View Full Version : Psychiatrist vs GP

15-06-10, 13:48
Hi All,

Just wondered if anyone has ever seen a Psychiatrist, I think I'd like to see one as I've been fighting anxiety (and the depression) it causes for around 4 years now and don't feel the GP's are particularly good.

Can you ask to be referred from a GP?

Also how much is a session with a private Psychiatrist and if they prescribe can you still get the medication through the NHS?


15-06-10, 18:32

You should be able to get a refferal from your GP if you ask for one, just say you feel it will help you and its what you want, I dont see why they should disagree with that.

If you go private expect to pay £150+ I would say probably, a heck of a lot but worth it in the long run if you feel that it will help you.

15-06-10, 18:45
Hi Jebdog you should be able to get a referral to an NHS psychiatrist but it might be a long wait. I see my psychiatrist privately and he charges £160 for a half an hour. He will write a private prescription which you can pay for or he usually writes to my GP and she writes an NHS one. My husband has private health insurance or the fees can escalate if you are referred for any sort of therapy. Usually people have health insurance and only self pay if they can afford it. This is within the Priory Group and he is a consultant. Initial assessments are more and usually last an hour.

15-06-10, 18:51
Cost, I defer to others there in the UK, as I am in the USA.
I see a psych. now for 10 months, but is not much into therapy. Medication I trust her more than a gp. Wish I could find another person for the counseling that understands anxiety.

15-06-10, 19:22
£160 per half hour?

that is an outrage, i was paying around £70 for an hour.

Are you sure yours isn't a plumber for the other half hour?


i got referred by my GP and was on a waiting list for a bit, i then ended up having weekly appointments for a year, and for me that was almost like blowing a thick layer of dust from a very important instruction manual

i believe i am only just reading the actual manual itself now after 5 years

15-06-10, 19:25

the journey is well worth it !

15-06-10, 19:53
I started with weekly appts. for 3 months then went to about monthly. There was nothing to talk about every week. I'm just a homemaker. Had a couple books, little bit helpful.
Here in the USA session run maybe $80-$200. of course depending on where you go.
Insurance is always a factor as I sure don't have that much to pay myself.

15-06-10, 20:21
I have been referred to a psychiatirist by my GP and have my first appointment next Wednesday. I will comment in time but I believe my GP wants him to help get the meds right.

15-06-10, 21:08
Hi Debdog

After being diagnosed by my GP I was referred to the mental health team & was advised it I would have 6mths wait for a psychiatrist & 12mths for therapy. My GP advised me not to wait so I found a psychologist who I have been seeing weekly for 16mths @ £100 an hour. She has only suggested I see a psychiatrist when I had problems with my meds, as I understand it this is their role, diagnosis & medication.

15-06-10, 21:18
The gp I saw cleared me on his end, and deferred to the psych. for proper meds. if needed. Seems a reasonable gp knows the psych. have a knowledge in that area.

15-06-10, 21:33
Tony, I don't understand. Do you see your psychiatrist through the nhs or private? I didn't think you had to pay through the nhs or have I got that wrong? I think the reason I'd like to see a psychiatrist is that they could (a) give me a proper diagnosis (b) suggest the best course of treatment and (c) they may have dealt with similar cases so be able to advise in that front?

16-06-10, 07:49
Tony it isn't an outrage he is a consultant psychiatrist and that is how much they charge. My hubs has medical insurance anyway. He is worth every penny btw

16-06-10, 12:13
I do agree it is an outrage the prices some private doctors charge and yes they are raking it in, but you have to think of how spending that money going private will benefit you in the long term.

I think your reasons for wanting to see a psychiatrist are very valid, they will be able to diagnose you and then advise on a suitable course of action. I will say however that they probably wont be able to provide you with therapy (you know this already Im sure!) you will have to either go private for that too or he/she might refer you to an NHS mental health team.

I think usually people get reffered from their GP to a psychiatrist, get a diagnosis & meds, then go to a counsellor (or maybe a psychologist) for therapy, however I think a registered clinical psychologist can also make a diagnosis and then provide you with therapy.

anyway thats some info just from my experiences! wishing you well with it all.

16-06-10, 13:55
I saw a few psychiatrists years ago. The first one I saw was great but then they switxched the areas covered by that doc and I got a different one. He wasn't half as good and then changed again and the next one was worse. They never really changed my meds and I gave up with them. I spose it depends n your relationship with them, plus if they are any good in the first place.


16-06-10, 15:40
Hey :)

I see a psychiatrist fortnightly. I do see mine privately, but I was referred to this one a few years ago for severe depression when I was 16, so I wanted to go back to the same one. The one I see charges about $200AU per hour, but we have private health insurance and everyone has medicare here so you get a lot of that cost back. It only ends up being out of pocket about half the amount at most.

I would recommend seeing a psychiatrist as opposed to just working with your gp. That's not to say that gps are incapable, but psychiatrists are trained specifically in matters of mental health and have much more experience with things like anxiety. They also have a better understanding of the medications used to treat such disorders. Whilst gps generally do prescribe the right medications and such psychiatrists generally moniter it more and play with dosage to make sure it's right. Some psychiatrists do incorperate therapy as well. I know with my psychiatrist we spend longer talking about all my worries and problems and addressing them. Many psychiatrists however do not focus on the counselling area nowdays though, that's primarily the area of psychologists now as there's such a demand for mental health specialists.

I don't knwo how the NHS works, but I'm assuming it's like public health here and you have to be on a waiting list? I know some people here wait months to see a psychiatrist. I had to wait a month and I'm on private health insurance and was a previous patient. It's mainly just because there is such a high demand for them.

16-06-10, 19:57
Will probably see my doctor tomorrow and ask to be referred. Today was awful, felt really low and hopeless.
When I was referred for therapy I had to wait roughly 2-3 months which I didn't think was too bad (I'm from birmingham) anyone know roughly how long the wait is for a pdoc?
Also am I guaranteed that the gp will refer me or might he try and fob me off.
Daydreamer, Tony. Elizabeth do you think the experience of seeing a pdoc has helped?
Bubble, what do you do now for your anxiety/depression?

16-06-10, 20:48
Hi Fiona,

Where do you get help now if you don't mind me asking?

What did he diaganose you with and what meds were offered?

How are you getting on now?


17-06-10, 07:29
Dear all my husband pays for my treatment via his medical insurance each month/year. I definitely think that it is worth seeing a psychiatrist. Unfortunately i have been suffering with depression and anxiety for years and have had a lot of treatment both NHS and privately. I have been very ill over the years and have been gratelful of the help I have received. I hope hope that you all get the treatment that you deserve.

17-06-10, 07:56
I know that I will need some sort of care/support for the rest of my life plus medication. In saying that I work part time and belong to three different choirs. I have no resistance to stress and have severe reccurent depression. If I take my meds then I'm usually ok. It has been good to talk to you Tony. I hope that the psychotherapy goes ok. I have had lots in the past. EJ.

17-06-10, 09:43

I do think it would benefit you to see a psychiatrist, if only to put your mind at rest over a proper diagnosis, as there are many forms of anxiety.

You said you've had therapy, can I ask what kind and by whom? was it a cousellor or psychologist?

17-06-10, 12:42
I believe it was a counseller as it was through the nhs. We had six sessions, I believe they were helpful. Jeb.

17-06-10, 13:10
Bubble, what do you do now for your anxiety/depression?

I was just seein g my GP for years which didn't help one bit. Didn't even feel she was encouraging or supporting much. I've just got a referral for the Accessing psychological Therapies team through in 2 weeks and just switched meds to Mirtazapine and upped the dose. Nothing seems to work for me so I am not very hopeful. For me, I doubt seeing a pdoc would help.


17-06-10, 17:28
How long did you have to wait once referred?

I saw a locum today who told me to stick on fluxotine 40mg for a bit longer (been up at 40mg for 3 and a half weeks) and I see a regular doctor in 2 and a half weeks so if I'm feeling no better I can ask to be refered to the pdoc.