View Full Version : Help! Feeling like something is stuck in my throat / esophogus/ towards my back

15-06-10, 01:47

I am new here and came across this forum as I was searching my symptoms. I hope someone can help me.

About a little over a week ago, after I ate lunch, I got the feeling like something was stuck in my throat. It didnt feel like food was stuck, just a discomfort like air was being blocked, or like the feeling I am about to burp but there is no burp coming. I have felt this way constantly, since that time. It doesnt feel any more or less when I eat. I sometimes feel it towards my back, in my upper spine area.

I went to an ENT who referred me to a GI who did an endoscopy. The endoscopy didnt show much and he just figured it was irritation. He gave me an RX for Carafate, which is this thick liquid that is supposed to soothe the esophogus. It hasnt seemed to help me.

This is a constant discomfort that is really affecting my peace of mind now. It is hard to fall asleep, even if I am exhausted, because I am in so much discomfort. I woke up very early today even though I was exhausted, because of this feeling.

During my searches online I have found Laryngopharyngeal Reflux and Globus Hystericus as conditions that seem to portray symptoms that I am feeling. I am going back to my ENT tomorrow to discuss this with him. Hopefully he can do some more tests so I can figure out what this is and get it relieved.

Has anyone ever felt this way? I have suffered from anxiety in the past and I have been through a lot in the past 6 weeks, but I do not have anxiety symptoms (such as heart beating fast, shortness of breath) while I have been feeling this throat discomfort.

Any insight on this would be great.

Thank you!

15-06-10, 08:18
Hi there,

I'm suffering terribly with my throat at the momment. I feel like I have something lodged or debris is stuck on the right side of my throat. Then the next day it will be typical Globus symptoms? It's the bain of my life, affecting my quality of living, I can totally sympathise. I'm still awaiting my appointment with the ENT guys (NHS) and because my GP doesn't think it's anything serious I was referred 'routine' which consequently makes the referral longer.

I have tried everything to get rid of this problem. You say you're not suffering from anxiety at the minute; however you state you've had a tough 6 weeks. You've also suffered in the past with anxiety so you must know what it feels like? Seei was like 'im not anxious or stressed' but I am/I was! We can put ourselves under so much stress and strain - it has to show up pysically somewhere and somehow!

Even months later! After the inintial stress or trauma it can manifest later on. See my throat feels quite tight today. Can slighty feel the debris, its still there. As you guys pay for your doctors you can be seen rather promptly! And if they do all the test and everything is ruled out maybe you have to except you are anxious and this is the way your body wants to deal with it. I hope and pray everything is ok! And you recover speedily! I can only sympathise with this throat problem as it's ruining my life. God bless.

Neen x

15-06-10, 09:11
I'm suffering terribly from anxiety at the moment and been having trouble eating, over last few days felt have trouble swallowing and can feel food going down. Spoke to doctor today and she said this is a very common symptom of anxiety.

15-06-10, 13:05
I too went through a phase where i was convinced that something in my throat was wrong. I thought it would close in and block at any minute, coupled with other times when i thought I had a blockage in there. I finally realised that actually it was all down to anxiety.... No that i am saying this is your problem, but it may be a big proportion of it? I neither suffer from shortness of breath etc, but i know when im in a heightend anxiety state. If the Endoscopy didnt show anything up, it is REALLY unlikely it is something serious. I hope you feel better soon
