View Full Version : Puking again..

15-06-10, 00:57
I started this whole puking thing last year after I went on my first date and got food poisoning. After that, being embarassed, I would puke every time I saw my ex at school. Then I just started worrying about puking in front of people. School became difficult and I just wanted to live on a secluded island where I wouldn't be worried about puking in front of people. Well today I hung out with this boy I have a crush on for the first time, we're just friends and hung out, and I was kind of nervous already thinking I would puke but then as soon as I started to hang out with him I was fine. Then we were pulling up to a store where he wanted to go and I puked and had it in my mouth wanting to get out and hopefully not letting him notice. Well, he did. And a few times after that I puked again and he just asked if I was okay and I said I didn't know what was wrong but I was fine and just tried to laugh it off. But obviously it's definately embarassing and I really want to hang out with this person more as friends but now with what happened, puking is all I'm going to think about. And what scares me the most is that I tried to calm myself down and I still puked..it just makes me think that I can't control it. Should I tell him I have anxiety attacks or what should I do?????

15-06-10, 01:15
I"d be honest with him. Maybe that would help you calm down some and it would be less likely to happen to you.

15-06-10, 12:53
Hmm, I don't know if being honest with him is a good idea, it depends how well you know him, how much you know about him, do you know if you told him he wouldn't be a bit weirded out? I mean, for you it's possibly something that isn't going to be long term if you start trying to deal with it now, maybe you could learn to deal with it before even having to tell him?
If he is a nice guy and you feel you should tell him then just go for it, I'm sure he'd respect your honesty.