View Full Version : misty eyes

14-06-10, 20:31
Does anyone suffer with misty eyes when suffering anxiety??? I have found that my eyes seem kinda like this lately....just wondered if it was a common symptom??


jaded jean
14-06-10, 20:42
I did when I first started taking cit . Could it be the pregabalin having a similar effect Jo??

16-06-10, 16:53
Hi Jean,

You might be right....just wondered if the anxiety causes it???


16-06-10, 17:52
Hi Jo

I get this and I feel like it is a mist over my eyes, what with the hayfever eyes and this, help!!! Just had it on the train on the way home and I've been on cit for over 8 months now so it must be something to do with the anxiety cos I still feel anxious on the train journey and especially when it is hot on the train.
Jannie x x

16-06-10, 18:42
Hi, Ive had this quite a few times in shops and wondered if it were my glasses being steamed up or my eyes, think its to do with anxiety too though.

16-06-10, 19:36
yep i get it, bloody horrible symptom one of the worst ones, i am not and never had taken any meds, been given the all clear a number of times from the optician so yep its gotta be an anxiety symptom.

16-06-10, 20:32
Thanks all for your replys....helps.


Kerry B
16-06-10, 20:48
Hi I get it as well like blurred vision, and the more worked up I get the longer its lasts, but its pretty scarey, I usual wear my sunglasses when this happends, so you don't nptice it as much