LFTs are ok which yours are then start looking for good in each day and not dwelling on something that may never be explained but is not going to harm you .

Weight loss can be anxiety related.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?