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View Full Version : I've developed a new fear

22-02-04, 19:30
For some reason i've got a new fear, from the blue

It was when i was in my room, asleep (10pm) and i was really shaky, i was thinking ''why aint i sleeping''

after midnight i was experiencing a panic attack, i couldnt get my mum, why wake her at the early hours of the morning, i was shaking like a leaf and i couldnt breath.

i think i now why i have this phobia, i was on my own all the time at school and always had a panic attack then so im scared when im alone, incase i have a p.a.


ps how can i concor it

22-02-04, 22:38
Hiya Jade

I was really terrified of being alone at first and made my hubby stay in or if he was going out I made my mum come round. Sounds daft I know but thats how bad I was.
Till I discovered this amazing thing.....when you are on your own you can....

watch what you want on tv
eat what you want
go to bed if you want
stay in bed if you want
play whatever computer games you want
sing to myself
dance round my living room without someone saying i look daft
have a nice peaceful bath
if im out by myself I can come home when I want without letting anyone down
and most of all.....

Theres no one to see me look daft or fuss round me when im panicking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats why I like being alone rather than with people.

Makes me sound like a right billy no mates - (I do have mates by the way...lol), but just to show you theres loads of good reasons why being alone can be better that not.

love Sarah

keep your chin up Jade, you are doing well matey!!

22-02-04, 23:22
I love being alone too - like sarah says you can do what you want - yippee!!

I do get lonely but then I come on here and there is always someone to talk to.

You will be fine Jade


23-02-04, 18:49
I used to hate being alone too when acute with anxiety.

Now I aim to get back before Gary and welcome his late evenings as it gives me an opportunity to do all the things Sarah so rightly mentions.

When I first split from my ex after 12 years. I bought a side of smoked salmon, several mangoes and a couple of bottles of champagyne and didn't emerge for the whole weekend !!


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

23-02-04, 19:25
cheers guys

sarah- are ya spyin on me, i do those things when i come back from school, lol

i know its good bein on ya own (i sometimes dont mind a few hours alone, in my room) but its when im havin a panic attack and theres no one to help me


23-02-04, 20:14
Hi Jade i have to admit i love being on my own, i do have mates but sometimes, like the others said it is nice to have some quality time to urself, however you neednt worry about always bveing on your own, there are always ppl around to help and support you cause they love and care for you. Wouldnt your mum rather you woke her up than lay awake suffering in silence, my mum told me she would wen i was experiencing pain in my leg. At school there are ppl to help so at home your parents can help.

Best of luck, take care


Positive thinking is the key to success!

23-02-04, 20:42
i think its rude to wake my parents up because im panicing. they wont do anything anyway

23-02-04, 21:39
Hiya Jade

Think of it this way, if your parents cant help you when you panic, then you wont become reliant on them to help you, therefore you can conquer this all on your own and be proud of yourself.
I had my mum and husband to rely on and in the long run it didnt help, I became dependant and couldnt do stuff on my own for ages.
Always try and turn things into positives (I learnt this in my hypnotherapy tonight...lol).

love Sarah

24-02-04, 11:57
I love being alone for all the reasons above!! but I did go through a phase when I hated it and my partner had to take time off work I was so terrified, in the end i had to tell him to go back to work as I needed to get over the fear!!

Sarah I agree. if you start using something as a 'crutch' it is very difficult to let go of the 'crutch'!!

if you can go without these crutches things will be easier in the long run as you won't have to give up your 'crutch'

There is nothing wrong with 'crutches'if u really really need it but in my opinion you should try and not have any!!!

(god how many times have I said crutch!!)

Jade - pls remember your parents are in the next room if you really need them and take comfort from that!


26-02-04, 19:16
i just cant enter a room when my mum is enjoyin her self and then spoil it sayin 'im scared' or 'im havin a panic attack', its just really hard for me, really it is.

my dad said sumot really horrible to me. i was askin him if i could ask him sumot, he said 'what untill iv sat down, you should try exercisin like i do(he had done a lap on his bike around the block)' i was horrified, i had swam 20 lenghts today (thats good for my back problem) and walkin over a mile around town, isnt that enough, dad, i have a bloody back problem, havent ya noticed (this is what i was thinkin to myself, if only i shouted it out), i cant ride a bike, i cant do cross country, i cant do most of sport stuff, i never talked to him since ( an hour now)


28-02-04, 23:48
My mother has a problem similar to yours she cannot be alone even if she thinks shes alone she will totally flip, I missed my senior prom because thier was no one to baby sit her!
I have a problem with traveling, for years i have avoided going anywere more than 30 minutes away from home. What kind of sence does that make? well it doesnt make any sense really.just like having to have someone with you all the time doesnt make since. Regardless,the panic is thier,so what do you do to get over it? For me I have to face my fear, thier is simply no way around it.
I belive that for myself like most, a panic attack is the fear of fear.For instance you Jade lye in your room at night you grow afraid because your alone and then more afraid because your afraid. Before long you feel like your going to die, your heart is going to exsplode ect....
It is important for you to know and remember that a panic attack is physically harmless it will not kill you,heck it might even burn a few calories.
I would encorage you to face your fear as i am now. i will admit that it scares the begisus out of me but getting back home knowing that ive conqured my fear is a great feeling and liberating.

Well good luck youl be fine

29-02-04, 02:04
I used to hate being on my own. Steve couldn't leave me for more than an hour, and I would freak out.
Now I'm getting used to it, and it isn't so bad.

Find something to keep you busy, try reading, listening to talk radio or using the quiet time to practice relaxing.

I agree with DC about panic burning off your calories, I've lost 4 stone from all those months of being a panic loving sofa monster!

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

29-02-04, 08:56
Im starting to ignore my phobia. Ive managed to be on my own for 7 hours with my 7yrd bro whilst my parents where at work. nearly freaked out, but im fine now


29-02-04, 19:22

Well done to you - keep at it ok?


29-02-04, 19:35
tomorrow im gonna be on my own for about 2 or 3 hours coz my parents work so when i come bac from school im gonna be alone, sob sob

29-02-04, 20:30

You will be ok won't you?

Take the time to do some girlie things - play your music loud and have some fun ok?


29-02-04, 20:32
yeah, MUM, lol

29-02-04, 21:54
Lol Jade

We like to look after you here !


01-03-04, 19:45
iv found out the name of the phobia iv had for ages


a fear of school


02-03-04, 11:51
My god there is a name for everything isn't there!!

Liz - Did you ever regain your weight (or some of it) when you started to get better as I am still losing it (just under 8 stone and 5ft 8.5inces)


15-03-06, 20:00
Hi Jade, I am new to this site but you seem to be doing well, acceptance is a massive thing and difficult to accept when you are feeling panicky..

If you feel anxious at night on your own, maybe try and read or make a hot drink..

I feel it too and I understand totally, you seem to enjoy going to Greece tho, I am very afraid of going abroad as I had a bad time in Greece with anxiety, could not relax at all especially at night... Had the radio on which helped a bit but I thought I was going mad..

Nice to hear you enjoy it
Take Care Maxxie x