View Full Version : ignoring health anxiety.........join me!

14-06-10, 23:58
well i really do feel health anxiety has had a lot of fun running riot in my life for a good 5 years solid and a good decade of ocd before that so i promise myself that i will ignore it from now on however scary it is.

I am going to face my fears and recover from this rubbish.

If you are willing to join me this is the thread for you :D

Then each day we should report how we feel on this thread so at least we can support each other as we face or demons head on.

what do i mean by ignoring health anxiety?
I mean not engaging with health anxiety thoughts
Not asking anyone for reassurance including the doctor
Not googling
Not checking for symptoms
Not avoiding social events because you feel depressed

I didnt say it will be easy...........sure i know it wont I have been trying this for like a month and failed miserably but at least if others join me it may be easier.

You may not feel like posting your results on this thread too and i also wont sometimes but lets do our best and see what happens because i honestly cant live like this anymore ...hope you feel the same.

start the experiment:scared15:

15-06-10, 00:32
helooooooooooo.....................anyone out there wanna have a go with me
its like giving up cigarettes its hard to do alone!

15-06-10, 00:48
Ill join you.............begining now. Im going to leave my first post until the morning though because im thankfully feeling quite good tonight

15-06-10, 01:35
i will try to join you in this, mine is a little different but still trying to put negative thoughts to one side and live my life in the here and now, am so sick of anxiety gripping me and wrecking my life, it is time to take action!

15-06-10, 01:50
I'm in!!! :)

15-06-10, 01:59
I really wish I hadn't google sinus problems like night! on my 2nd week and wasn't worried at all until I googled it!
another thing to add is maybe not watch those health shows on discovery. I think they made me worse, as I had way too much info!

15-06-10, 02:47
Sounds like a plan! I'm in too :D I'm gonna try and make this the ONLY thread I read on the Health Anxiety forums lol xx

15-06-10, 03:53
Top stuff! I'm so glad you're being proactive about this!

Best wishes to everyone! I beat the beast, and I bet you all can too!

15-06-10, 17:07
ok guys hope everyone is sticking to the plan because i sure am trying my best!
not feeling too bad to be honest just got the nagging doubts going constantly round my head.........hoping that they will fade out with time.

we all have to learn to deal with the fact that life is really uncertain and trying too hard to make it feel certain actually makes us feel more uncertain........lol

keep up the good work everyone because i swear health anxiety is as addictive as a class A drug!!

16-06-10, 20:38
lol.........that didnt last long slips into some of my habits again today, reassuring myself, stressing out, obsessing about the what ifs. Although I am still highly motivated to beat this anxiety so I have got back on the proverbial horse!

how is everyone else doing?

16-06-10, 22:04
hey randomworry! i am feeling a lot more positive today, i went to the pub and had some lunch with mum in the garden (one of my fears, eating in public places not cooked by me etc), and then also ate some satsuma (another one of my not "safe" foods)... so overall i am quite pleased with how i have got on today. with this we have to take risks that will convince ourselves even if we do the things we fear, we can be OK. what has happened today to make you worry x

16-06-10, 22:26
Hm not doing so well! Thought I had a life threatening disease but was actually just leg ache, I worried I had a heart defect this morning aaaand I panicked over my back hurting earlier. So yeah I've failed for this week but I'm still gonna try hard! Feeling pretty ok at the moment and this is the only thread I've been reading on the HA fourms so theres some positives :D x

16-06-10, 22:27
hi allergyphobia just really angry with myself really because i was checking my neck for lumps a lot before I got really bad anxiety thinking i could control the anxiety. Now im thinking i brought this hell on myself and feel anrgy at myself!

16-06-10, 22:30
im staying positive however it CAN be beaten

16-06-10, 23:22
I was going to post on here last night but oh my did I have a bad one, I was up until 5 this morning in a major panic put a post on another thread and got some support but touch wood im feeling ok again today, my doc told me he is going to give me a number for self-refferal for councelling but there's a 10 week wait so that was a bit dis-heartening. Anyways hope your all good and thanks randomworry this is a great thread-we will beat this together.

17-06-10, 12:09
woke up this morning what iffing...........what if dr missed the 'lump' i saw what if i have undiagnosed neck cancer, will i ever get over health anxiety, should i go back to doctor?, why did i check my neck for lumps?

it has been a hard morning so far although i have committed myself to the therapy now. Im going to use the technique of instead saying what if i have undiagnosed neck cancer saying i might have undiagnosed neck cancer?

this way i will learn to deal with the uncertainty so in effect i will be turning a negative experience into a positive because if i can cope with such uncertainty i will worry less and will be able to cope better with worries in the future. This will be vital because as my therapist said this will not be the last health worry i have and i am pretty sure she is right.........but obviously i hope shes wrong!............lol

17-06-10, 12:10
the funny thing is i can say i might have undiagnosed neck cancer with a smile on my face already so this stuff must work!

17-06-10, 13:01
Hey I'm in! I just posted the thread about going to A&E last night! I mean come on! Some of the poor souls in there - blood gushing from them, little children, vomiting adults, people that are actually going through chemo (no hair, slim etc) and there is me balling my eyes out about this lump in my throat. Which may I add is the bain of my life and scaring the s*&t out of me; however I need to stop googling, stop looking at all mt dental books regarding oral cancer. I wish my ENT appt would hurry up.

I'm in on this group though! I need this fear of dying/cancer etc to stop. I start my new job on Monday, buying a new car Sunday and exchanging contracts on my new house in a few weeks. I'm wasting my life being like this. I'm living/acting as though I'm terminally ill. But why when I don't 'feel' stressed is my throat/muscles having a spasm? Thats what I wa't to know? BUT IM NOT GOING TO GOOGLE TODAY!! Let's all help each other......great post you've started her!!

Nina xxx

17-06-10, 13:47
I'm in!

Today was great when I got up, I didn't feel anxious at all, I still don't feel that anxious I just feel REALLY depressed because of a story my friend told me before about somebody her mother cared for which really scared me and I can't really shift my thoughts.
I was walking around tesco having slight chest pains but most of the time I think they're just muscular, if it was my heart surely it wouldn't go away when I sat comfortably or when I chilled out or when I didn't stand in a certain position/do certain things.
So annoying.
Here's to a better tomorrrow! :DDD Haha. I sayit now then by tomorrow I'll be all poo agian.

17-06-10, 13:50
i think it is important we take each day at a time, even smaller than that, take each HOUR at a time, reading these posts we're always like 'i had a good morning but then...' okay so that day goes back, but you had a good morning! write it down, celebrate it - that's one more good morning than we had before, right? we are too hard on ourselves, everything is about baby steps and by recording the times we feel good i think we can measure our progress, we could keep weekly scores - see who has the best amount of days! :)

17-06-10, 13:51
Also, i think A+E can be a great wake up call. I had to see my consultant on Tuesday at hospital and when i was there i was talking to a man who had COPD. He had a tank of oxygen strapped to his back and a tube up his nose. This really hit home to me that I should stop acting as though I am going to drop dead - these people who really are in a lot of pain and have a lot medically wrong with them do not act like this, they enjoy every day that they have x

17-06-10, 14:17
Also, i think A+E can be a great wake up call. I had to see my consultant on Tuesday at hospital and when i was there i was talking to a man who had COPD. He had a tank of oxygen strapped to his back and a tube up his nose. This really hit home to me that I should stop acting as though I am going to drop dead - these people who really are in a lot of pain and have a lot medically wrong with them do not act like this, they enjoy every day that they have x

How true! That's how I was when I was there! However how is it we can all give each other great advice but cannot take our own? :wacko:

17-06-10, 14:20
Im up for thsi :)

17-06-10, 14:26
i know, i've started to try and take my own advice, it's difficult to swallow though hehe x

17-06-10, 14:29
ALSO i just ate two prawns, another one of my phobia foods, this was about half an hour ago, am a little anxious but not too bad - challenges, challenges! we will WIN! come on guys!! also i think helping each other can help ourselves, too - what do you think?

17-06-10, 14:53
How true! That's how I was when I was there! However how is it we can all give each other great advice but cannot take our own? :wacko:

Thats so true im forever telling people they are ok and not to worry but when I do it myself Im like a rabbit on speed im all over the place:roflmao:

17-06-10, 22:16
the what iffing is driving me mad today i seem to be unsure whether i should get more tests or leave it how it is and focus on cbt how do normal people deal with such thoughts. when is investigations from doctors enough!

Jac 2009
17-06-10, 22:27
Hello there

I'm in too. Ignoring is good. I had a very very back for years until I ignored it and it went away. It's harder with panic attacks but you're right - it can be done. xxx

18-06-10, 00:35
need to get of this certainty obsession rollercoaster............why must i be certain that i am not ill is there really any point it only makes me stressed.............im sure that when i am ill i will know about it!

18-06-10, 00:57
had a beer....got palpitations as I always do......but my head is saying you need a doctor this isnt right.........sounds insane when I wright it down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18-06-10, 07:21
Right. It's a new day and guess what? I made a bloody doctors appointment for today - well the symptoms have changed :-s I think I may have post nasal drip?? Anyway in relationtion to alcohol and palpatations.... I use to drink a red vino as I thought it was helping at the time. Can't touch it now. OMG it makes me feel TERRIBLE the next day. Deep thought and panic, the shakes, have had attacks the next day too. It totally threw me? So that's going to have to be knocked on the head :-( oh well I'll try, do, sell anything to be better, rid of this lump/debris in my throat feeling and anxiety!

N xx

18-06-10, 13:58
i have just been diagnosed with post nasal drip neen - it is HORRIBLE, feel like i constantly need to spit mucus, like something running down my throat - is this the same for you?

18-06-10, 15:22
also neen let us know how you get on! i'm coasting through today, am looking forward to next lot of treatment on monday and getting to the docs for my new medications for my nasal drip... bit anxious but not too much. everybody seems to have gone a bit quiet!

18-06-10, 16:06
also neen let us know how you get on! i'm coasting through today, am looking forward to next lot of treatment on monday and getting to the docs for my new medications for my nasal drip... bit anxious but not too much. everybody seems to have gone a bit quiet!

Right, well. I went to docs.... AGAIN. Saw my nice GP though :yesyes: She had ANOTHER look in my mouth/throat - said the right tonsil looked slightly larger and a bit red. Asked if i were having trouble swallowing - I said yes, asked if my throat was sore - I said yes. Told her about my heartburn yesterday and drinking Gaviston. Also that my chest feels 'itchy/burning' inside. Also mentioned the possible PND? The mucus wasn't there then however. It's only there in the morning and I've only noticed it the last couple of days? I don't want to spit out; however I do feel it slip down sometimes.

I'm more concerned about this lump feeling and burning chest? Anyway it's out of her hands - I know this. It's up to the ENT guys. Appt not until July 9th (soooooo nervous) So today I came out with Amoxicillin and Lansoprazole for heartburn?? We'll see? I had a Lansoprazole and Amoxicillin....all a waiting game now. I really don't want to start my new job on Monday feeling like shit/worried/anxious about my health problems/anxiety :mad: This all makes me angry.

N xx

18-06-10, 16:43
Well heartburn/indigestion can actually cause post nasal drip, sounds like you got a couple of things going on.... heartburn will also cause a 'lump' type sensation and obviously burning... so sounds like these tablets can kick in and hopefully fix all of that... You have to trust in these tabs and rest over the weekend...they will take a good while to kick in x

19-06-10, 00:56
hi guys a couple of minutes ago i have had a sudden shift in thinking. today i have been soo depressed crying and thinking i am never going to overcome my health anxiety. i kept feeling like i have come too far i have ruined myself by over checking my neck for lumps now nothing will reassure me. then i realised what a great opportunity i really have to knock hypochondria on the head.

what do i mean by this? well i am constantly thinking should i go back to the doctors or not? this gives me an opportunity to practice dealing with uncertainty a skill i have been lacking all of my whole life. so i thought i will take this opportunity learn from it, use the power of mindfullness and recover by facing my fear i will keep u all posted on how it goes!

and more importantly i cant describe it but like a light bulb has gone off in my head and i feel kind of happy!

19-06-10, 18:09
today i have been fully proactive and engaged with therapy i am constantly telling myself i might have cancer to lesson the anxiety it is gradually happening!

19-06-10, 19:59
noticed that the more you deliberately start thinking you have your feared illness more rational thoughts drift into your mind like. if i had cancer i would have more symptoms than a lumps or lumps plus you would eventually know about it so why worry etc its quite interesting really.

i love this self experimentation although wish i didnt have to go through health anxiety to find out how the mind works!

heather xx
19-06-10, 21:06
well this week ive been having some headaches by now i would of googled and diagnosed myself with most prob a brain tumor. Ive stayed away from google and its help loads!! ive been telling myself it all down to my anxitey. Ive not had a CBT session for 6 weeks and i was on a downward spiral i was due to have my last one next week but i think i need a couple more just to make sure what im doing when a thought comes into my head. I've just gotta keep telling myself how rare a primary brain tumor is and im only 24 ive gotta live my life and have some fun with my husband and my two gorgeous girls. Somthing these last couple of days has clicked i dont know what it is but its working im feeling so less stressed about everything i think this site has helped me so much and i will be greatfull forever to everyone

19-06-10, 22:02
Just read this thread.. and im in!!
Iv been trying this for the past few weeks but i think iv not put all my effort into it! But i will do now.... with this thread for support, il definitly give it a good go!!

I wish everyone the best... we CAN beat this monster!!

Iv been ok ish today, alittle dizzy but iv kept telling myself all day that theres nothing to worry about... its just anxiety, and anxiety can not harm me! And anyway, why cant i feel dizzy? Nothing bad is going to happen just because i feel alittle dizzy! And it seemed to have worked... its not gone completely but it also hasnt gone worse which it would have if i had continued to panic about this symptom!

Keep going guys, xx

20-06-10, 10:48
Hey! Guess what? I never googled yesterday! At all! I was gardening from 10.00am until 8.30pm!! I had such a great day! My throat was still there. I could feel it as symptoms have changed but I kept forgetting about it! What a wonderful feeling that is! I fell into a deep sleep (without any help from my codine friend) and woke very stiff but happy!!

I use to do so much cardio! I never felt better when I was exercising like that! I'm reading a great spiritual book, start my new job Monday ( am not anxious, as my throat problems take up all my thought) all I'm saying is because my mind was so occupied on something I enjoyed and not worrying about having throat, tonsil and any kind of oral cancer. It doesn't even have to be physical! It can just be something you use to really enjoy? Right now I can really feel the lump in my throat feels like something is stuck but I'm just trying to ignore it...... Peace to you all

N xx

20-06-10, 12:10
Well done Neen! Sounds like you're doing great keep it up! :D

Well I went the doctors on Friday for the first time since my health anxiety started and it really put my mind at ease that I'm not dying! I've been feeling a lot better overall, I still have my "moments" but hey atleast they're not major! :)

I've stopped reading ANY posts on the HA forums apart from this one, won't even look at the titles so I don't find anything new to worry about, aaand I've stopped going in the chat because last few times I went in someone always managed to freak me out lol.

OH I got a pretty bad chest pain the other night and just totally ignored it! So proud of myself! xxx

20-06-10, 12:36
Just a quick stop by to say a big well done to everyone so far! hope everybody is enjoying the sunshine too. i have been doing well over the weekend, i'm looking forward to updating my CBT therapist on how I have been doing. I went out to a BBQ with my friends, although I didnt eat there it was still good to go and then for some drinks afterwards... and today I am off to see a vintage market and keep my mind busy with lots of things! so all in all a good weekend trying to put the anxiety to the back of my mind and not let it win. we have to keep plodding along at what we enjoy, like neen says, don't let it stop you from having those things you have always done and that little bit of "me" time xx

21-06-10, 00:48
darn havn't been coping well today guys keep having thoughts that i may have cancer because of 'lump' i saw when prodding my goitre (enlarged thyroid). Recovery is looking a long way of for me unfortunatley at the moment!

21-06-10, 03:15
haven't posted for few days, had quite a bad one today and tonight hope i can get some sleep and hopefully put a happy post on tomorrow!!

21-06-10, 09:43
Hi guys,

Well done to everyone for trying to beat this!
Dont get too down and beat yourself up if you have bad days.. its bound to happen when we're trying to beat such a massive thing in our lives! If only there was a button to switch to turn the bad thoughts off..

Im doing ok, yesterday i still felt alittle dizzy (well not dizzy, but like i was tipping to one side) but i tried to ignore it and still got on with my day.. my bf rang asking if i wanted to go round and usually i would have said no if i was feeling like that, but i thought 'anxiety says no... so i say yes!' and went... and was fine!!

Woke up again feeling the same, cant get the feeling to stop, its very strange!
Had balance etc checked at docs in past an everything was fine so i KNOW its panic.. so again, im just going to try and ignore it today! Off to the shops now and the sun is out again so might be in garden this afternoon! Distractions Distractions Distractions!! :yesyes:

Hope everyone is doing well, and keep it up! xx

21-06-10, 17:00
Hmm I had a bad couple of days too guys! Suppose we can't expect to be fixed over night though. Had a panic at my dads last night cuz I got a bad chest pain eventhough it was in my right side I still freaked! I've felt weird all day today, like I'm about to have a massive panic attack at any time or something bads gonna happen to me. Wanna run away but I can't run away from myself! Hate that feeling sooo much.

I was dumbbbb earlier and looked on some HA fourm threads and one really freaked me out but thats my own fault really! Jus tryna distract myself til bed time and hope I feel better tomorrow. :(

21-06-10, 20:54
ive also had a bad day today because of my hayfever and cough playing up. BUT IT IS ONE DAY AT A TIME... and we will conquer this awful thing!! :D xxx

22-06-10, 00:54
Well its 12.45pm.. Iv been asleep but woke up having a panic attack...
But im ok - i keep telling myself i am ok, panic can not harm me! All the symptoms i am feeling is a normal response to fear but iv got to tell my body i am not in any danger, therefore dont need to panic an feel these symptoms.
I have a racey heart, im hot, arms/body feel like theyre not mine an im not here, dizzyness, my muscles are so tense and twitchy an i have a horrible sensation in my throat but instead of trawling through other posts checking my symptoms link up to others, im just reading this one - staying positive and telling myself il be fine!
This is my first big panic attack since joining this thread an this is the panic attack i can use to turn things around.... I AM fine, i WILL be ok and panic/anxiety CAN NOT harm me x

22-06-10, 15:56
Okay googling doesn't take me nowhere except nightmares. Worrying if I have something else makes me depressed. Time spent on health anxiety is wasted time. I'm in too. Nice thread lets keep it going.:)

heather xx
23-06-10, 00:01
i nearly failed!! I went onto google and typed in brain tumor symptoms and didnt press search how proud am i of myself!!!!!

23-06-10, 19:33
Well done Heather!! Great step... i know how tempting that 'search' button must have been!!

My days been ok... every little symptom i felt, i told myself its just anxiety and then tried to get on with my day and it worked!

Lets keep it up guys xx

24-06-10, 09:50
Been doin pretty good with not lookin on HA boards sept this and stayin out of chat. Think I overdid it yesterday though, I hadn't exercised in 37 days and I did a fast workout for 36 mins and when I'd finished I got a massive adrenaline crush in my chest!! Never felt it like that before but I guess it's cuz of the lack of exercise and maybe my new tablets too idk. Not payin too much mind to it and I'm slowly improving :D

Keep tellin myself all my symptoms are just anxiety too but I find it hard to ignore as I'm not quite there yet but I hope I will be soon. :) xx

24-06-10, 22:09
not good tonight! had a brilliant day but crashed this evening, firstly it hit my in the shower, a sudden real fear of being alone as my mum is talking of going back to spain next week, then when it came to dinner i started panicking. i haven't fallen into a full blown panic attack though, i am just trying to chill out -- still determined to beat this thing one baby step at a time, and with me it is very much baby steps but i have been trying hard. well done everybody, keep up the good work, i think this thread is the best thread on no more panic ;)

25-06-10, 00:30
Hi everyone
Im having a awful HA time at the moment, Please can I join your group?

25-06-10, 12:04
Welcome tracie x Hope you start to feel better soon - you'll get alot of support on here.

Im also having a horrible time with HA at the moment but we'll get through it.. step by step we'l get back in control!

Still trying to ignore my symptoms, alittle wobble this morning but trying to keep distracted and get on with the day because i know im not ill and i know i'll beat this monster x

25-06-10, 14:58
Hi everyone. I'm going to join too. I've had health anxiety for about four years with a range of worries, all of which I can see with retrospect were ridiculous. My current worries are around sexual health as I am just out of a long-term relationship and finding the possible risks around casual sex very difficult to deal with. I am going to be trying to stay away from the Medhelp messageboards before I start having dreams about Dr Hunter Handsfield (I've seen his profile photo so many times!)..

26-06-10, 23:15
Hi everyone,
Postive thinking does work!!
My whole life has been complicated and would be far too boring for you all if i started to ramble on here, but the last few years have been pure hell thanks to HA. Ive had "missed" beats for years and always ignored them but my mum died of a heart attack 2 years ago at the age of 54 and since then i have been at rock bottom, unable to come to terms with her death for a start....."missed" beats a lot of times a day, i had a ecg, 24 hour monitor & heart scan, i was told all was normal but of course i didnt believe that!!
I was offered anti-d's but also developed a anxiety towards medication and i still have the packet unopened.
developed constant light headedness and weird "zooming" sensations with my head......i also get awful "rushes" that last only seconds but feel like if your on a rollercoaster- that strange feeling in ur stomach- but i get in in my chest and weirdly over my head!!!!
And i now have vertigo!!!
I got to the point i couldnt go to the shop on my own, refused to drive, cried at the drop of a hat, was moody 24/7 and felt like i was someone else.

This site has been a godsend to me and i can honestly say has saved my sanity, i had no idea that other people had the same things as me and it was the only way that i belived my doctor that i was not next in line to drop down and die.

6 weeks ago i was at rock bottom and id had enough......i firmly told myself that i had to get out of this hell and i made a concious decision to totally ignore all the anxiety ( i did buy myself a spray of rescue remedy)
i was working in a hospital kitchen and i hated it, so i applied for a driving job and i got it!!!!
now 4 weeks on, i am managing to drive daily in my new job, i have been taking medication for the vertigo, i have been totally ignoring any missed beats and now i maybe feel one or two a WEEK!!!
I still get the "rushes" of adrenaline but i use the rescue remedy and it does seem to work, i dont know if its a real long term cure or if its all in my mind that its working, but im gonna keep on using it when i need it as I can now go to the shop on my own to get the milk!!!!!

Ignoring my HA was very hard to start with, and its a daily fight to keep it at bay, but its working and im already 50% better than i was 8 weeks ago. Your mind is a really wonderfull thing, oh boy it can mess you up so bad, i just refused to believe that my so very physical symptoms was anxeity and its taken me 2 years to finally start gettin my head round it, but i forced myself to have positive thoughts only during an anxiety attack and its getting easier to tell when i feel one may be coming on and i think my way out of it before it begins..

I miss my mum badly, i dont know how long it will take me to get over her death, i know that i am focusing on her death more than remembering her life! So from now on when i think about her and her death i am going to get a happy memory in there to override the bad one....

Its early days but i know i CAN and Will beat this, i am going to be the one in control from now on!!!!!

sorry for the long post!!

happy thoughts everyone!!!!!!!!!

Linda xxx

heather xx
27-06-10, 07:17
Great post Linda! I have been ignoring my anxitey for a week now and staying totally away from google and its helping so much i feel good!! Apart from half an hour on Friday but it was only half an hour not a few days like im normaly like.
Sorry to hear about your mum btw xxx