View Full Version : Extreme tiredness and feeling like going mad.

15-06-10, 08:28
Does anyone else have this happen to them. I can be feeling fine at night and then suddenly I feel like I have been injected with a drug that makes me feel so tired. Its like being given an anaesthetic. I hate it and never know when its going to happen. Its usually at night when I am watching the tv. Its so sudden. My eyes feel like they wont stay open. I can fight it but its horrible.

Also does anyone have a feeling of going mad in their head. It makes me feel like I want to run about and scream. Itcan feel like pressure in my forehead as well sometimes. Its awful. Is this an anxiety symptom.

Thanks Angie xx

15-06-10, 09:37
Yes i get the extreme tiredness and i always describe it as someone getting a syringe and sucking all my energy out all of a sudden.

heather xx
15-06-10, 09:56
yep getting that at the moment. Have a great night sleep get woken up by my daughter and its like in the afternoon ive done everything i need to do i sit down and im gone. Its fighting a battle with my eyes i know im going to lose.

15-06-10, 23:46
Do we get more tired because we use up more energy with stress and anxiety?
Mine comes and goes throughout the day. I also get it when I get the panicky sort of pressure feeling in my forehead between my eyes which makes me feel like I am going mad.
Angie xx

16-06-10, 21:24
YEAH! I've just been through an emotionally traumatic event and I've noticed this happening lately. I feel drugged up suddenly. It's so weird. I really think it's just burn-out. Your mind is just tired. I have the pressure feeling in my head all of the time too.

17-06-10, 11:33
I'm the same, I always say that I feel as though someone has "pulled my plug out", its just a complete exhaustion, it also makes me feel a bit nauseous.