View Full Version : Has any tried homeopathy for anxiety/panic attacks?

15-06-10, 11:10
Hi here

I was rushed to hospital last week with terrible palputations, they did an ECG and it was fine so i was sent home. The general feeling is that i suffered a very bad panic attack and my GP has perscribed Beta Blockers. I've never taken them before and would rather not!!!! Sooooo, i'm going to see a homeopathic doctor later this afternoon. Has anyone else gone down the 'natural' route? And has it worked?

Cheers :)

15-06-10, 20:15
Homeopathic remedies are placebos, if they help then great, that's all that matters.

16-06-10, 02:20

Haven't tried it yet only because I was in such hard shape because of lack of sleep I tried something that was suggested to me. SSRI's. (Citalopram) I have been on the meds for 10 weeks and still haven't experienced much relief. Though I have had short term relief with ant-anxiety med ( Lirazopam).
I have been doing a lot of reading about the natural way and supposingly we people suffering with this crap have a difficiency of saratonin From what I've read there are all kinds of natural herbs that will increase saratonin. Gaba, L-theanine My understanding is that GABA is Gamma-Aminobutric Acid. This stuff can be taken in doses of 100 to 800 mcg's per day. yuou can get it in expensive 100 mcg tablets or if you can find a bulk supply placce you can get like 200 times more for the same price. The only thing about this stufff is you have to take a lot to get any benifit. I have not tried this yet but getting close to dropping meds and going for it. I would be very interested in hearing wehat your natriopath has to say. As I have considered the same here in Canada, problem is they are 150.00 per hour.

Google (natural substances for anxiety and depression if a got time before you seee your natriopath, then you'll be prepaired to ask a few questions.

Good luck and if you could I would like to hear how it went for you.

Cheers Ron

16-06-10, 13:30

I tried homeopathy a couple of years ago. I took one tablet which lasted a few months, then went back for another. My anxiety did improve at the same time - I spent more and more time on my own and managed to spend a night on my own, which was something I really feared. I then moved out when my husband and I divorce (long story!) and managed to cope fine on my own. Unfortunately I then went downhill at Christmas, and my anxiety came back with a vengeance. I'm now on medication from the doctors - I was worse than I was before, and to be honest never thought about trying homeopathy again. It may have helped again, who knows, but the medication from the doctors is also doing a marvellous job and I'm loads better.
You've obviously been to see the homeopathist by now, and whatever route you take, I hope it helps :)