View Full Version : DVT worries :(

15-06-10, 09:04
I'm trying to stay off the health anxiety forums lately to try and control myself lol but I've had pain all in my left leg for a few days now and it's really starting to bother me. It's like dull and achey and hurts quite a lot especially when I'm sitting down or lying down, doesn't hurt when I walk. Sometimes feels like its burning but when I touch my leg it's cold :wacko:. I keep checking my leg to see if I can see anything but I can't. One of my BIG fears aside from my heart is DVT so this leg pains really really scaring me at the moment, any thoughts or experiences with stuff like this is greatly apriciated! xx

15-06-10, 09:32
i have had this on and off for ages and like you was convinced that it was a clot headed for my brain...:weep: but i went to the doctor and she said that it was purely muscular and that increasing my exercise would help (and it does!!) she also said that my posture was awful and i need to realign it to stop putting pressure on my legs. the burning sensation really bothered me and i got very confused as my leg was cold. i also sometimes have a feeling that there is no blood in my legs if that makes sense but it all comes back to anxiety where you tense your legs without realising it and then they end up in spasms. just remember if it was a clot you would be in agony and it wouldn't stop hurting when you walked from what my nan experienced. hope this helps x

15-06-10, 09:39
Yes that helped lots! Thank you soooo much :) x