View Full Version : So anxious about moles

15-06-10, 14:20
Hi all,

I came across this site on one of many thousands of searches about skin cancer. I used to be so stupid with the sun, using sunbeds and sitting out all the time with no protection. I now am petrified about skin cancer. I am sure it is only a matter of time until i am diagnosed with a melanoma. I went to have a full top to toe check just under a month ago, and it came back that everything is fine, although now i am getting in a state that one may have appeared since. They told me to go once a year, but im wondering if i can go agains soon just to be sure. Does anyone know how long these things take to develop?
I also know i cant continue in the state i'm in. This HA got so bad at the beginning of the year i was worried about everything, going blind, blood clots, heart attacks (im 25). Then the panic attacks started.... Now it is all directed at my skin, to the point i just want to crawl out of it.
What i would really like is some advice how i can control and rationalise this. I find it harder as i know there really is a strong possiblity of me developing a melanoma due to my young stupidness.
Sorry guys, its nice to be able to let out how i feel


15-06-10, 17:25
Hey there KittyR,
I understand how anxious you may be, my mum had malignant melanoma about 6 years ago, she's fine now, but with that plus breast and bowel cancer in the last 4 years in my parents all of which seem to have familial tendancies worry endlessly convinced I'm bound to get at least one of them.
My anxiety has been ridiculously extreme at times, until joining this site last week I never realised how common it seems to be.
By the way I'm anxious my husband is at risk too, it's been in his family and he has many moles, so i sent him to the drs last week infact, the GP was good and suggested taking photos of arms, legs, back etc and storing them on the computer, then taking them again at the end of the year and making comparisons.
Just get to know your moles, understand what are abnormal signs, ABCD etc, then relax! If you know what is normal for you you'll then know if there any changes.
Easy for me to say, but I've got my rational head on right now.

15-06-10, 17:28
hi KittyR i understand how you feel totally. Fear of cancer can be overwhelming but you have to remember you do NOT have melanoma and what is bothering you is the fear of melanoma so to reduce this you have to stop checking for melanoma on your skin if you are, stop googling and stop asking for excessive reassurance.

It is difficult to do but it will reduce you anxiety and overtime it hopefully fade away.

Also dont beat yourself up about what you did in the past that is gone and you have to let it go so you dont get depressed.

Plus you dont know for sure you have a strong possibility of developing melanoma a medical professional has not told you this its just your opinion which is highly likely to be completely wrong!

take care

15-06-10, 20:37
Thanks guys, im going to really try. Everytime i want to google im going to come on here instead! It means a lot that people will take their time out to listen (well read) about how i feel.