View Full Version : medications for anxiety

15-06-10, 16:06
i really don't feel ssri is working for me and my main problem is anxiety

i believe they are to different things in my case as having anxiety,panic attacks is the only thing that has made me depressed

so i wondered where there any drugs more aimed at treating this

i mentioned buspirone to my gp but i dnt feel he has any idea about anxiety.

thank you

16-06-10, 20:18
How many ssri have you tried? There are the other classes of antidepressants (tca/Maoi) maoi are not very often prescribed as they have a lot of side effects and strict diet restrictions. Tcas are used sometimes and you can see some peoples experiences on this site. You also have SNRI drugs like effexor and cymbalta and also another class remeron. You mention buspar, there is also trazodone which can help.

Then you've got the beta blockers which help with the physical symptoms of anxiety. Benzo's are rarely prescribed anymore, the only one the might be is diazepam and even then you'll get it short term. Sometimes you might be given an anti-psychotic drug as at low doses these can help anxiety.

16-06-10, 21:24
ive tried citaopram and escitalopram for around 3/4 months if i didnt have the anxiety i really would not be depressed.

16-06-10, 21:34
Same as me davelee I'm convinced that the depression is a result of the anxiety. The anxiety kills my stomach I'm constantly worried about my own condition and the anxiety itself this I believe makes me depressed and so the cycle begins. If the two ssri you've tried so far haven't helped maybe switch to something else. The two you have tried are very similar drugs anyway so maybe another like paroxetine or seraltine. Venflaxetine, mitrazlepine or duloxetine are also options.

17-06-10, 00:05
Hi Davey...Not everyone can take SSRI's I can't, so my Doc put me on Lexotan for my anxiety and panic.All I know is this wonderfull little pill has helped me deal with it,maybe ask your doc to give it a go,it is worth atry.
Rhonda x

17-06-10, 01:05
Here in the USA I am on a benzo. low dose. I can do the side effects of SSRIs and they make me numb to the issues I need to face. The benzo. calms me enough to think.

17-06-10, 16:30
im just so sick of this now i really am every time i try to explain to them its the anxiety they just always blame the depression its al the same they say basicly but if i didnt have anxiety attacks i wouldent be depressed so i dont get it

02-07-10, 11:54
Hi Davelee

I also get depressed as a result of my anxiety. Anti-depressants are a main treatment for anxiety, even though it sounds like they only work on depression. The neurotransmitter serotonin (as well as others) is implicated in both anxiety and depression - which is why it works on both illnesses.

I personally found Seroxat and sertraline to be the most effective SSRIs for panic/anxiety. Seroxat is specifically prescribed for panic disorder. There are also tricyclics and SNRIs (like Effexor) to try. Unfortunately, docs in the UK don't like prescribing benzos for long term use.


02-07-10, 13:14
i am currently taking mirtazapine 30mg first week into it and have felt like a spaceman literately have no control of my arms and legs and had a huge panic attack yesterday so have now come down to 15mg gna give this a week then decide to cut down again or go back up.


02-07-10, 16:55
The trouble is that anxiety meds are addictive. The on ementioned here - Lexotan is a benzo = addictive. I was once addicted to large amounts of Clonezepam - a benzo.

I share your problem Dave. I was left untreated for some years due to my denial and my GP saying she didn't think I was depressed - i.e. it's anxiety. I don't find meds help me much. Maybe my anxiety is too bad and I need a major tranquilliser? At the momwnt I too am on 30mg Mirtazepine. First time I tried that one. It hasn't made me sleepy at all but I am only into my 2nd week of 30mgs. I am definitely depressed atm though. Time will tell.