View Full Version : Crazier feeling on and around period time???

15-06-10, 15:12
Hi Everyone

Do you like feel crazier(sorry not sure if this is spelt correctly ) on or around, during your period????? What do you do to combat this, or do you just put up with it????.

Cheers. XX

15-06-10, 16:22
I always find exercising helps. It puts your mind somewhere else, and wears you out so you dont have so much energy to be crazy!!


15-06-10, 16:52
Hi Shygirl

I deffo get a bit weird around my period along with the usual snapping crying etc etc i also get a bit forgetfull daydreamy if you know what i mean tired my ibs sometimes kicks off too my tummy feels tender for at least a week before

oh to be a woman :)

15-06-10, 17:12
Oh yes. In fact, leading up to my current feelings of depression and sadness, I had a (rare) period. My periods are very irregular but I sort of knew one was coming due to some familiar symptoms but I didn't put two-and-two together with my mood. I'm sure my face changed I was so down. And I couldn't think straight or concentrate for about a week. Once my period started I got all sorts of additional tummy troubles (blah) but usually... once my period starts I think ohhhh, that's why!!! And then I start to feel better and much happier and more focused. Except this time I didn't - and that's when I pretty much realised that it was depression and not just PMT. (Not that I'm trivialising PMT - it's orrible).