View Full Version : There is a light...

15-06-10, 15:29
Hi all, I apologize in advance for this long post but I just thought I would share some thoughts with you as I have used this forum to allieviate my symptoms very often and feel if I can help anyone then I would love to because I know how horrible and lonely anxiety can be..
Now I'm not going to say that I have found a cure or that anyone will benefit from what I'm saying but it has helped me a little so I thought I would share:yesyes:
Yesterday I was scouring the internet like I always do looking for help and symptoms on my impending madness (my fear of going insane), feeling very lonely and very fragile. And I came across a site I've seen before (I am not saying which one as I do not want anyone to think this a selling technique), which I previously had assumed was bogus as why charge someone to feel well!!! Anyhoo, I managed to get a copy off a friend, and started to read. This all made complete sense! Was it me? Am I a fool? Am I that desperate for help I will believe anything anyone says?? Having talked to several family members and friends it appears not..
I have only read so far into the book for advice and went to bed thinking tomorrow will be a better day.... And so far my day has gone really well (the first in 3-4 weeks):yahoo:
Basically in a nutshell anxiety has never hurt me and I have never stopped breathing or gone mad or any other things I have had a panic attack about, yet I continue to worry, and constantly check how I am feeling.
All the adrenalin I've built up daily by worrying and focusing on the anxiety feelings make everything worse.. And I think oh no its here again, I'm weak, I can't cope, I need help and so on..
So this morning I have prepared a mantra which I am using everytime I get a feeling like this by either saying it aloud or in my head.. The mantra is;

I am ....... ........ and I deserve better,
Today will be a GOOD day,
Fears cause feelings, so feelings are fears,
They can come, but they WILL go,
I deserve peace of mind,
I deserve happiness,
I am ....... ......... and I deserve better.

It seemed at first a bit corny and gimmiky at first, but it really has helped me!! As soon as I get a pain in my chest, I say it, if I worry about sanity I say it, and any other worry that comes to me.
We all feel this way through habitual thought processes' so by conciously telling myself this and then occupying myself with something to do (painting, crossword etc..) this seems to work..
I am going to repost tomorrow with an update of hopefully another good day..
Best wishes to you all
P.S. If anyone has any queries PM me..

15-06-10, 16:01
Sounds like the Linden Method, I read all the way through after borrowing off somebody with similar things to me, the price would've been too much, didn't really help, it was a temporary fix really, it didn't give me any answers it just told me that one day I will be better, was reassuringly at the time but after having read it all about 3 weeks ago nothing has really changed.

Apparently its the Amyglada or something in the brain that causes the anxiety and because we've been so anxious for so long we've set it to a higher level, all we need to do is lower that level by doing things that lower our anxiety.
Easier said than done.