View Full Version : Does anyone know what this is??

15-06-10, 16:22
I keep having these strange episodes and i dont know what to think of them, sometimes it lasts a few minutes, other times it can be hours.
I feel like my head is so heavy that it will fall off of my shoulders, and inside my head feels weird its almost like i can feel my brain working too fast!
I feel really floaty like my whole body has lost feeling and i've become just air!
My insides feel like they are shaking almost similar to the feeling you get when you have to much caffine asnd my ears suddenly seem to ring and fill up like i've gone deaf!, I see little flickers of light out of the corners of my eyes too.
When all of this happens i get a gut feeling, that at anytime something is going to happen to me. i get a strange feeling from my toes all the way to my head, and i think everytime that once it reaches my head that i'll pass out / have a seizure!

I've seen my gp and had so many blood tests and im scared to go back because i think the doctor is probably getting fed up of me when she tells me its anxiety and dont beleive her.. :(

Does this HONESTLY sound like anxiety?

15-06-10, 16:29
oh and during thse episodes i dont get a racing heart or short of breath - but sometimes my chest can feel a little tight afterwards.

jaded jean
15-06-10, 16:48
Hu Keeltyt.
I think you will find that it could be anxiety as it does manifest itself in so many ways, It is a nuisance as you can feel differently each time you have these 'episodes'.all I can suggest is that you try to take focus on something to take your mind off these feelings. be it a book or doing puzzles anything that will distract you. You will get other advice off other members so I hope this helps a little.
Take care,Jean

15-06-10, 16:52
Sounds like it could be low blood pressure.
When I've had it bad sometimes I feel like my whole body is drained of blood, my head gets heavy, I feel sick, dizzy, my ears go deaf briefly for some reason, my eyes go white.

15-06-10, 17:22
Thank u for the replies, i don't think it's to do with my blood pressure as whenever i feel like it i check my own blood pressure and it's in normal range and doctor also checked it when i once went feeling like it x

15-06-10, 18:20

Iv had this.. and its just anxiety! Its weird what your body can do without us telling it to!

I get the head pressure thing and i get the deaf ears.. feels like such pressure building up inside my head and making my ears blocked, its a horrible feeling!

I also get the thing u described where you get a weird sensation that rushes over your body from feet to head... iv had that come on all of a sudden and thought if i didnt escape wherever i was.. something awful would happen!! (obviously nothing has because anxiety cant hurt u)

Even when i dont feel anxious i get some of these symptoms, because your subconcious if just as powerful as your concious mind and can make these symptoms happen without u even realising whats going on!

I too have taken many years to actually believe this is just anxiety, but the symptoms are so incredibly strong that there must be another reason.. but nope, plain annoying Anxiety!!

Hope u find some reassurance in the fact you're not the only one,xx

15-06-10, 18:21
because** the symptoms are so incredibly strong x