View Full Version : Please Read.....Worried about my headaches...:-(

15-06-10, 14:14
Hi Guys

I a getting really scared now and i can not manage to lift myself out of this hole

For the past 10 days i have probably had a headache for 8 of them only one has been really really bad where i just had to sit down and wait for the painkillers to work sometimes i havent took painkillers at all becase it is bearable and others have been in the middle

I feel alot of pressure in my head around the top and especially near my ears like behind my ears and down my neck if that makes sense the pressure is always there at least wen i think about it anyway sometimes it feels like balls of air are moving around my head sometimes i get cold sensations and like my flesh is crawling on my scalp my left side is worse

I have been doctors and they gave me sudafed which to be honest hasnt helped much i am scared to go back what else could it be? i have read alot about tension headaches and it does sound smilar but i am scared i will be sent for tests can anyone help me?


jaded jean
15-06-10, 14:20
It does sound like tension headaches Scared Caz. I used to get them for weeks at a time. I didnt take any painkillers in the end as they were not really touching it. Can you do some muscle relaxation exercise. or try and drop your shoulders as they tend to creep up. I know when I check mine they are by my ears!!. Failing that a lavender bath helps too. Hope it gets better soon xx

15-06-10, 14:30
Hi Jean

Thanks so much for your reply i am really hoping it is tension headaches i am stuck in this cycle of it is it might not be again and i know deep down it wont subside till i go doctors an get some reassurance but i am scared they will refer me to the hospital so that makes me worry makes my head worse and it goes around again it is so draining :huh:

15-06-10, 14:43
Yep I had exactly the same for nearly 2 weeks, it sounds like tension head ache to me, which is what I had. It calmed down when I did. The more I thought about it the worse it got the muscles in my neck, round my ears and over the back and top of my head ached so much. Pain killers will help, ibruprofen as it is a muscle relaxant, and what helped me the most was massaging my neck and head, my bf and mum helped me. If you have noone to give u a massage get online and find someone in your area that does Indian head and shoulder massage. Failing that do it yourself, try to massage your neck a side at a time and put your hands either side of your head spread your fingers out and massage all over your head.
Hope this helps, if it's not different in a couple of weeks go back to your dr but it sounds like you need some relaxation and realeasing the trapped tension that is there. Hope u feel better soon x

16-06-10, 15:25
heya Caz,

I get the exact same pressure feeling in my head, it's absolutely horrible isn't it. I used to get really bad headaches daily as well but they've gotten better as my anxiety has, my head pressure is still there though. Like there's too much air in my head and it's pushing to get out or something. I get it in my face too. My doctor and psychiatrist assures me that it is just muscle tension and is what people call a 'tension headache'. To most people this is an acceptable explanation. My best friend suffers from tension headaches whenever she gets stressed, and it doesn't worry her at all because she doesn't have the anxiety and the 'what if' thoughts that we do. But tension headaches are completely normal and I have no doubt that that is what we are feeling :)

13-07-10, 16:40
Do not worried about that. But I prefer to you suggest that just CT scan of your head and show that report to the surgeon.