View Full Version : Itchy red bumps lower legs (pic included)

14-06-10, 20:36
Hi there, this has been driving me nuts!!!!!! Had it for about 4 days, been to the chemist and he told that it was an allergic reaction to 'something' my doctor told me the same and prescribed me some Hydrocortisone which I've been using twice a day, today its still there and very itchy : ( so now I have been given some Piriton 3x a day.

My doctor ruled out anything nasty, and said it’s something I've put on my skin, it can only be 3 things.... sunscreen, moisturiser (a new one from the chemist not used it b4) and a new conditioner not used that either (after conditioning my hair in shower it could have ran down my legs and caused the reaction)
The rash only affects my lower legs from knee down!!! Totally weird.

Has anyone else had this or give any further advice.

Thanks x

margaret jones
14-06-10, 20:43
Hi looks like a typical reaction to something ??? i think it will just go and you may not find out what it was hope the cream/ and piriton help the itching

Take Care Maggie

14-06-10, 20:47
Hi Maggie, thanks for your reply, the bumps are hard to see really in that pic, couldn't really take a better one with my phone!! On my camera I took a much better photo and they are more visible.

Yeah I'm sure it will go in time, just soooooo annoying as I'm not 100% sure what caused it : (

14-06-10, 20:48
Have u been sunbathing at all? Could be prickly heat x

14-06-10, 20:53
Hi Sammie, I was sun bathing around the 3rd-4th June, (we had good weather then ;) ) the rash didn't appear until the 9th June!! I did think it might be the sun, but I going crazy trying to think what it could be!

However i'm guessing it might be the moisturiser I used which is about 4 years old!! never used it b4!! And I only put that on my lower legs!

Going home
14-06-10, 21:01
After what you say about the moisturiser, I would say it could be this rather than the sun to be honest.

Anna xxx

14-06-10, 21:15
Thanks Anna, yeah my guess is the moisturiser, it was the spa hydrating body moisturiser from boots, it doesn't give me any ingredients on the back, so have no clue what's in this stuff!! NEVER GONNA TOUCH IT AGAIN!!!

Can anyone recommend a good moisturiser that is skin friendly??

14-06-10, 21:19
Another photo, its not that clear but you can see where the bumps are if you zoom in!!! its the same on both legs!

14-06-10, 21:41
Looks like my daughters legs after she shaves a day or two later. Could it be that.
Coarse leg hair, shaving gel/cream?

14-06-10, 21:50
Hi daybyday, yeah that was another possibility on my list, the doctor ruled it and said it was more allergy reaction than razor burn/rash.

I have had razor rash b4 in the past, but not on my legs!! It certainly doesnt feel like it!

Thanks for yr post : )

14-06-10, 22:17
Looks like we all have narrowed in down to a reaction. You were in the sun, then applied an item. Could be that combo. Sun may have given a slight irritation and then the item applied just reacted together.

Hey we as a group are good. Let's open our own practice. We have the greatest bedside manner of all.:yesyes:

14-06-10, 22:20
Hey Daybyday, hehe I agree ;) Yeah the sun might have inflammed the skin, then adding the moisturiser to it just completely pi**ed it off!!

Especially if I am sensitive to some of the ingredients! I guess it could be a bad combination.

14-06-10, 22:23

Maybe its the stuff you wash your clothes with, like the washing powder or the softner stuff.

All the best,

Chrissy xx

14-06-10, 22:30
Hi there Chrissy, thanks for ur post, I kinda went through everything I've been using including washing powder, I've used the same one for ages and the same fabric softener, so i'm gonna rule that one out......at least for the moment.

All bets are on the moisturiser or a combination of the sun and moisturiser!!

I don't even know if its possible just to develop an allergy!! I mean I have cats (had them all my life, i'm now 34) ...I know people can have allergies towards cat hair!
But I pray thats not the case here!!

14-06-10, 22:41
And remember anxiety causes our body to be more sensitive today than it was a week ago. It stress our immune system, so it may not be firing as good that day.

Wow, we are good here.:D

14-06-10, 23:39
I was on holiday in Spain 2 weeks ago and day 2 woke up with itchy red bumps all down my arms thought it was prickly heat until day 3 when my eyes had swollen up too all I can say is I was using piz buin 1day long suncream and strange bed so I stopped both and it went......spent whole holiday sleeping on the sofa. So if there's no difference in your bed like washing powder then I'd say it's deffinatly suncream or moisturiser too. Calamine lotion though is very soothing.

15-06-10, 00:29

Ahh I see, aww hun, I really hope you get to the bottom of this soon! Like phattgal said above, calamine lotion is very good for rashes, etc. Have a wee try of it maybe.

Take care hun,

Chrissy xxx

15-06-10, 11:30
Hey, thanks for your responses, rash still there, 6 days today :( I'm finding that the Hydrocortisone helps with the itch but is starting to aggravate my skin a little!! Its my second day of the Piriton, and I'm guessing I might need to stay on that for the rest of the week at least, or until the rash starts to go.

I will try the calamine lotion and see if that helps ;)

Thanks guys xxx

15-06-10, 15:01
I had exactly the same rash on my thighs when my anxiety was at its peak! Like you, I thought it was an allergy or a shaving rash... or an irritation from wearing stockings...

Funnily enough, it's disappeared since my anxiety has disappeared. Very, very odd...

15-06-10, 21:34
Hi Marley, I know you can develop skin rashes due to anxiety, but i'm not 100% sure that this is that!! I haven't been particularly anxious lately, well no more than usual ;) a friend of mine today said shaving rash, but I don't think it would have lasted this long, and I've had that b4 in the past.

The rash is still here : ( soooo annoying as it itches and I wanna scratch it!! which is bad!

I've been looking on the internet and its the fragrance in products that cause the reaction, so i'm still gonna go with the moisturiser until my doctor tells me otherwise : )

Thanks again

16-06-10, 23:40
Hi guys, rash still here : ( went to the chemist today spoke to the pharmacist who was brilliant, told me to stop using Hydrocortisone and E45 cream and use Aqueous cream, its sooooo much better. I think the other 2 creams can irritate the inflammed and sensitive skin, hence why its taking so long to go. Still taking Piriton though, thats helps alot.

Just an update ; ) xx

17-06-10, 00:58
Well, it appears to be a mild case of Miliaria Christillina, or more simply heat rash. It is more common in infants and children, but indeed can occur in adults as well and usually encountered during the summer months. It can cause a good deal of discomfort with either itching, burning or both. Areas affected are typically where friction occurs by clothing or within skin folds themselves. Sweating typically exacerbates the discomfort.

Keeping the skin dry is important and any creams that contain oils should be avoided as they tend to further block the sweat glands. Many pharmacies have several brands of prickly heat powders and these tend to work well in both reducing the symptoms and helping to clear the condition. With treatment, it should dissipate within a week to ten days.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

17-06-10, 10:54
When your legs are better, maybe you could do a patch test of the stuff you put on your legs, then it would show if you are allergic to any of it.Was just a thought.

17-06-10, 13:35
Thank you for any responses, RLR, I did think maybe I had heat rash a few people did mention that, but was unsure on how long it lasted, I was always under the impression that heat rash lasted for a few days if that. I've had mine now for about a week, still taking Piriton and only putting on a small amount of Aqeuous cream. Some of it does seem to be going, but in other areas its still itchy and red. I've been wearing jeans and it does aggravate it a little. As mentioned b4 its only below my knees on both legs! which is why I thought it was an allergic reaction to something i'd put on them.

Yes Ddcoo I was intending to do a patch test just to see if anything does come up on it.

Thanks again xx