View Full Version : Does any one's vision every go weird?

15-06-10, 11:56
Last night I was panicking alot! Id had a funny head ache all day with flashing lights (which is normal for me) It was really late at night and I was so over tired!!
I went to reach to get something and it was like I could see my arm and then my arm again in slow motion! So then I kept waving my arm in front off my eyes and it was like my arm moved but I could see shadows off my arms move in slow motion! Really worrying about this (anxiety has been REALLY HIGH LATELY)

was just wondering if any one else experiences vision problems! thanks every one Dont no where i'd be with out this forum! xxx

15-06-10, 12:03
Blurred vision and generally weird visual disturbances like the one you have described are one of the most common signs of heightened anxiety. Its ur adrenalin playing havoc with your nerve endings in your eyes. Very annoying arent they! I used to get blurred vision and weird shapes in my eyes which had colours on, it was verrrry scary, but an eye exam at hospital and a brain scan was completely normal, and i was told by a neuorologist that it is my nerve endings basically 'standing on end' due to the amount of adrenalin pumping through my brain and every part of my body. Nothing to worry about hunny. Take care, and get some CBT and meds to help you, they saved my life. Good luck x x x

15-06-10, 21:34
Thanks for your reply, that made me feel loads better :) x

15-06-10, 23:01
My eye sight goes nuts from time to time due to anxiety. Sometimes I see lights, shapes, and even feel like I see everything in slow motion sometimes. Even though it's scary, it's just caused by anxiety.

16-06-10, 00:05
No problem x x x